Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization With the Ricci Flow (original) (raw)

Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization Using Riemann Surface Structure

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2000

In medical imaging, parameterized 3-D surface models are useful for anatomical modeling and visualization, statistical comparisons of anatomy, and surface-based registration and signal processing. Here we introduce a parameterization method based on Riemann surface structure, which uses a special curvilinear net structure (conformal net) to partition the surface into a set of patches that can each be conformally mapped to a parallelogram. The resulting surface subdivision and the parameterizations of the components are intrinsic and stable (their solutions tend to be smooth functions and the boundary conditions of the Dirichlet problem can be enforced). Conformal parameterization also helps transform partial differential equations (PDEs) that may be defined on 3-D brain surface manifolds to modified PDEs on a two-dimensional parameter domain. Since the Jacobian matrix of a conformal parameterization is diagonal, the modified PDE on the parameter domain is readily solved. To illustrate our techniques, we computed parameterizations for several types of anatomical surfaces in 3-D magnetic resonance imaging scans of the brain, including the cerebral cortex, hippocampi, and lateral ventricles. For surfaces that are topologically homeomorphic to each other and have similar geometrical structures, we show that the parameterization results are consistent and the subdivided surfaces can be matched to each other. Finally, we present an automatic sulcal landmark location algorithm by solving PDEs on cortical surfaces. The landmark detection results are used as constraints for building conformal maps between surfaces that also match explicitly defined landmarks.

Intrinsic brain surface conformal mapping using a variational method

Medical Imaging 2004: Image Processing, 2004

We developed a general method for global conformal parameterizations based on the structure of the cohomology group of holomorphic one-forms with or without boundaries. 1, 2 For genus zero surfaces, our algorithm can find a unique mapping between any two genus zero manifolds by minimizing the harmonic energy of the map. In this paper, we apply the algorithm to the cortical surface matching problem. We use a mesh structure to represent the brain surface. Further constraints are added to ensure that the conformal map is unique. Empirical tests on MRI data show that the mappings preserve angular relationships, are stable in MRIs acquired at different times, and are robust to differences in data triangulation, and resolution. Compared with other brain surface conformal mapping algorithms, our algorithm is more stable and has good extensibility.

Brain surface parameterization using Riemann surface structure

Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2005

We develop a general approach that uses holomorphic 1-forms to parameterize anatomical surfaces with complex (possibly branching) topology. Rather than evolve the surface geometry to a plane or sphere, we instead use the fact that all orientable surfaces are Riemann surfaces and admit conformal structures, which induce special curvilinear coordinate systems on the surfaces. Based on Riemann surface structure, we can then canonically partition the surface into patches. Each of these patches can be conformally mapped to a parallelogram. The resulting surface subdivision and the parameterizations of the components are intrinsic and stable. To illustrate the technique, we computed conformal structures for several types of anatomical surfaces in MRI scans of the brain, including the cortex, hippocampus, and lateral ventricles. We found that the resulting parameterizations were consistent across subjects, even for branching structures such as the ventricles, which are otherwise difficult ...

Genus Zero Surface Conformal Mapping and Its Application to Brain Surface Mapping

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2004

It is well known that any genus zero surface can be mapped conformally onto the sphere and any local portion thereof onto a disk. However, it is not trivial to find a general method which finds a conformal mapping between two general genus zero surfaces. We propose a new variational method which can find a unique mapping between any two genus zero manifolds by minimizing the harmonic energy of the map. We demonstrate the feasibility of our algorithm by applying it to the cortical surface matching problem. We use a mesh structure to represent the brain surface. Further constraints are added to ensure that the conformal map is unique. Empirical tests on MRI data show that the mappings preserve angular relationships, are stable in MRIs acquired at different times, and are robust to differences in data triangulation, and resolution. Compared with other brain surface conformal mapping algorithms, our algorithm is more stable and has good extensibility.

FLASH: Fast Landmark Aligned Spherical Harmonic Parameterization for Genus-0 Closed Brain Surfaces

SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2015

Surface registration between cortical surfaces is crucial in medical imaging for performing systematic comparisons between brains. Landmark-matching registration that matches anatomical features, called the sulcal landmarks, is often required to obtain a meaningful 1-1 correspondence between brain surfaces. This is commonly done by parameterizing the surface onto a simple parameter domain, such as the unit sphere, in which the sulcal landmarks are consistently aligned. Landmarkmatching surface registration can then be obtained from the landmark aligned parameterizations. For genus-0 closed brain surfaces, the optimized spherical harmonic parameterization, which aligns landmarks to consistent locations on the sphere, has been widely used. This approach is limited by the loss of bijectivity under large deformations and the slow computation. In this paper, we propose FLASH, a fast algorithm to compute the optimized spherical harmonic parameterization with consistent landmark alignment. This is achieved by formulating the optimization problem to C and thereby linearizing the problem. Errors introduced near the pole are corrected using quasiconformal theories. Also, by adjusting the Beltrami differential of the mapping, a diffeomorphic (1-1, onto) spherical parameterization can be effectively obtained. The proposed algorithm has been tested on 38 human brain surfaces. Experimental results demonstrate that the computation of the landmark aligned spherical harmonic parameterization is significantly accelerated using the proposed algorithm.

