Propos d'un boétien dogmatique (original) (raw)

an interview by A. Wald Lasowski in Pensées pour le nouveau siècle, Paris Fayard 2008

Lettre à propos du de consolation philosophiae de Boèce

Cette œuvre de Boèce, la plus connue, ne propose pas une solution philosophique à la question philosophique qu'elle se pose, mais une solution théologique. On commet une errerur partielle en rangeant Boèce parmi les philosophes.

L'émoi des mots. Propos liminaires sur le féodal*

L'Atelier du CRH, 2023

For more than a century, the feudal* was at the center of medieval science and at the heart of the interpretation of medieval societies. This centrality has been accompanied by multiple contrasting emotions expressed by historians about these notions and terms, more or less vague, more or less well defined. These very surprising emotions appear regularly in the writings of medievalists, and analyzed from a historiographical point of view, encourage us to tell another story of feudal*, that of the echoes that these words resound. It is not a question of deciding in the specialists’ controversies, it is then a question of trying to apprehend in a renewed way some of these multiple and complex scientific debates (feudal transformation, nominalist criticism, Marxist feudalism) to understand its academic and ideological issues. The feudal* poses important epistemological questions, particularly regarding to the relationship of historians with words, with their own discourses and their alleged theories. The quasi-disappearance of feudal* observed in recent decades is endless, and we must wonder both about the reasons for this abandonment and the meaning of what is resisting in it.

Le falsificationnisme dogmatique

Le falsificationnisme dogmatique accepte la falsifiabilité de toutes les théories scientifiques sans réserve, mais conserve une base empirique infaillible. Il est strictement empirique sans être inductif : il nie que la certitude de la base empirique puisse être transmise aux théories. Ainsi, le falsificationnisme dogmatique est donc la marque de justification la plus faible. Le signe distinctif de la falsification dogmatique est la reconnaissance du fait que toutes les théories sont également conjecturales. La science ne peut prouver aucune théorie, mais elle peut les rejeter. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26963.32807


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