"The Process of Hispanization in Early New Spain. Transformation of Collective Identities During and After the Conquest of Mexico", en: Revista de Indias, vol LXVIII, núm. 243 (2008), págs. 9-36 (original) (raw)
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Revista espanola de antropologia americana, 2018
This essay focuses on ethnohistorical and anthropological analysis of theInformación de don Juan de Guzmán Itztlolinqui, a set of related documents from the Archivo General de Indias. This record was composed in Mexico in June 8-15, 1536, as probanza de meritos(proof of merits) of don Juan de Guzmán Itztlolinqui, the colonial cacique of Coyoacán in the Basin of Mexico, his elder brother and predecessor don Hernando, and their father, Cuauhpopoca, the pre-Hispanic ruler of the town. Although made in full accordance with Castilian legal procedure of that time, the Información de don Juan de Guzmán Itztlolinqui is completely based on the earliest indigenous testimonies about the first stage of Conquest ever known. Keywords:The Conquest of Mexico, indigenous nobility.
This research paper analyses how Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora describes the pair fest-revolt in Alboroto y motín de indios de México. This study is divided into five parts. The first one takes as its starting point the concept of the polis and regulations for the common good. The second one alludes to the effect that Spanish splendor produces in the different members of the Novohispanic polis. The third part examines the active role of female Indigenous in the revolt's organization and development. Finally, in the fifth part, I propose the existence of a plebeian collective consciousness within the viceroyalty of New Spain. Resumen: Este estudio examina la manera cómo Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora describe el binomio fiesta-revuelta en Alboroto y motín de indios de México. La investigación está estructurada en cinco partes. La primera toma como punto de partida el concepto de polis y los órdenes que rigen el bien común. La segunda alude a la percepción del fasto desde las diferentes perspectivas de los miembros de la polis novohispana. La tercera parte analiza la importancia del letrado en la organización virreinal. En la cuarta parte se examina el papel activo de las indias en la organización y desarrollo de la revuelta. Finalmente, en la quinta parte, propongo la existencia de una conciencia colectiva plebeya en el virreinato de Nueva España. Palabras clave: Alboroto y motín de indios de México, Sigüenza y Góngora, fiesta-revuelta, polis, letrado, indias
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Revista Española de Antropología Americana
This essay focuses on ethnohistorical and anthropological analysis of the Información de don Juan de Guzmán Itztlolinqui, a set of related documents from the Archivo General de Indias. This record was composed in Mexico in June 8-15, 1536, as probanza de meritos (proof of merits) of don Juan de Guzmán Itztlolinqui, the colonial cacique of Coyoacán in the Basin of Mexico, his elder brother and predecessor don Hernando, and their father, Cuauhpopoca, the pre-Hispanic ruler of the town. Although made in full accordance with Castilian legal procedure of that time, the Información de don Juan de Guzmán Itztlolinqui is completely based on the earliest indigenous testimonies about the first stage of Conquest ever known.
The Existence of a Novohispanic Collective Consciousness in Alboroto y Motín De Indios De México
EntreLetras, 2020
This research paper analyses how Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora describes the pair festrevolt in Alboroto y motín de indios de México. This study is divided into five parts. The first one takes as its starting point the concept of the polis and regulations for the common good. The second one alludes to the effect that Spanish splendor produces in the different members of the Novohispanic polis. The third part examines the active role of female Indigenous in the revolt's organization and development. Finally, in the fifth part, I propose the existence of a plebeian collective consciousness within the viceroyalty of New Spain.