Redundancy Allocation in Turbo-Equalizer Design (original) (raw)
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Design rules for adaptive turbo equalization in fast-fading channels
This paper uses the mutual information (MI) transfer metric to characterize the behavior of an adaptive turbo equalization scheme. We consider recursive systematic convolutional coding at the input to a multipath fastfading channel. The equalizer is a recent adaptive, nearoptimal APP algorithm that incorporates MMSE channel estimation. We develop design rules for this turbo equalizer using EXIT charts. We optimize the use of pilot bits and determine the best ratio of code bits to pilot bits, for fixed data and symbol rates.
Turbo Equalization: Fundamentals, Information Theoretic Considerations, and Extensions
To provide the course takers with the information theoretic background of the turbo equalization techniques. To introduce concatenation turbo equalizers neighboring in time in the absence of Cyclic Prefix (CP) or Guard Interval (GI) To introduce the n-OFDM technique, and then to provide the audience with the knowledge that how nOFDM systems with equalization can achieve high spectrum efficiency and improve the BER performance, compared to the conventional OFDM system.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2002
Turbo equalizers have been shown to be successful in mitigating the effects of inter-symbol interference introduced by partial response modems and by dispersive channels for code rates of 1 2. In this contribution, we comparatively studied the performance of a range of binary phase-shift keying turbo equalizers employing block-turbo codes, namely Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghen turbo codes, convolutional codes, and convolutional turbo codes having high code rates, such as = 3 4 and = 5 6, over a dispersive five-path Gaussian channel and an equally weighted symbol-spaced five-path Rayleigh fading channel. These turbo equalization schemes were combined with an iterative channel estimation scheme in order to characterize a realistic scenario. The simulation results demonstrated that the turbo-equalized system using convolutional turbo codes was the most robust system for all code rates investigated.
Turbo-equalization considering bit-interleaved turbo-coded modulation: performance bounds
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2005. ICC 2005. 2005, 2005
The goal of this paper is to assess the performance of turbo-equalization (TE), considering at the transmitter bitinterleaved coded modulation (BICM) with a turbo-code as error correcting code. The bounding techniques that we have recently proposed in [6] are extended to this particular problem. Simulation results show the relevance of the proposed bounds. By the way, this results in analytical tools for the understanding and optimization of such turbo-systems.
An analytical method for MMSE MIMO turbo equalizer EXIT chart computation
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2007
A frequency domain soft-interference canceling minimum mean-square error (MMSE) turbo equalizer is studied. A computationally efficient method for computing extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) function of the equalizer is proposed. The method is based on the Gaussian approximation for the equalizer output and it produces an approximate EXIT chart in a fraction of computational load compared to previous numerical methods. The accuracy of the method is verified for both singleinput single-output (SISO) and multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) channels.
Near-capacity three-stage MMSE turbo equalization using irregular convolutional codes
Traditional Turbo EQualization (TEQ) schemes suffer from residual bit errors due to the non-recursive nature of the channel imposing Inter-Symbol-Interference (ISI). The performance of the traditional TEQ scheme may, however, be improved if an intermediate recursive channel codec is invoked, which results in a three-stage serially concatenated system. This intermediate code is necessary, especially when the inner module cannot be rendered recursive, for example, when a Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) equalizer is invoked. Our EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) chart analysis explicitly explains the performance gain, and based on this explanation IRregular Convolutional Codes (IRCCs) are constructed to be used as the outer code for the sake of achieving near capacity performance. Furthermore, the proposed analysis and design procedure may be applied in the context of diverse iterative receivers employing multiple soft-in/soft-out (SISO) modules.
EXIT Chart Analysis of Space-Time Turbo Equalizer
2006 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 2006
In this paper, we study the performance of the turbo equalization schemes for systems with space-time block code (STBC) using the extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart, which is shown to be very useful for analyzing the convergence behavior of turbo equalizers, predicting the expected BER performance of the STBC coded systems, determining the SNR threshold for a target BER, as well as facilitating the proper choice of equalizers and channel codes for specific channel conditions.
Improved BDFE Using A Priori Information for Turbo Equalization
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2008
Turbo equalization improves communication system performance by iteratively exchanging information between soft-input soft-output (SISO) equalizer and SISO channel decoder. The trellis-based maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) algorithm serves as the optimum SISO equalizer for turbo equalization. However, MAP algorithm is unsuitable for systems with large modulation constellation size and severe inter-symbol interference (ISI) due to its prohibitively high computational complexity. In this paper, an improved SISO block decision feedback equalizer (BDFE) is proposed for low complexity turbo equalization. Unlike other sub-optimum equalizers which perform symbol by symbol detection, the proposed equalizer generates the soft output for each data bit by collecting information from a sequence of samples as in MAP algorithm. The sequencebased equalization is enabled by using not only soft a priori input from channel decoder, but also hard a priori information obtained from BDFE in previous iteration. The combination of soft a priori information and hard a priori information renders better performance with less iterations compared to other suboptimum algorithms. In addition, the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is on the same order as conventional SISO BDFE algorithm, and is much lower compared to the trellis-based MAP algorithm.
Physical layer abstraction for turbo coded MIMO systems with LMMSE-IC based turbo equalization
2013 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2013
Closed-loop link adaptation in LTE involves a family of modulation and coding schemes constructed out of powerful turbo codes. Due to their particular structure, such codes cannot be optimally decoded except for very limited block length. In practice, a suboptimal iterative decoding is applied. The smooth introduction of linear minimum mean-square error interference cancellation (LMMSE-IC) based turbo equalization in LTE calls for a new physical layer abstraction for this non-trivial doubly iterative algorithm to accurately predict the performance of each global iteration. The abstraction is based on a stochastic modeling of the whole turbo equalization using EXIT charts (and variants). As the core of the contribution, we find that, even in the simplified case of Gray mapping, a bivariate information transfer function is needed to characterize the evolution of the joint demapper and turbo decoder embedded within the LMMSE-IC based turbo equalization. This is in contrast with previous contributions where simple convolutional codes were considered and univariate information transfer function sufficient. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated through Monte Carlo simulations in a variety of transmission scenarios.
Iterative Channel Equalization, Channel Decoding and Source Decoding
2005 IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference, 2005
The performance of soft source decoding is evaluated over dispersive AWGN channels. By employing source codes having error-correcting capabilities, such as Reversible Variable-Length Codes (RVLCs) and Variable-Length Error-Correcting (VLEC) codes, the softin/soft-out (SISO) source decoder benefits from exchanging information with the MAP equalizer, and effectively eliminates the inter-symbol interference (ISI) after a few iterations. It was also found that the soft source decoder is capable of significantly improving the attainable performance of the turbo receiver provided that channel equalization, channel decoding and source decoding are carried out jointly and iteratively. At Ë Ê ½ ¼ , the performance of this three-component turbo receiver is about 2 dB better in comparison to the benchmark scheme carrying out channel equalization and channel decoding jointly, but source decoding separately. At this SER value, the performance of the proposed scheme is about 1 dB worse than that of the ½ ¾-rate convolutional coded non-dispersive AWGN channel.