"Social Media has been in the limelight in the recent past. There has been a whopping increase in the number of users on social media and more and more people joining day after day. With the spread of internet facilities across the world, more and more people got the facility to get into the World Wide Web. In 1995 there were about 16 million internet users worldwide which was merely 0.4% of the total population in the world. In the year 2012 internet were accessible to 2405 millions of people which is 34.3% of the total world population. There has been an increase of over 566% growth in the number of users between 2000 and 2012 as per the internet world statistics. The growth in the number of internet users and the growth of social media and its users have made it really attractive for the marketers to look at it as a better marketing tool there by making present in the various social media sites to market their product. Many a times the marketer goes live in the online space, but they do not follow up or keep themselves updated in the online space through the social media which brings negative results to them. Social media is a live medium which is updated every second. Are these participations worth? Or is social media marketing a myth or a reality? Is it going to help the marketers? This paper examines the effectiveness, opportunities, the threats and other aspects of social media marketing"

The Use of Social Media as an Instructional Tool to Increase Marketing

International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing, 2015

The technological revolution of the past two decades has changed communication in contemporary higher education settings. Consequently, there is now a wide gulf between the unlimited use of technology and higher education, particularly with respect to digital communications and the rapid increase in the use of social media in instructional applications. Technology offers college students an array of options to socialize, network, stay informed and connected, but technology proficiency may not be the same for instructors. As social media use by students becomes more established, educators in higher education are pursuing methods to parlay expertise in instruction to advertise and market higher education institutions. Can social media be used in higher education to improve learning through student and faculty collaboration, and just as importantly can the use of social media be used as a recruiting tool for higher education institutions?

Social Media and Social Media Marketing

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023

Social media and social media marketing are sometimes used interchangeably, but two indeed are different. The purpose of this research paper is to revisit the literature on both concepts and correlates them in technical terminologies. We have studied the literature available on Social media first and identified the basic functionalities of it. Then the literature available on social media marketing helped us in identifying its dimensions. In conclusion section of the research paper we have correlated the two concepts and redefined social media marketing in technical terms.

A Study on Social Media Marketing

international journal for research in applied science and engineering technology ijraset, 2020

Social Media in many aspects has been changing industry. Since we're in the digital age, internet & social media have a most significant impact on the consumers behavior. We are witnessing a radical transition to digitalization in India. Social networking is a medium that not only links people around the world but serves the best for online marketing as well. The unwavering increase in demand and supply is increasing due to the rapid evolution of technology. Due to evolution of technology, the unremitting increase in supply & demand is growing. With the growth of the internet and an increase in utilization of smartphones, the time has come to change the conventional way of marketing. The no. of social media users in India is more than that of the other countries. Knowledge of customer motivation is critical as it gives consumers an understanding of what drives a brand or store to create content. Numerous methods of targeting customers are introduced. The use of Internet data by ordinary Indians is on the rise, with a lot of reliance on social media apps like Instagram , Facebook, Myspace, Twitter , LinkedIn, and Snapchat. Far more significant is the impact these apps have on daily life. The research can be expanded further to equate the techniques of internet making with those common to different customers.

Constantinides E., Zinck Stagno M., 2011, Potential of Social Media as Instruments of Higher Education Marketing, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education vol. 21, nr 1, pp. 89–106

… Marketing for Higher Education, 2011

The importance of social media as platforms of social interaction, communication and marketing is growing. Increasing numbers of businesses in various industries have already integrated or plan to integrate social media applications into their marketing programs. Higher education institutions show increased interest in the potential of social media as a marketing tool. Particularly important is the potential of these tools to reach and attract future students. An important issue for research is to understand how potential students use social media and what their role is in the decision making process of choosing a program of study, a University, or College. This paper identifies market segments among future students based on the use of the social media and examines the impact of the social media on the choice of a higher education program and institution. The study is based on data collected by means of a national survey among future university students in the Netherlands. Future students are pupils from the last twoyears of secondary education.Market segmentation was carried out based on the use of social media, by means of a cluster analysis and a factor analysis; the latter proved to be the best choice since it produced more differentiated market segments. The findings indicate the existence of three distinct segments in the population of future students in the Netherlands on the basis of social media use. Another major finding of the study is that future students are mostly interested in social interaction and information seeking when using social media, while the content contributed by this group is limited to photo and video sharing. Compared to traditional communication channels social media still play a secondary role in the students’ choice. While penetration of socialmedia is extremely high among future students, the impact of these in the choice of study and institution is relatively low compared to more traditional forms of university marketing. This paper provides university marketers with a useful insight into the developments in the market and discusses various options and opportunities for engaging social media as effective marketing tools.

Effectiveness of social media marketing: A tool for Marketing

In the present, we see there is radical change in how business operates and how people interact. Those days have been passed away when pure brick models work for business to thrive in the current scenario. It makes difficult for a business to grow without using social media strategy. Social media had become really significant gradient in today's marketing mix in general and in promotion mix in particular. Adapting some form of marketing online through social media is a key node for all businesses. Social media has a positive impact and a positive influence on the company as well as the customers. Social media is becoming an essential tool for marketers, which is at a very minimum investment. This study understands the benefits, impact and importance of social media on business performance and growth.


isara solutions, 2022

In the modern era, digital marketing is gaining more importance and people are driven towards social media. These made digital marketing include social media platforms as an essential part to market their products and services. Social media platforms have rapidly emerged and gained more value and help to create and share information, interests, ideas, as well as one own expression through their platforms. Here we will see various social media platforms available on the internet and learn their impact on the market. The impact of social media trends is very important to understand the market, companies' position, and branding. Since social media marketing is a new and specialized method of marketing, some of its areas may be unknown to business owners. This makes social media marketing challenging for people thus many are skeptical about using digital marketing strategies to grow their business. Thus, in this research, we have discussed various challenges and opportunities which will give a clear picture to all the readers.


In modern era everything is online. Internet is the part of everyone’s daily life. India has third largest internet users in the world after the US and China. S ocial media is playing a n important role in today’s era . F ew years back it was not so admired, but now a day it has changed the market scenario of businesses. People like to be more online rather than offline. M arketers also know this thing .E arli er promoting the products for any Marketers were too Tuff and costly, but now with the emergence of social media businesses and organizations have got a new way by which they can promote their product and s ervices with the maximum reach and minimum cost. N ow traditional media have replaced by social media. V arious social networking sites are used by marketers for promoting their products. This paper is an attempt to review/ enlighten the role of social media for marketers. The objective of this researc h pap er is to explore the potential of social networking sites to be utilized as an effective marketing tool in engaging consumers to parti cipate in marketing. This paper is trying to analyze the relevance of social media sites for marketers. This paper is also trying to enlighten some social media tools for marketers to promote their businesses

Social Media Marketing: Gaining a Competitive Advantage by Reaching the Masses

Social media marketing involves the use of online social media tools-such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn-to reach consumers in innovative ways. Given the increasingly large numbers of consumers using social media, businesses of all types are getting involved in social media in an attempt to reach new audiences and strengthen their ties with existing customers. However, the magnitude of resources available and the potential consequences of a failed social media marketing campaign have left many companies in a state of uncertainty. How can a company develop a social media marketing strategy that will prove successful in the long run? Instead of simply focusing on popular social media applications, companies need a set of guidelines with which they can effectively utilize various forms of social media as strategic marketing tools. Therefore, this thesis presents the principles of social media marketing by explaining the social media phenomenon, detailing how to create and capture value with social media, and discussing the process of formulating a social media marketing strategy.