Diallel Analysis for Spike Length in Winter Wheat (original) (raw)


ABSTRACT Heterosis and nature of genetic effects on plant height and yield traits were studied in a 6x6 diallel cross without reciprocals and their F2 generation in wheat to define and select an efficient and prospective material for immediate use in hybridization programs to improve grain yield of wheat in Egypt. Parents, F1 and F2 were evaluated using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications for quantitative traits in 2013/2014 season. Significant genotype mean squares and its components (parents and crosses) were obtained for all traits in both generations. Significant heterosis in F1 generation was obtained for all studied traits. The useful heterosis of grain yield plant -1 relative to better parent varied from 9.65 to 29.88% in F1 crosses. The P2xP3 and P4xP6 were the best crosses for grain yield heterosis. General (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability mean squares were significant for all traits. MS (GCA)/ MS (SCA) ratios indicated the relative importance of additive and additive by additive gene action in their inheritance for all the traits. The three parents P1, P4 and P5 gave the highest positive significant effects for grain yield plant -1 in both generations and eleven crosses had significant and positive effects in the F1 crosses, where only seven of them were significant and positive in F2 generation. The three crosses P2xP3, P4xP6 and P3xP4 showed significantly desirable heterotic effects for most studied traits. Generally, there were no wide differences in the genetic parameters in F1 and F2 generations. Highly significant and larger (in magnitude) values of dominance component (H1) than additive were obtained for all studied traits resulting in more values of (H1/D) 0.5 which were more than unity in both generations. High heritability values (in a broad-sense) along with medium or low ones in narrow-sense were exhibited in both generations, indicating that most genetic variances were due to non-additive genetic effects. Number of spikes plant -1 and the 1000-grain weight in F1 and grain yield plant -1 in F2, showed a complete dominance. Regression line intersects the Wr axis above the origin in plant height in F1 and No. of spikes plant -1 and No. of grains spike -1 in F2, reflecting partial dominance.

Inheritance of the grain number per spike in diallel cross of 5x5 bread wheat cultivars

Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2014

This study examined the mode of inheritance and the influence of genes on the grain number per spike in F1 generations, in 5x5 half diallel crosses of wheat cultivars. The results of the combining ability analysis did not indicate significant differences among the parents for general combining ability (GCA) and crosses for specific combining ability (SCA) for the grain number per spike. The GCA/SCA ratio tilted in favour of the SCA in this trait, which indicated the preponderance of non-additive gene, i.e. dominant effects in the genetic control of grain number per spike. Components data of genetic variance and regression analysis indicated a greater role of the dominant component in the grain number per spike inheritance. The regression line intercepts the Wr axis below the origin in F1, indicating over-dominance over an average of all arrays.

Ljubičić, Nataša, Petrović, Sofija, Dimitrijević, M., Hristov, N. (2014): Inheritance of the Grain Number per Spike in Diallel Cross of 5x5 Bread Wheat Cultivars. Field and Vegetable Crops Research, 51, 3. 166-169

This study examined the mode of inheritance and the influence of genes on the grain number per spike in F1 generations, in 5x5 half diallel crosses of wheat cultivars. The results of the combining ability analysis did not indicate significant differences among the parents for general combining ability (GCA) and crosses for specific combining ability (SCA) for the grain number per spike. The GCA/SCA ratio tilted in favour of the SCA in this trait, which indicated the preponderance of non-additive gene, i.e. dominant effects in the genetic control of grain number per spike. Components data of genetic variance and regression analysis indicated a greater role of the dominant component in the grain number per spike inheritance. The regression line intercepts the Wr axis below the origin in F1, indicating over-dominance over an average of all arrays. Keywords: combining ability, components of genetic variance, gene effects, genetic inheritance, grain number per spike, regression analysis, wheat


In order to estimate the gene effects and the mode of inheritance of the grain number per spike, five wheat genotypes (Pobeda, Renesansa, Sara, Partizanka and Pesma) were selected. The above mentioned genotypes were diallel crossed and F 1 , F 2 , and Fbc 1 were obtained. The gene effects were estimated using additive-dominant model which was adequate for three crossing combinations: Renesansa x Sara, Renesansa x Partizanka and Partizanka x Pesma. In the most crosses the value of the dominant gene effect was more significant than additive. The inheritance of the grain number per spike was influenced by additive×additive and dominance×dominance type of non-allelic interactions. The mode of inheritance of the number of grains per spike in F 1 , F 2 and BC 1 generations differed depending from the crossing combinations.

