Greenerborough Keynote Address for Peterborough, New Hampshire (original) (raw)

AAS Workshop "New Frontiers in Asian Economic History" (May 11-15, 2017, MSU)

The value of economic history as an area of enquiry stems from the centrality of economic activity to the human condition. With a significant fraction of the world's population living in Asia and some of the largest and fastest growing economies in the world, Asia is poised to become the center of the world economy. Economic historians in the disciplines of history and economics have responded with a renewed interest in the historical roots and contexts behind this growth. At the same time, they have faced obstacles rooted in the demands of their disciplines, in constraints on the ability to work on certain regions of Asia and in the large investment necessary to pursue a research agenda that combines linguistic and regional expertise and diverse methodological skills. This workshop recognizes the increasing number of scholars, particularly younger ones, embarking on the study of Asian historical economies, the breadth of topics encompassed by their work and the importance of overcoming obstacles to this research and opening new opportunities for future work.

A new look at evolutionary rates in deep time: Uniting paleontology and high-precision geochronology

GSA Today

It is n o w po ssible to ro utin ely determ in e th e age o f 200-600-m .y.-o ld vo lcan ic ro cks in terlayered w ith fo ssilbearin g depo sits to un certain ties o f less th an 1 m .y. w ith uran ium -lead zirco n geo ch ro n o lo gy. Th is level o f precisio n , co upled w ith th e reco gn itio n th at vo lcan ic ash beds are m uch m o re co m m o n in fo ssilifero us ro cks th an previo usly realized, o pen s n ew o ppo rtun ities fo r th e study o f evo lutio n ary rates in deep tim e. It is n o w po ssible to co n strain rates o f evo lutio n ary radiatio n s, m ass ex tin ctio n s, an d o th er evo lutio n ary even ts as w ell as evaluate po ten tially diach ro n o us bio stratigraph ic bo un daries. Fo r ex am ple, a co m bin atio n o f detailed bio stratigraph ic an d ch em o -Sa m uel A. Bow ring, Pre re gis tra tio n De a d lin e -Se p te m b e r 18

Neglected or Negligible? Dealing with the Minoan and Mycenaean Presence in the Northeast Aegean

A Mycenaean presence in the Northeast (NE)Aegean, especially at Troy, has been the topic of a number of scholarlypapers for many years. A Minoan presence, in contrast,especially on the littoral islands, has been acknowledged only recently and sheds new light on the whole region. Whereas even a permanent physical presence of Mycenaeans istaken almost for granted, the emerging picture of the degree and nature of Minoan involvement in the NE Aegean, as well as recent developments in the field of post-colonial studies, urges us to take a fresh look not only at how we deal with “Minoans” abroad, but also with “Mycenaeans” abroad, especially in consideration of the differing core-regions from which these groups began.Thispaper considers the interaction of the NE Aegean with Crete and the Greek Mainland as a process comprising several stages that reflect different degrees of involvement in Aegean networks. By commenting on the composite material culture assemblages, we approach the question of cultural dynamics fromseveral perspectives: from the consideration ofdirect interaction bya given community to a central-core area of the Aegean (and the consequent adoption and limitation of certain aspects of the foreign material culture), to the exploration of active selection, adoption, and adaptation of innovations. The incorporation of such innovations into the local landscape is evaluated along two lines: 1) to what extent thisis a “simple” adoption (emulation), and 2) to what extent it generates new (hybrid) material and social constructs with its own coherence (transculturation).

Characteristics of Australian B2B imarketplaces

Existing research on B 2B iMarketplaces (and intermediaries operating them) focuses primarily on viewing US iMarketplace web sites or conducting case studies. This paper extends this work by presenting survey findings of the total identifiable population of Australian B2B iMarketplace intermediaries to describe the iMarketplace characteristics and to determine if the findings provide more generalisable support for the literature.

Urban Planning in Sixteenth-Century Castile: The Founding of New Towns

"The Crown of Castile promoted different projects of repopulation and foundation of new towns, as one of its priorities in the old frontier areas after the end of the war against the Reign of Grenade. These projects increased from the reign of the Catholic Kings until the government of the queen Juana and her son, the Emperor Charles V (1517-1556). Our objective is analysing this question, paying special attention to the processes of founding new towns during the government of Charles V in Spain, when the programs of founding new towns in the Americas had already started too. In the Iberian Peninsula, these plans, except for the repopulation of Vera, in the South Mediterranean coast, took place in the old bordier between the reigns of Castile and Grenade: in the reign of Jaén. It was a complex project of foundation of four new towns, which took place from 1537 to 1539. I study the existence of a plan or a defined ideology for the government or administration of these new towns in the metropoli, but also for their urbanization, for example, through the analysis of the “books of foundation” of these towns, a type of documents which became their legal codes, but also a graphic example of the royal principles of founding new urban areas. These books not only treat information about the building lots and questions in addition to it (description of the municipal boundary, arrival of new inhabitants, inhabitants’ jobs, references about their towns of origin, etc), but also information about the long process of foundation or references about their ideal urban designs. In this sense, I study if these ideal codes managed the development of these new towns or if they only were some ideal programs, whose final result was far from the original project. "