Caractérisation archéométrique des amphores vinaires produites dans l’atelier du Barri Antic (Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelone, Espagne) (original) (raw)

L’atelier de production d’amphores et de céramiques d’époque romaine d’El Vila-sec (Alcover, Tarragona, Catalunya) (Sous la direction de Stéphane MAUNÉ, Fabrice BIGOT et Séverine CORBEEL). Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise, 50-51 - 2017-2018.


A pottery production centre, covering an area of 2300 m2, has been discovered at Vila-sec (Tarragona). The excavation revealed four distinct successive phases, starting between the reigns of Tiberius and Claudius and ending at to the end of the 2nd/beginning of 3rd century AD. A total of twelve kilns of different types, six tanks for clay decantation, a pit used to work the clay, pipelines made of tegulae, and four buildings used for amphorae and pottery production were found on site. The recovered finds shows that the workshop of Vila-sec produced building materials, pondera, coarse wares, oil lamps, Spanish samian imitation ware, fine wares, and Dressel 2 amphorae (including evolved Dressel 2 types).

L'évolution du timbrage sur amphores vinaires italiques aux IIe et Ier s. av. J.-C. à partir du corpus toulousain

Le corpus établi pour une thèse soutenue en 2002 réunissait près de 670 estampilles provenant des fouilles anciennes dont 570 sur amphores vinaires italiques ce qui en fait le plus important répertoire de références pour le bassin méditerranéen. La révision de la chronologie des contextes de découverte entamée lors de l'ACR « Toulouse gauloise » ainsi que de la typochronologie ont permis de proposer un schéma évolutif des courants commerciaux entre les côtes tyrrhéniennes de l'Italie et l'isthme gaulois durant les deux derniers siècles avant notre ère. Les fouilles d'archéologie préventive menées par l'InrAP dans le quartier saint-roch et sur l'oppidum de Vieille-Toulouse depuis le début des années 2000 ont fait augmenter de près de 20 % ce corpus avec la particularité de fournir des contextes stratigraphiques sûrs. Cette masse de matériel permet une approche statistique objective afin de proposer une évolution chronologique du timbrage.

Amphores tardo-antiques fabriquées sur le Littoral Sud de la Région De Murcie (Espagne)

Studies in Ancient Art and Civilisation

The natural riches of the Murcia Region in Spain were of interest to Phoenician sailors. In the Bahía de Mazarrón, unique Fencian ships were found. Apart from metal ores and alumina, the southern coast of Murcia abounded in fish processing establishments, which took on special importance since the 4th century AD. And for this reason workshops for the production of containers called spatheia were set up on the coast. Particularly active were the workshops of Puerto de Mazarrón, La Azohía, El Mojón, Águilas. The article presents a study of amphorae from these workshops found in Bahía de Mazarrón. They are stored in the Museo Arqueológico in Murcia and the Municipal Museum Factoría Romana de Salazones in Puerto de Mazarrón, where the author conducted her research.

DELBEY, Th., QUEVEDO A. y LAUBENHEIMMER, F. (2015) – Amphores vinaires Gauloise 4 de Narbonnaise (France) exportées à Carthagène (Espagne) ? Analyse statistique exploratoire multidimensionnelle de données géochimiques, Archeosciences, 39, p. 185-199.

Strength of wine trade during early Roman Empire is evidenced by the wide geographical distribution of Gauloise 4 amphorae crafted in Narbonnensis area. Extension of that trade to Iberian Peninsula has previously been recorded, but remains very poorly understood. Recent discovery in Cartagena of several pottery sherds closely similar to Gaulish productions led us to investigate their provenance. Eight different amphorae sherds were analyzed using X-ray fluorescence and compared to a solid database of more than 700 amphorae samples produced in south of France. Data was then analyzed by a hybrid clustering method combining Principal component analysis and Dynamic cloud algorithms derived from K-means method. Results were subsequently validated with a Factorial discriminant analysis associated to a cross-validation method. The very high probability of attribution we obtained allowed us to conclude that at least five of the eight samples were produced in workshops located in the Narbonnensis area.