From Research to Practice: Towards the Development of an Integrated and Comprehensive Faculty Development Program. (original) (raw)
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Professional Development: Designing Initiatives to Meet the Needs of Online Faculty
Journal of Educators Online, 2015
The increasing prevalence of online courses mandates an examination of the similaritiesand differencesin the faculty training and development needs of those teaching online. With institutions facing increasingly limited resources, there is a need to prioritize faculty development initiatives that will encourage faculty participation. An examination of interest, attendance and completion rates of faculty development initiatives targeting online faculty revealed no distinct preferences in relation to the focus or format of programs offered. The authors recommend offering flexibility and diversity in faculty development initiatives to accommodate the disparate needs of a remote, heterogeneous faculty population; as such, a sample needs assessment is offered to help guide faculty development programming to support online teaching.
This dissertation examined the perceptions, motivations and needs of online instructors for professional development and the way evaluation is used to improve online teaching. This study informs our understanding of how to best serve the needs of online instructors for professional development which improves the quality of their online teaching. Using a descriptive, qualitative method, surveys, instructor interviews, instructor focus groups, and administrator interviews were conducted at two university extension programs in the Western United States. The survey data were examined using frequency analysis and independent sample t-tests to compare the needs of instructors at the two institutions, to compare new and veteran instructors, and to compare instructors teaching one course with those teaching multiple courses. Interview and focus group data were coded according to categories developed from the research questions. Interview and focus group data were then compared to identify consistent themes between the types of data. The findings from the research suggest that instructors perceive faculty professional development as not fully meeting their needs; the perceptions of faculty development are strongly influenced by messages sent at different levels of the organization; that instructors’ motivations to attend faculty professional development is directly related to how they perceive its value; and that instructors have a need for community and faculty development that serves their needs at various stages of their careers. The findings are discussed and recommendations are made for professional development practice and future research.
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An Evidence-Based Faculty Development Program For Online Teaching In Higher Education
A critical component in the successful implementation of online education hinges on providing faculty development opportunities that promote the utilization of pedagogical best practices in online teaching. While such training programs are on the rise, institutions are no closer to a universal consensus on how to design and evaluate such efforts. Historically, the success of faculty development programs has been measured via post-completion satisfaction surveys, attendance counts, and faculty perceptions of the usefulness of the content immediately following a training event. However, such metrics rarely provide an accurate measurement of the true efficacy of training, which in the context of online faculty development, points to the adoption of pedagogical best practices in online teaching. There is a clear call in the literature for institutions and faculty developers to adopt evidence-based models in faculty training to identify the strategies that work best. To that end, the pur...
Professional Development for Online Educators
Online Professional Development Practices, 2013
A professional development program for online faculty members can be difficult to create, implement, and sustain. Its components will vary depending on the location of the online faculty, the institutional budget, and who is administering the program. A professional development program is essential if institutions wish to keep instructors up-to-date on technological advances and pedagogical shifts as online classrooms change. Today’s online faculty members are inundated with “information overload” due to the internet and because information is increasing exponentially, which results in pressure to “keep up” (Sherer, Shea, & Kristensen, 2003). Because of this pressure and the proliferation of learning tools, institutions need to help faculty filter and use the information available to them. This chapter will focus on essential components of professional development programs, issues and potential solutions, examples from successful programs, and future trends in online professional de...
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
To design and deliver meaningful professional development programs for faculty who teach online, the unit responsible for these activities should have a clear idea of what content participants might find most beneficial to their practice, as well as what can improve instructor and student satisfaction. Using an online survey, this study explored the perceptions of 314 faculty members at a mid-southern university as they relate to the online environment and institutional factors, personal factors, and student engagement and active learning. Faculty reported high levels of satisfaction with the accessibility of their courses and the technical support they receive, but reported lower levels of satisfaction with the effectiveness of online communication tools. The results also revealed a significant difference in how faculty rated their satisfaction with student engagement and active learning based on their level of experience, indicating that alternative approaches to faculty development might be necessary for those new to online teaching and learning.
Abstract—This paper reports the findings of a study conducted to assess an innovative online course building and instructor faculty development program offered at a major regional university. The training program, entitled “The Project, ” was designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of university-level instructors with previous online course development and instructional experience. At the conclusion of the five-month program, “Project ” participants completed a 20-item questionnaire to identify best practices of the program and to refine its content for future offerings. Main findings include (a) faculty learn most when faculty development materials model best practices of online teaching, (b) faculty perceive pedagogy and technology-related modules as the most important content of online training, and (c) online training programs must be updated regularly to keep pace with the rapidly changing landscape of online teaching and learning. Future research needs to examine the impa...
Professional Development for Online Teaching: A Literature Review
The growth of online learning has created a need for instructors who can competently teach online. This literature review explores the research questions, program recommendations, and future research suggestions related to professional development for online instructors. Articles were selected and coded based on date of publication and the context of the professional development. Results indicate that most research questions focused on (a) professional development programs, (b) instructors, and (c) instructors’ online courses. Most program recommendations focused on (a) professional development programs, (b) context of professional development, and (c) instructors’ activity during professional development. Future recommendations for research topics focused on professional development programs and instructors, while future recommendations for research methods focused on research design and institutional settings. The findings suggest that while professional development for online ins...