Effect of an unstable shoe construction on lower extremity gait characteristics (original) (raw)
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Unstable shoes: functional concepts and scientific evidence
Footwear Science, 2012
The purpose of this study was to discuss (a) the conceptual idea behind unstable footwear and (b) the validity and scientific support of some selected claims made with respect to unstable shoes. The concept is that unstable shoes are built to provide a training device that uses instability as a strategy to train and strengthen muscles in the human locomotor system. Specific claims are: (1) evidence shows that unstable shoes currently on the market produce a substantial and significant increase in instability. The effects are most evident during standing but are also apparent in walking.
Gait Biomechanics of a Second Generation Unstable Shoe
Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 2014
The recent popularity of unstable shoes has sparked much interest in the efficacy of the shoe design. Anecdotal evidence suggests that earlier designs appear bulky and less aesthetically appealing for everyday use. The purpose of this study was to examine effects of a second generation unstable shoe on center of pressure (COP), ground reaction force (GRF), kinematics, and kinetics of the ankle joint during level walking at normal and fast speeds. In addition, findings were compared with results from the first generation shoe. Fourteen healthy males performed five successful level walking trials in four testing conditions: walking in unstable and control shoes at normal (1.3 m/s) and fast (1.8 m/s) speeds. The unstable shoe resulted in an increase in mediolateral COP displacement, first peak vertical GRF loading rate, braking GRF, ankle eversion range of motion (ROM), and inversion moment; as well as a decrease in anteroposterior COP displacement, second peak vertical GRF, ankle plantarflexion ROM, and dorsiflexion moment. Only minor differences were found between the shoe generations. Results of the generational comparisons suggest that the lower-profile second generation shoe may be as effective at achieving the desired unstable effects while promoting a smoother transition from heel contact through toe off compared with the first generation shoe.
The effects of various types of shoe on lower extremity during walking
The Japanese journal of ergonomics, 2008
The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effects of various types of shoe on lower extremities during walking. In this experiment, normal walking shoe, unstable shoe (Masai Barefoot Technology, MBT), newly developed shoe of heel for cushion (BOSS Corps., Korea) were compared. Three-dimensional motion analysis techniques were used to acquire kinematic and kinetic data. Six Falcon high speed digital motion capture cameras (Motion Analysis Corp. Santa Rosa, CA USA) and two force plates (AMTI, Inc., MA, USA) were used. Variables for analysis were joint angles (range of motion, angle trajectory), joint moments for each gait event and ground reaction force (loading rate/decay rate, max vertical ground reaction force). The results showed that there were different effects of types of shoe on lower extremity. Joint angle trajectory of ankle, joint range of motion (ROM) of hip, peak force, and ankle joint moment were significantly different among shoe types. MBT provided deceased joint loading. Newly developed shoe of heel for cushion provided deceased impelling force and loading rate. To clarify this result, further study is necessary to add several variables: EMG, long-term effects and upper body motion.
Footwear Science, 2012
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Footwear Science, 2011
condition compared to all others except for the other footwear condition (p 5 0.001). While peak AJC eversion angle was greater for both footwear conditions, TIR was less when running in footwear (p 5 0.001). The peak eversion findings may be related to rearfoot motion being over estimated due to tracking the heel counter and not the foot for footwear conditions (Stacoff et al. 1992). The thigh segment angle at TD and peak TIR supported adjustments being made due to mode of cushioning. Conclusion Both magnitude of cushioning and mode of cushioning affected kinematics while running. Kinematic adaptations while running barefoot versus running shod are not solely due to cushioning differences.
The influence of running shoes on the biomechanics of the foot and lower limb
Running shoes are designed to reduce injury risk and enhance performance. In line with traditional running injury paradigms running shoes aim to reduce the magnitude and/or rate of foot motion and impact loading. While numerous studies have explored the influence of different shoe modifications upon these parameters, limited work has explored how different types of conventional running shoe influence foot and lower limb kinematics. Therefore the overarching aim of this thesis was to determine the influence of different types of running shoe on shod foot and lower limb motion during running. Twenty-eight active males (26 ± 7years, 1.77 ± 0.05m, 79 ± 9kg) participated in the main phase of testing. Participants ran in three types of running shoe (motion control, neutral and cushioned) at a self-selected pace, on a treadmill. Three-dimensional lower limb and inter-segmental foot kinematics were calculated from the position of retro-reflective markers tracked by a VICON motion analysis s...
The influence of footwear on walking biomechanics in individuals with chronic ankle instability
PLOS ONE, 2020
Background/Purpose The effects of footwear on the walking kinematics, kinetics and electromyography (EMG) of individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI) at different speeds are still unknown. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the kinematic, kinetic and electromyography differences between shod and barefoot walking at comfortable (CW) and fast (FW) speeds in individuals with CAI. Methods Twenty-one individuals with CAI walked on a 5-meter walkway shod and barefoot at CW and FW speeds. A force plate was used to record the ground reaction forces, a 3-D motion analysis system to record the lower limb kinematics and a surface EMG system to collect the gluteus medius, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius lateralis, gastrocnemius medialis, peroneus longus and tibialis anterior muscles activity. The dependent variables were ankle and knee angles and moments and normalized muscle activity. The shod and barefoot data during CW and FW were compared using a one-dimensional non-parametric mapping analysis. Results The main results of this study were that individuals with CAI exhibited more ankle dorsiflexion angle, knee extension and tibialis anterior muscle activation during the beginning of the stance phase during shod compared to barefoot walking. Also, the biomechanical effects of shoes are similar during walking at FW and CW. Conclusion The biomechanical deficits associated with CAI were partly attenuated during the shod compared to the barefoot condition and these effects were similar at CW and FW. These findings are compatible with the concept that locomotor interventions using suitable shoes may enhance gait abilities in individuals with CAI.
The Influence of Motion Control, Neutral, and Cushioned Running Shoes on Lower Limb Kinematics
Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 2019
To-date there is a paucity of information about how different types of conventional running shoes influence lower limb kinematics. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of motion control, neutral and cushioned running shoes upon lower limb kinematics. Twentyeight active males completed one test session running in standardised motion control, neutral and cushioned running shoes, on a treadmill at a self-selected pace (2.9 ± 0.6 m.s-1). Kinematic data were collected using a VICON motion analysis system with hip, knee and ankle joint angles calculated. Discrete parameters associated with stance phase kinematics were compared between footwear conditions. Significant (p < .05) differences in knee flexion and internal rotation at toe off, and knee adduction range of motion were reported between footwear conditions. Significant (p < .05) differences in ankle joint dorsi-flexion and adduction upon initial contact, peak dorsi-flexion, eversion and abduction, and inversion at toe off were reported between footwear conditions. The influence of motion control, neutral and cushioned running shoes on joint function dissipates moving proximally, with larger changes reported at the ankle compared to knee and hip joints. While significant differences were reported between footwear conditions, these changes were of a small magnitude and effect size.
The effect of high-heeled shoe design on lower extremity kinetics, kinematics, and electromyography
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2012
Many studies have investigated the differences in gait patterns with increasing heel height. The purpose of this study was to study the differences in gait patterns when wearing two high-heeled shoes (9 cm) deigns versus barefoot. Changes in lower extremity kinetics, kinematics and integrated electromyography (IEMG) were explored on 15 female college students (19-31 years). Increased vertical ground reaction forces during both early and late stance were recorded when wearing high-heeled shoes. Also, an increase in the IEMG values of soleus and lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscles were noted during stance, while medial head of the gastrocnemius EMG values decreased in both types of high-heeled shoes. IEMG of tibialis anterior was also decreased throughout swing phase due to more plantar flexed foot position.