Lourdes Sola, Idéias econômicas, decisões políticas: desenvolvimento, estabilidade e populismo (São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo: FAPESP, 1998), pp. 17+449, R$35 pb (original) (raw)



This research intends to trace the path taken by Brazilian evangelicals in the construction of their power projects, from the election of representatives to the National Constituent Assembly, in 1986, to the choice of pastor André Mendonça for the Federal Supreme Court, in 2021, seeking to understand the sociopolitical context, the methods, stages and motivations of their advance in power structures during the New Republic.

The relationship between neo-liberal " modernization " and " backward " political practices in Brazil of the 1990 s


Our goal is to investigate the reasons behind the p resence of clientelist-type practices among the popular classes in Brazil, highlighting the dec ade of the 1990s. Our proposal gives salience to factors regarding the socio-political conjunctur e, thereby taking us beyond explanations that rely exclusively on historical-cultural aspects or that sustain an economic bias. We use bibliographic and journalistic sources, from which we develop our own interpretation of the period. Thus, we observe that clientelist practices are encouraged to manifest themselves at the level of national political organization – particul arly within the federal sphere – yet are also reflected at state and municipal levels, due to the coalition of political forces created through the implantation of a neoliberal project in Brazil. The latter has joined “modern” Brazilian social democracy and “old” regional oligarchies sit uated primarily within the PFL, PP, PTB and certain sectors of the PMDB, whose represe...

Evangelicals and Power in Brazil: from José Sarney to Jair Bolsonaro (1985-2022)

International Journal of Human Sciences Research , 2023

This research intends to trace the path taken by Brazilian evangelicals in the construction of their power projects, from the election of representatives to the National Constituent Assembly, in 1986, to the choice of pastor André Mendonça for the Federal Supreme Court, in 2021, seeking to understand the sociopolitical context, the methods, stages and motivations of their advance in power structures during the New Republic.

Brazilian democracy and the dilemma between the culture of private and public interest: political approaches based on the Protestant Reformation

Revista Confluências Culturais, 2021

The political history of Brazil reveals a patriarchal and personalist formation that dominates society and the State, permeating all political models and regimes adopted since the colonial period. The confusion between the public and private spheres is observed by authors such as Sérgio Buarque de Holanda (1994), Darcy Ribeiro (1991) and Roberto DaMatta (1991). This situation is motivated, in part, by a culture dominated by the political-economic structure of the sugar mill, part of whose foundation lies in the worldview of Iberian Catholicism. This article is based on the sociological arguments of the above-mentioned authors and is a comparative discussion of the Brazilian society and the notions that are constitutive of Protestant theology as conceived by Luther (1520). Based on this discussion we suggest, with Terry Eagleton, that the search for the common good can only occur upon the foundation of the separation between State and Church, since in this separation resides the possibility of viewing the res publica as having dignity and independence, outside of the authoritarian desires of the sugar mill masters.

Protestantism and Politics in Brazil: A Historical Perspective

Studia Religiologica

With the growth of Protestantism, changes in conceptions and in political representations have provoked participation in political parties. In 1940, evangelical parliamentarians participated in the legislature. With the military coup of 1964, Protestantism divided into one sector which joined the military, and another which resisted it and built a Protestant opposition sector, The Evangelical Bench, which aligned itself to the conservative sectors in Parliament.

"Our time has come! It's time for the church to govern": evangelicals in Brazilian politics and in our ethnographies

Vibrant, 2020

This article analyzes how religious values, around which the campaign of Jair Bolsonaro was organized and which continue to be used to maintain the fidelity of the religious bases of his government, originate from the actions of the Evangelical Parliamentary Front in the National Congress, which since its establishment has demanded that the values of "the moral majority" be observed by the state. To achieve this, members of the Front instrumentalize legal principles, while also evoking moral panic. These steps, allied to support for other conservative proposals, form the political agenda of a new right that has acted effectively in Brazilian politics and become the political base of a government for which a moral agenda is the backbone of a new state that is "terribly Christian", extremist and conservative. Given this challenging situation, what are the impacts of this sole truth becoming state policy for social diversities, and on our anthropological reflections about the imbrications between religion and politics?

Evangelical Political Influence in Brazil

Gazeta do Amapa' (Brazil), 2024

“Evangelical political influence is one of the most important political trends of the last four decades,” says professor Andrew Chesnut, who teaches at Virginia Commonwealth University and writes several publications on the role of religion in Latin America. In an interview with BBC News Brasil, Chesnut listed 5 factors that help to better understand this subject: 1. the ideological cohesion of evangelicals, which facilitates political articulations; 2. the fact that the rites of evangelical churches are more “consistent” with aspects of the people’s culture; 3. the adoption of less rigid rules for the training of priests, allowing greater inclusion in the poorest classes. A noticia original em portugues https://agazetadoamapa.com.br/jornal-tribuna-no-805-04-08-2024/