Гърбов, Д. 2015: Римски и ранновизантийски селищни модели в долината на Средна Струма (II в. пр. Хр. - VII в. сл. Хр.) - АВТОРЕФЕРАТ (original) (raw)
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"Селищна археология", Годишник на Департамент "Археология", т. VII (Ed. D. Garbov) Sofia 2012, pp. 173-186, 2012
Предложената публикация е реакция на дискусията за античното наименование на долината на Средна Струма. През последното десетилетие тази дискусия се разгоря наново в резултат от публикуването на два нови епиграфски паметника (Митрев, Тараков 2002, 25-32; Митрев 2008, 25-36). Двата надписа споменават топонимите Хераклея и Скотуса, с което представиха аргумент за възобновяване на спора, считан за приключен (поне за българската историография) след студията на Борис Геров "Проучвания върху западнотракийските земи през римско време" (Геров 1961, 155-407).
Археологія і давня історія України, 2019
The article is devoted to the development of a typology of fortified settlements of the Dnieper-Don foreststeppe interfluves of the Scythian period. The formation and development of the fortification in that region was influenced by the economic opportunities of the local population, relations with neighboring tribes and among themselves, under special natural-geographical conditions. The presented systematization of the hillforts proceeds from the understanding of the principles of the construction of their defense. Based on which, we noticed the following possible pattern of systematization of fortified settlements. Type I is fortified settlements with a single-row system without additional protective pre-walls, regardless of whether the fortification is traced along the entire perimeter or only on the front side. Type II — single-row settlements with additional reinforcement on the front side. Type ІІІ — settlements with a single-row system of fortifications, having additional protection from a combination of non-residential frontiers, complicating the approaches to the entrance to the village site and creating the possibility of leading flanked fire on the attack. Type IV — monuments protected (often on the front side) by a multi-row system of fortifications. Type V — settlements with a pronounced main courtyard and a large economic frontier. By the VI type, we attributed the Belsk hillfort due to its features.
Вестник ДонНУ. Серия Б. Гуманитарные науки. №2, 2019
Новое время в европейских странах происходит анимация кремнеобработки. В основном это было связано с широким распространением огнестрельного оружия с кремневыми запальными батареями. Продвижение Российской державы в Азово-Черноморский бассейн в XVII-XVIII вв. сопровождалось созданием и расширением системы укреплений. Обязательным элементом материальных остатков этих укреплений были ружейные и кресальные кремни. В статье выделяются три модели кремневого хозяйства в зависимости от характера каменного сырья и типов изделий.
Средневековые фортификации Северо-Западного Причерноморья в атласе Рицци-Дзаннони, 2022
Unique maps of the atlas of Poland compiled by G.A.B. Rizzi-Zannoni in the middle of the 18 th century and published in early 1772 are important scientific sources. The atlas contains detailed information on the historical geography of the Northern and NorthWestern Black Sea region. Of particular importance is the unique map of Moldavia and the territories adjacent to it (the 23 rd , as well as the 22 nd and 24 th sheets of the atlas), compiled based on earlier sources-the rich cartographic materials of the predecessors (G.L. Beauplan, D.K. Cantemir and others), and first of all, the works of the cartographers of the Ottoman Empire, which flourished in the 15 th-17 th centuries, have not yet been identified or studied. The work of Rizzi-Zannoni is a reproduction of the oldest (found at the moment) topographic map of the NorthWestern Black Sea region, reflecting the geographical picture no later than the first half of the 16 th-second half of the 17 th centuries. Current and further study of the fortifications (castles, fortresses and other fortifications) marked on the maps of Rizzi-Zannoni and representing the most important complexes and objects of historical and cultural heritage are impossible without the involvement of the author's unique information. Descriptions and reconstructions of fortifications that ignore topography and other details reported by this unique source are a priori incomplete or may even be erroneous. The historic-geographical information recorded on the Rizzi-Zannoni maps is of enormous multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary significance. Its consideration is important for modern and future studies of geography, history, archaeology, architecture, culture, art, ethnography, linguistics, the toponymy of the region as a whole and each heritage site.