Characteristics of women workers of Rio Grande do Sul in the manufacturing industry by segments of technological intensity (original) (raw)


Este artigo tem como objetivo examinar as características do trabalho feminino na indústria de transformação gaucha e da região sul segundo níveis de intensidade tecnológica no ano de 2012, a partir dos dados da RAIS-Relação Anual de Informações Sociais do MTE. Os resultados permitem visualizar: i) expressivo ganho salarial para os trabalhadores mais escolarizados com diferença de renda entre os níveis tecnológicos, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres; ii) maior participação relativa do trabalhador do gênero feminino para o segmento de baixa tecnologia; iii) maior remuneração em indústrias mais avançadas tecnologicamente, em que a participação feminina é menor; e, iv) pequena diferença percentual nos ganhos dos trabalhadores com curso superior completo entre os segmentos da indústria.

Female labour condition in Santa Catarina by education and technological intensity

The goal of this article is to understand the condition of female's labour market in the manufacturing industry at Santa Catarina by education and technological intensity levels in 2012, based on data from RAIS- MTE (Relação anual de Informações Sociais). The results showed: i) significant wage gain for more educated workers with an income gap between the technological levels for both men and women; ii) higher participation of female workers to the low-tech segment; iii) higher remuneration in more technologically advanced industries, where female participation is lower; and, iv) small percentage difference in employees' earnings with a college degree between segments.

A Condição do Trabalho Feminino na Indústria de Transformação Paranaense por Níveis de Intensidade Tecnológica

O objetivo deste artigo é compreender a condição do trabalho feminino na indústria de transformação paranaense segundo níveis de intensidade tecnológica no ano de 2012, a partir dos dados da RAIS-Relação Anual de Informações Sociais do MTE. Os resultados permitem visualizar: i) expressivo ganho salarial para os trabalhadores mais escolarizados com diferença de renda entre os níveis tecnológicos, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres; ii) maior participação relativa do trabalhador do gênero feminino para o segmento de baixa tecnologia; iii) maior remuneração em indústrias mais avançadas tecnologicamente, em que a participação feminina é menor; e, iv) pequena diferença percentual nos ganhos dos trabalhadores com curso superior completo entre os segmentos. Palavras chave: Indústria de transformação, intensidade tecnológica, trabalho feminino.

Female labour condition in manufacturing industry by technological intensity segments, Paraná - Brazil


O objetivo deste artigo é compreender a condição do trabalho feminino na indústria de transformação paranaense segundo níveis de intensidade tecnológica no ano de 2012, a partir dos dados da RAIS-Relação Anual de Informações Sociais do MTE. Os resultados permitem visualizar : i) expressivo ganho salarial para os trabalhadores mais escolarizados com diferença de renda entre os níveis tecnológicos, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres; ii) maior participação relativa do trabalhador do gênero feminino para o segmento de baixa tecnologia; iii) maior remuneração em indústrias mais avançadas tecnologicamente, em que a participação feminina é menor; e, iv) pequena diferença percentual nos ganhos dos trabalhadores com curso superior completo entre os segmentos.

Human capital and labour market segmentation: an analysis of manufacturing industry by technological intensity, Paraná - Brazil

The objective of this paper is to understand the labor market of Paraná and the southern region, in view of the manufacturing industry according to levels of technological intensity in the year 2012, in order to infer whether there are differences between men and women in relation to average income, schooling and proportion compared different technological intensity industries. For this we used the descriptive statistical analysis of the data from the RAIS, separating the manufacturing industry according to their technological intensity. The results allowed to realize the possibility of segmentation and sex discrimination in the labor market, by level of technological intensity of the manufacturing industry, because: i) it was found significant wage gains for workers with more schooling income gap between the technological levels for both men and women; ii) higher compensation and predominance in the relative share of male workers for all segments of technological intensity, except the low-tech; iii) higher pay in more technologically advanced industries, especially for the low percentage difference in earnings between workers with college degree segments.

Gender, racial and technological wage differentials in brazilian industries

This work aims to measure the wage differential by gender, color and technological intensity in Brazilian manufacturing industry, 2012, in each technological segment and measure the "technology effect" on wages. The database used is PIA 2011, PINTEC 2011, and PNAD 2012. Applied Heckman procedure for sample selection bias correction, Mincer equations for wage determination and Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition to estimate the wage differentials. The results indicate the domestic industry effort to adapt to the international R&D investment structure, but still had low technological expertise and low investment in technical progress. Positive wage returns were found to education, experience, urban regions and leadership jobs, increasing with the investment firm's technology. There was positive feedback for white skin and male, although decreasing in more tech-intensive segments. The Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition showed a high degree of wage discrimination, especially in relation to non-white women. Such discrimination had lesser magnitude as observed more tech-intensive segments. The "technology effects on wages" also was positive and growing along the sectors with the highest concentration of investment in R&D


This study aims to examine the hiring of first job of workers by private formal companies in the state of Santa Catarina. For this, it uses the data from the RAIS 2012 - Annual Social Information Department of Labor and applies the multinomial logit model for the analysis. The results show that companies in the industry and agriculture sectors require, in general, male workers, and the sectors of trade and services, give priority to women. This demand is also observed for young people 18-24 years old with high school completed. The service sector companies are more probably to hiring individuals with higher education, for both sexes, being more intense for nonwhites. Increased education of workers produces reducing gender differences in absorption in agriculture, trade and industry, but increases in the services sectors of Santa Catarina economy.


This dissertation aims to analyze the wage discrimination by gender and the likelihood of sectoral insertion in the initial employment, re-employment and remaining in the formal and private labor market in South and Northeast Brazil in 2013. For this analysis, the database used was the RAIS - Annual Social Information - Ministry of Labour from the year 2013. The multinomial logit model was applied to find the chances of hiring each of the sectors, and the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition to calculate the differences and wage discrimination. The results shown, for both regions studied, show higher likelihood hiring of female labor in the Trade and Services sectors, and higher chances of hiring male work in the Agricultural and Industrial sectors. In these last two sectors women suffer discrimination at the hiring stage, even if women have equal skills and qualifications, the hiring preference is for men. Individuals with higher level of education (higher level) are more likely to be hired in the Services sector, where the average salary is higher. There is a higher probability that individuals with a lower education level be hired in the industrial sector, especially in the Northeast region, showing the worst situation of Northeast industries compared the South with regard to human capital. For both regions studied, wage discrimination against women exists, even in the Services sector where there is greater employment rate of women. For the Agriculture and Industry sectors, women are discriminated against twice, both in at the hiring stage and in remuneration, the situation worsens in the industrial sector. The Trade sector presented the smallest wage differences between men and women and also the lowest discrimination against females. The largest gender discrimination against women is in the class of long-term workers, suggesting that women are more discriminated against within the company over length of employment. Between the regions, the Northeast had lower wage discrimination against women, with discrimination also being lower among people nonwhite compared to the South. The results support the hypothesis that there is wage discrimination against women in the two regions, which worsens in sectors where women are already discriminated against at the labor market entry stage, that differences and discrimination are greater when a woman is already in the job (long-term), and that gender discrimination (against women) is lower for less economically developed regions.