Combining Ability in the F 1 Generations of Diallel Cross for Yield and Yield Components in Wheat

Eight parents of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were crossed in a full diallel fashion and their F 1 s were evaluated for combining ability for yield components at the experimental farm of Plant Breeding and Genetics Department, NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar during 2001-03. The traits included number of fertile tillers plant -1 , grain yield plant -1 , number of grains spike -1 , grain weight spike -1 and 1000-grain weight. The results indicated significant differences among the parents for general combining ability (GCA) and crosses for specific combining ability (SCA) for all the characters studied. Reciprocal combining ability (RCA) was significant for all the traits except grain weight spike -1 . The GCA and SCA components of variance were significant for all the traits. However, the GCA component of variance was predominant indicating the importance of additive gene effects for number of grain spike -1 and grain weight spike -1 while for number of fertile tillers plant -1 , grain yield plant -1 and 1000-grain weight SCA component of variance was predominant indicating the importance of non-additive gene effects for these traits. Tatara was the best general combiner for grain yield plant -1 , grain weight spike -1 and 1000-grain weight. Khattakwal and Ghaznavi-98 were the best general combiners for number of fertile tillers plant -1 and number of grain spike -1 , respectively. The best crosses were, KW x PS for number of fertile tillers plant -1 , KW x GZ for grain yield plant -1 , Inq x ID for number of grain spike -1 , GZ x Inq for grain weight spike -1 , KW x Tkb for 1000-grain weight and Tkb x Tat for number of grains spike -1 , grain yield plant -1 and grain weight spike -1 . These best parents and cross combinations could be effectively utilized in wheat breeding for the improvement of yield components and thus their incorporation in further breeding program is suggested. The overall study reveals the importance of both additive and non-additive genetic variability which suggests the use of integrated breeding strategies which can efficiently utilize the additive as well as non-additive genetic variability. Thus, use of diallel mating with recurrent selection could provide the better conditions for recombination and accumulation of desirable genes and is recommended for such type of study.


F. F. Saad, S. R. E. Abo-Hegazy, E. A. M. EL-Sayed2and H. S. Suleiman, 2010

The present investigation was carried out during the two successive seasons 2008-2010. A diallel cross excluding reciprocals among seven bread wheat genotypes (Sids 12 (P1), Giza 168(P2), Sakha 93(P3), Gemmeiza 9 (P4), Line 109(P5), Line 147 (P6) and Line 172 (P7)) was used to estimate the heterotic effects of F1 crosses relative to their respective mid and better parents and combining ability analysis for heading and yield and its components. Highly significant differences among the tested entries were detected for different traits, indicating wide genetic variability among studied genotypes for all traits (days to heading, number of spikes per plant, number of kernels per spike, kernels weight per spike (g), 100-kernel weight (g) and grain yield per plant (g)). Results showed that mean square due to both general and specific combining ability were highly significant for all characters studied, indicating the importance of both additive and non-additive genes effects in the inheritance of these characters. The ratio of GCA/SCA being more than unity indicated that the additive gene effects were more important for all traits, except number of kernels per spike. Line 147 was the best general combiner for both number of spikes per plant and grain yield per plant, while best general combiners for number of kernels per spike, kernels weight per spike and 100 –kernel weight were Line 172, Sids12 and Line109, respectively. Sids12 (-2.58), Giza 168 (-0.97) and Sakha 93 (-0.86) had the lowest significant GCA effects for days to heading. These parents were the best general combiners for the days to heading. Maximum positive SCA effects were exhibited by crosses P2 × P4 (4.45), P1 × P3 (8.41), P4 × P5 (0.44) and P3 × P4 (0.41) for number of spikes per plant, number of kernels per spike, kernels weight per spike and 100 –kernel weight, respectively. The best specific combiners for grain yield per plant were P1 × P3 (8.39), P5 × P6 (7.72) and P2 × P4 (7.23). The best heterosis (relative to the mid parent) was recorded by P5 × P6 (-7.46), P2 × P4 (52.21), P2 × P3 (23.86), P4 × P5 (27.56), P4 × P6 (19.79), P3× P6 (51.50), for days to heading, number of spikes per plant, number of kernels per spike, kernels weight per spike, 100 –kernel weight and grain yield per plant, respectively. While the best heterobeltiosis was recorded by P5 × P6 (-7.20), P2 × P4 (50.88), P2 × P3 (20.94), P4 × P5 (23.35), P3 × P4(16.58), P3 × P6 (37.83), for days to heading, number of spikes per plant, number of kernels per spike, kernels weight per spike, 100 –kernel weight and grain yield per plant, respectively.

