Examining E-Learning Programs in Turkish Higher Education System

Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design

This study provides a holistic examination of e-learning and its management. While the study primarily aims to evaluate e-learning efforts in Turkey, it also presents the strengths and weaknesses of e-learning in general and proposes a model for classifying e-learning studies. Furthermore, we examine e-learning programs in Turkey and assess the current status of existing programs. Considering the data generated, we examine the similarities and differences between existing programs and to show the current situation of e-learning in Turkey.

Are Turkish Universities Ready for E-learning: A case of Hacettepe University Faculty of Letters

Universities play an important role in lifelong learning. E-learning is one of the key elements in today's networked and knowledge oriented world. It is crucial to know whether the universities are ready to transform their courses to elearning systems. In this paper the e-learning readiness of the academic staff of Hacettepe University Faculty of Letters (HUFL) is investigated. A 37-item questionnaire along with some demographic questions is used for obtaining the data. Results show that title might be a significant factor for e-learning readiness and in general, HUFL academic staff are not ready for the e-learning environment. The findings of this study will help to conduct a larger study throughout Turkey in order to determine a model for course of action for transition to an e-learning system.

The Model of E-learning Education Development in Iranian Higher Education System

Iranian Evolutionary Educational Psychology Journal, 2023

In the present era, considering the power of digital technology and the expansion of information, higher education is on the verge of a revolution. Therefore, this research aims to present a model for developing electronic education in the Iranian higher education system. Educational systems at various levels around the world are striving to provide equal and effective educational opportunities for all using information and communication technology. In today's world, electronic education and learning stand out as crucial applications of information and communication technology, and are rapidly gaining prominence as a dominant technology in the field of education. Therefore, this research utilizes structural equation modeling and data collected from a researcher-designed questionnaire to examine the essential infrastructure required for the development of electronic education. The results demonstrated that the indicators of the development model in higher education are a multidimensional concept that includes organizational, technological, support, educational content, and participant characteristics. The findings indicate that support and technological variables play the most significant role in the model of electronic education development. The results provide practical implications for designing electronic education development programs in universities and higher education institutions.


In this paper for the first time we studied and compared socio-cultural differences and its’ effect on elearning at higher education in Estonia and Turkey using EES Model-2. Element of uppermost Instructional layer of the EES Model-2 of Turkish and Estonian e-learning system at higher education, socio-cultural factor, was compared and analyzed for the first time. Advantages and problematic aspects of components of socio-cultural factor in both countries were analysed. Most important components of socio-cultural factor with higher influence on e-learning at higher education in Estonia are (1) language, (2) education language, (3) population age and (4) customs and traditions. (1) The language, (2) religion, (3) customs, traditions and ethical values and (4) population age are components which play significant role in Turkey. The component of language was estimated as the main in two countries. The religion, second important component in Turkey with high positive impact on e-learning at higher education, was presented in Estonia but with insignificant impact. Component age is significant in two countries, as well as customs and traditions. Merged with ethical values in Turkish case this component has higher influence on e-learning at higher education.

E-learning Programs: The Case of Ankara University, Turkey

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013

This paper aims to evaluate the Human Relations E-Learning Graduate Program of Ankara University, Turkey. Students of this program filled out a questionnaire form which includes both close-ended and open-ended questions. The results of the research revealed that there was a close similarity between the beginning goals of the program and its present situation. It is clear that these kinds of programs provide useful tools for creating a learning society.

