Zur Heteropterenfauna Nordtirols (Insecta: Heteroptera) II Aradoidea + Saldoidea (original) (raw)
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Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
The large private collection of true bugs (Heteroptera) of Ernst Heiss, donated to the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum is currently deposited at its Natural History Department in Hall in Tirol where the collection data will be digitized. To facilitate future access to the collection for scientific research, these data will be published in several parts. In continuation of published parts I (Leptopodomorpha), II (Nepomorpha), III (Reduviidae) and IV (Nabidae), this Part V comprises data of 5,520 specimens assigned to 2 subfamilies, 39 genera and 203 species and subspecies of the cimicomorphan family Tingidae. There are 2,187 datasets documented herein including 1 holotype and 43 paratypes of 9 genera and 17 species or subspecies.
Taxonomic notes on European Aradidae and description of Aradus maghrebinus spec. nova. -From Marocco a new species of Aradus is described and figured. In turn one species (Aradus nemlschinowae JAKOVLEV 1879) and one subspecies (Aneurus {Aneurus) laevis intermedius WAGNER 1971) are put into synonymy, while for Aneurus (Aneurodes) avenius tagasastei ENDERLEIN 1931 its species rank is restored. The supposedly lost single type specimen of Quilnus subsimilis HORVATH 1911 is rediscovered and its species rank confirmed.
Neue Fundmeldungen von Wanzen aus Osttirol und Kärnten (Insecta: Heteroptera)
Since the last comprehensive faunistic treatments of the Heteroptera of Eastern Tyrol (Austria, province of Tyrol) and Carinthia additional records were reported by several authors in smaller publications. Now the rich material assembled in the collection of A. Kofler (Lienz) could be revised and the first results are presented here including the families listed in volumes 1, 4 and 5 of the recent "Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region" and reporting 27 new records for Eastern Tyrol and one new record for Carinthia.
Synopsis: The paper deals with systematics of the genus Quilnus (Stai) and its palaearctic species. The types of all but one species described so far have been investigated and the following synonyms are proposed. -Quilnus amurensis (KIRITSHENKO), 1955 is a new synonym of Quilnus brevirostris (HORVATH), 1901. -Quilnus anatolicus (HEISS), 1974 is a new synonym of Quilnus parvicollis (STAL), 1873. -Quilnus alonsoi (VELA & GARCIA RASO), 1985 is a new synonym of Quilnus subsimilis (HORVATH), 1911.
Results of the macro moth research in the Republic of San Marino, 2005-2011 (Lepidoptera: „Macroheterocera“). The authors report about the macro moth fauna in the region of the small Republic of San Marino (60.57km²) on the side of the Adriatic sea of the Appenine peninsula. Between 2005 and 2011 nine excursions were accomplished at multiple locations, mostly simultaneously, resulting in 23 nights of personal macro moth collecting with the aid of light sources. Thus, the total amount of collecting nights adds up to 82 (tab.2). The authors collected specimens at 13 locations between one to maximal nine times and have continued their research in 2012. Collecting was accomplished by Rezbanyai-Reser (see picture 26, 33-35) and Schäffer (see picture 7, 25, 34-36) whereas Flamigni (see picture 35) joined them only once in 2005. The determination (system and nomenclature after Karsholt & Razowski 1996) was mainly accomplished by Rezbanyai-Reser but in a small proportion also by Flamigni. The evaluation was on principle accomplished by Rezbanyai-Reser, whereas some comments on the remarkable species are by Flamigni. Part of the collection is found in the private collection of Schäffer in Luzern, a small part from 2005 in the private collection of Flamigni in Bologna. A considerable part however (so far about 1’600 specimens) is situated in the collection of the “Museo di Storia Naturale” and “Centro Naturalistico Sammarinese” in Borgo Maggiore, respectively (see picture 32-34). - In the latter collection numerous preserved specimens of other insect categories were deposited (Microlepidoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Mecoptera, Rhaphidioptera, Heteroptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, Blattodea, Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Mantodea, so far about 5’000 specimens – and Trichoptera in alcohol), that were attracted by light during the excursions mentioned. Besides the author’s light catches a small amount of macro moths are considered, which were collected by Paul Grotenfelt (1912-2007) in San Marino between 1980 and 1981. They can be found in the Zoological Museum of Helsinki in Finland. The total number of Macroheterocera species known to us (inclusively Zygaenidae and Psychidae) from the Republic of San Marino by the end of 2011 amounts to 464 (tab.1 and 17). The authors were able to record 450 of those between 2005 and 2011 whereas further 14 come from the collection of Grotenfelt (tab.4), which contains a total of 96 Macroheterocera species from San Marino altogether (tab.7). Although some catches were unsatisfying due to bad weather conditions, a total amount of 24’869 Macroheterocera specimens could be recorded (tab.1). The 13 research sites (between 135 and 430 meters above sea level) are shortly described (location, vegetation, collecting method) and partly presented in maps or pictures. The results are shown in detailed tables whereas the most remarkable species and the most important infrasubspecific forms are also discussed in the text (see chapter 8 and 9). The authors wish to thank the following people for their support (chronological order like in the text, chapter 2): Andrea Suzzi Valli (picture 7 and 34), Director of the “Museo di Storia Naturale” and “Centro Naturalistico Sammarinese” in Borgo Maggiore, also Glauco Busignani (picture 36), Sandro Casali, Loris Casali, Davide Mina (picture 7 and 36), Davide Santi, Maddalena Bevitori, Denis Vallan, Britta Allgöwer, Denise Wyniger, Erik J. van Nieukerken, Lauri Kaila, Jaakko (Jaska) Kullberg, Arno Kullberg (picture 39-40), Pekka Tokola (picture 39-40), Peter Hättenschwiler, Edgardo Bertaccini, Alberto Zilli, Gerti Heim, Axel Hausmann, Ulf Buchsbaum, Hans Malicky, Marco Bernasconi, Diana Reser, Harald Schreiber and Jürg Schmid. Annotation: a well described general characterization (including vegetation) of the natural habitats of the Republic of San Marino can be found in the Italian publication of Suzzi Valli & Casali 2008. Further important information about the weather and climate (including the relation between climate and vegetation) and the development of the climate throughout the last years can be found in Santi 2008, Suzzi Valli 2008 and Guerra 2008.
Zusammenfassung: Die Wanzengemeinschaften von acht für den Truppenübungsplatz Seetaler Alpe (Zirbitzkogel, Steiermark) charakteristischen Biotoptypen in einer Seehöhe zwischen 1550 m und 1820 m wurden untersucht. Insgesamt wurden 64 Wanzenarten festgestellt. Bei einigen handelt es sich um bisher in der Steiermark sehr selten gefundene Tierarten: Pachycoleus waltli, Arctocorisa carinata, Loricula exilis und Orthotylus fuscescens. Das Gebiet wird für Wanzen als artenreich und naturschutzfachlich wertvoll eingestuft. Von besonderer Bedeutung sind aquatische und semiaquatische Biotope wie Moore, Seen und Teiche mit ihren Verlandungszonen sowie Quellen und Tümpel. Diesbezüglich stellt der militärische Ausbildungs-und Übungsbetrieb im bisherigen Ausmaß (Stand: Dezember 2000) aus öko-entomologischer Sicht keine Gefährdungsquelle dar.