Genetic Characterization in 5 x 5 Diallel Crosses for Yield Traits in Bread Wheat.pdf

| The seed of five parental cultivars alongwith their 10 F 1 hybrids of wheat were sown in a randomized complete block design with four replications during 2010 at Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan. Genetic analysis of yield traits from half diallel crosses was carried-out. Mean squares due to GCA and SCA were significant for days to 75% maturity, tillers plant -1 , spike length, spike density, grains spike -1 , grain yield plant -1 , seed index and harvest index. Significance of GCA and SCA variances suggested that both additive and non-additive genes were controlling these characters. The magnitude of SCA variances were higher than GCA indicating pre-dominance of non-additive gene effects for spike length, spike density, seeds spike -1 , grain yield plantand harvest index, while GCA variances were greater for days to 75% maturity, tillers per plant. Parental cultivar TD-1 expressed maximum GCA effects for tillers plant -1 , spike length, grain yield plant -1 , seed index and harvest index; while negative and desirable GCA for days to 75% maturity. The SCA estimates revealed that F 1 hybrid TD-1 × TJ-83 manifested maximum SCA effects for tillers plant -1 , spike length, grains spike -1 and negative yet desirable for days to 75% maturity. The cross TJ-83 × Sarsabz recorded with higher estimates for grains spike -1 , grain yield plant -1 , seed index and harvest index. Thus both the F 1 hybrids may be choice breeding material for hybrid crop development to improve the yield traits.

Diallel analysis of some grain yield traits in wheat

Wheat and Barley Research, 2018

Genetic analysis was conducted for grain yield and its component traits in a set of 13 bread wheat genotypes following a diallel (excluding reciprocals) mating design. The analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences in mean squares due to both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) for all the eleven traits in both F1 and F2 generations. This indicated involvement of both additive and non-additive gene action governing inheritance of traits. The σ2 s was higher than σ2 g and the ratio of σ2 g/σ2 s was less than unity (1.00) for all traits, suggesting the importance of non-additive gene action in both F1 and F2 generation. The parental genotypes NW 1014, PBW 343, PBW 502, DBW 14 and RAJ 3765 were found to be good combiners for multiple traits along with grain yield in both F1 and F2generations. The seven crosses PBW 343 / K 8962, UP 2490 / CBW 38, PBW 343 / HI 1563, HP 1744 / UP 2425, HP 1744 / CBW 38, DBW 14 / CBW 38 and RAJ 3765 / UP 2490 were found to be good combiners for grain yield and its contributing multiple traits in both F1 and F2 generations and these crosses may be utilized in the development of high yielding progenies in bread wheat.

Inheritance of plant height, spike length and number of spikelets per spike in Durum wheat

Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, 2007

Using the line x tester analysis we studied the combining ability and gene effects of plant height, spike length and number of spikelets per spike in durum wheat. The results of the study show that non-additive genes play more important role than additive genes in the inheritance of plant height, number of spikelets per spike in both years and in inheritance of spike length only in the first year of research. Variety Belfugito, the best general combiner for plant height and number of spikelets per spike, combined well in two best hybrids: Belfugito x Alifen and Belfugito x Yavaros 79, and these hybrids may be used in wheat breeding programs. In the majority of the cases, good specific combining ability (SCA) effects were associated with crosses of two genetically divergent parents having at least one parent as a good general combiner.