E-Learning in Higher Education Institutions and Its Determinants

In the knowledge era, the e-learning has become vital. E-learning incorporates numerous tools that provide academic institutions efficient and effective ways to store, manage, share its academic resources and knowledge and supplement their traditional way of teaching. The adoption of e-learning has become a requirement at universities as it is enhancing the teaching and learning environment.The students' viewpoints, lecturers' performance, characteristics of LMS and support of university that play a significant role in determining e-learning implementation. In conclusion, universities should support e-learning deployment through improving learners' viewpoints, must ensure that lecturers are entirely on board regarding the implementation of e-learning, should guarantee the quality of the utilized system, must highlight the importance of LMS on curriculum and provide good enough service for effective LMS implementation in blended learning environment. 01. Introduction The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a dynamic qualification for the growth of a knowledge-based economy, to develop human resources specifically for developing countries. Because of the greater use of information and communications technologies, Universities are enduring typical shifts. The result of this typical shift in the consumption and implementation of e-learning, which has arisen as an overbearing tool to communicate knowledge in the academic as well as corporate sectors. According to Kelly and Bauer, E-learning is the use of Web-based communication, collaboration, learning, knowledge transfer, and training in order to add value to learners and businesses (Managing Intellectual Capital via E-Learning at Cisco, 2004). E-learning is controlled to become an essential module of information propagation, and develops as the new standard of modern education meanwhile it has several advantages such like increased efficiency and cost reduction, transparency, scalability, flexibility, accessibility consistency and improved student performance. As Fathi and Wilson, all methods of Internet-mediated learning continue to succeed across all stages of higher education and are increasing continually (2009). Some academic and technical training organizations are using e-learning systems to support for traditional ways of teaching (blended learning), same time others use it to supporting tool for distance learning (pure exclusive e-learning). In case of blended learning environment, according to Gribbins et al, it is mixes instructional delivery in a face-to-face manner with online learning, either synchronously or asynchronously (2007). Hence, it is defined as a combination of online-learning and face-to-face classroom learning environments (Graham, 2006; Wu et al., 2010; Nawaz et al., 2015). On the other hand, in distance learning, e-learning can be used to construct a complete virtual learning environment with all course works can be done absolutely in an online manner. Additionally, the progress of e-learning systems is fairly a challenge for both government and government universities and industry. Success of the education does not rely only on technology, but it depends on careful planning and strategies for the implementation must be closely examined and that the implementation among users is a vital concern (ElT artoussi, 2009). Both Information System researchers and professionals deal various complications in theoretical and methodological concepts (Ozkan et al 2008). Most of the initiative institutions of e-learning in developing countries have not been successful (Borstorff, et al 2007, Saeedikiya, M., et al 2010, Sife, A. S. et al 2008). Some of them only know that why many initiatives stop their online learning after their initial experience (Sun et al, 2008). As a significance of these issues, the development of theories and principles for guiding e-learning triumph to lead to achieve an efficient system is become as a requirement. Furthermore, according to the importance of measuring IS success in terms of e-learning application increase, the requirement for the investment on e-learning also increase. But before investing in on an e-learning system, there is a crucial need to evaluate the success of the systems. 02. E – Learning Background Many researchers have encouraged to develop internet technologies and web based applications by the growing convention of internet. The character of e-learning and information technologies in higher education endures to multiply in scope and density. Every public educational institution has got the chance to make the use of Internet as a backbone of communicating medium with the students with the help of the rapid development of ICT

E-learning systems in higher education institutions: An outlook of their use in the Western Balkan Region

International Journal of Business & Technology

This study provides a review of the literature on e-learning systems evolution and environments. The argument is that e-learning systems should be embedded in the core strategy of the institution. To support this premise, studies for e-learning are analyzed and six recommendations are drawn for universities to follow in order to have successful e-learning environments. The main contribution of this study, however, is the identification of the trends and statistics regarding the e-learning usage in the Balkan region. These stats are identified through a survey conducted in 40 universities in 10 countries from this region. The results show that more than 70% of the universities have adopted LMS, which does not fall short behind when compared with universities in the world. Also, the results show that around 64% of the private universities develop LMS in-house, compared with around 38% of the public universities, which have funding from the governments and can purchase vendor based sol...

Implementing e-learning environment at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Journal of Education and Practice

The ubiquity of e-learning has necessitated research into its application and effectiveness. This study scrutinizes the factors influencing e-learning adoption in Bosnia and Herzegovina, specifically within the higher education sector. To determine these influential factors, the study surveyed professors from both private and public universities via emails, achieving 220 responses from over 1,500 sent. The collected data was analyzed using SmartPLS, and regression modeling was used to determine the significant relationships among the factors. The findings highlighted seven key elements, including e-learning policies, institutional readiness, quality e-learning systems, course design quality, awareness of benefits, interactive discussions, and motivation. Furthermore, the research unveiled six substantial gaps in the current e-learning structure: resource insufficiency, lack of e-learning skills, ineffective course design, inadequate knowledge of benefits, low motivation, and a lack ...

The Students' Perceptions About E-Learning in a Higher Education Institution in Turkey


Pages E-learning is one of the common education types in Turkey elsewhere in the world because it has been a necessity for higher and continuous education of people but what about its quality? There are a diverse number of factors which affect the quality of e-learning education but one of the most important factors is the student. Because students are at the center of education and all of the teaching-learning operations are performed for them, their impressions are very important to gain idea about the quality and improvement of education. In order to obtain information from students v about e-learning process, questionnaires applied to 267 students and 203 of them were used for this study. The results showed that students were not able to get adequate support from teachers and success rates of the students were affected negatively by lack of immediate feedback. It was also inferred that learning objectives of the course were shared at the beginning but they were not emphasized throughout the term therefore students did not have enough knowledge about them. Moreover, according to the students almost all of the e-learning courses have similar assessment methods and they were not selected according to the predetermined learning objectives. Lastly, students mentioned that e-learning courses they had taken were not more beneficial than traditional ones but they will continue preferring them in the future. This shows that although there are still problems related with elearning, students still prefer it because of its advantages for the students.