On the Laplace-Beltrami Operator and Brain Surface Flattening

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 1999

In this paper, using certain conformal mappings from uniformizationtheory, we give an explicit method for flattening the brain surfacein a way which preserves angles. From a triangulated surface representationof the cortex, we indicate how the procedure may be implementedusing finite elements. Further, we show how the geometry ofthe brain surface may be studied using this approach.Keywords: Brain flattening, functional MRI,

Cortical surface flattening using least square conformal mapping with minimal metric distortion

2004 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano (IEEE Cat No. 04EX821), 2004

Although flattening a cortical surface necessarily introduces metric distortion due to the non-constant Gaussian curvature of the surface, the Riemann Mapping Theorem states that continuously differentiable surfaces can be mapped without angular distortion. We apply the so-called least-square conformal mapping approach to flatten a patch of the cortical surface onto planar regions and to produce spherical conformal maps of the entire cortex while minimizing metric distortion within the class of conformal maps. Our method, which preserves angular information and controls metric distortion, only involves the solution of a linear system and a nonlinear minimization problem with three parameters and is a very fast approach.

Discrete conformal methods for cortical brain flattening

NeuroImage, 2009

Locations and patterns of functional brain activity in humans are difficult to compare across subjects because of differences in cortical folding and functional foci are often buried within cortical sulci. Unfolding a cortical surface via flat mapping has become a key method for facilitating the recognition of new structural and functional relationships. Mathematical and other issues involved in flat mapping are the subject of this paper. It is mathematically impossible to flatten curved surfaces without metric and area distortion. Nevertheless, "metric" flattening has flourished based on a variety of computational methods that minimize distortion. However, it is mathematically possible to flatten without any angular distortiona fact known for 150 years. Computational methods for this "conformal" flattening have only recently emerged. Conformal maps are particularly versatile and are backed by a uniquely rich mathematical theory. This paper presents a tutorial level introduction to the mathematics of conformal mapping and provides both conceptual and practical arguments for its use. Discrete conformal mapping computed via circle packing is a method that has provided the first practical realization of the Riemann Mapping Theorem (RMT). Maps can be displayed in three geometries, manipulated with Möbius transformations to zoom and focus on particular regions of interest, they respect canonical coordinates useful for intersubject registration and are locally Euclidean. The versatility and practical advantages of the circle packing approach are shown by producing conformal flat maps using MRI data of a human cerebral cortex, cerebellum and a specific region of interest (ROI).

A Volumetric Conformal Mapping Approach for Clustering White Matter Fibers in the Brain

Spectral and Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging, 2016

The human brain may be considered as a genus-0 shape, topologically equivalent to a sphere. Various methods have been used in the past to transform the brain surface to that of a sphere using harmonic energy minimization methods used for cortical surface matching. However, very few methods have studied volumetric parameterization of the brain using a spherical embedding. Volumetric parameterization is typically used for complicated geometric problems like shape matching, morphing and isogeometric analysis. Using conformal mapping techniques, we can establish a bijective mapping between the brain and the topologically equivalent sphere. Our hypothesis is that shape analysis problems are simplified when the shape is defined in an intrinsic coordinate system. Our goal is to establish such a coordinate system for the brain. The efficacy of the method is demonstrated with a white matter clustering problem. Initial results show promise for future investigation in these parameterization technique and its application to other problems related to computational anatomy like registration and segmentation.

Surface parameterization using riemann surface structure


We propose a general method that parameterizes general surfaces with complex (possible branching) topology using Riemann surface structure. Rather than evolve the surface geometry to a plane or sphere, we instead use the fact that all orientable surfaces are Riemann surfaces and admit conformal structures, which induce special curvilinear coordinate systems on the surfaces. We can then automatically partition the surface using a critical graph that connects zero points in the global conformal structure on the surface. The trajectories of iso-parametric curves canonically partition a surface into patches. Each of these patches is either a topological disk or a cylinder and can be conformally mapped to a parallelogram by integrating a holomorphic 1-form defined on the surface. The resulting surface subdivision and the parameterizations of the components are intrinsic and stable. For surfaces with similar topology and geometry, we show that the parameterization results are consistent and the subdivided surfaces can be matched to each other using constrained harmonic maps. The surface similarity can be measured by direct computation of distance between each pair of corresponding points on two surfaces. To illustrate the technique, we computed conformal structures for anatomical surfaces in MRI scans of the brain and human face surfaces. We found that the resulting parameterizations were consistent across subjects, even for branching structures such as the ventricles, which are otherwise difficult to parameterize. Our method provides a surface-based framework for statistical comparison of surfaces and for generating grids on surfaces for PDE-based signal processing.