Dautant Alain (1982) Revue de l'Agenais - Deux puits funéraires de la Tène III au Barbot à Aiguillon (Lot-et-Garonne) (original) (raw)
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Revue Archéologique de Bordeaux t.103, p.11-39, 2012
Résumé La collection d’antiquités égyptiennes du musée d’Aquitaine comporte près de 700 objets. Elle s’est constituée au cours des XIXe et XXe siècle grâce à une succession de dons, legs et achats. L’histoire de cette collection se confond avec celle des musées de Bordeaux. Le cercueil thébain d’Irethorrou (XXVe dynastie), offert à la Société Archéologique de Bordeaux par C.A. Ducatel en 1877, fait l’objet de la présente étude. Abstract The collection of Egyptian antiquities of the Aquitaine museum contains about 700 objects. It was constituted during XIXth and XXth century thanks to a succession of donations, legacies and purchases. The history of this collection becomes confused with that of the Bordeaux’s museums. The Theban coffin of Irethorru (XXVth dynasty), offered to the Archaeological Society of Bordeaux by C.A. Ducatel in 1877, is presently studied.
Vernègues (Bouches-du-Rhône) In: Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise, Tome 38-39, 2005. pp. 201-224. Abstract On the site of Château-Bas, near Vernègues (Bouches-du-Rhône, France), about 25 km north of Aix-en-Provence, an hydraulic setup -huge room for water harnessing, acqueduct and basin -have been identified. Though located a few meters from the Augustean temple still erected on the site, thèse installations were built before the temple, as suggested by the stone cutting techniques, the size of the blocks or the dry joint masonry used for their construction. After comparing them with other regional hydraulic installations -water supplying of Glanum in particular -we could date this original setup from 150 to 50 BC and suppose that an ancient building devoted to water -a sanctuary? -motivated the construction of a large sanctuary at the beginning of the imperial period.
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