Evaluating issues and performance of a public transport network in a post-communist city using a quantitative spatial approach (original) (raw)
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GIS based methodology to analyse the public transport supply: Hungarian case studies
Geographica Pannonica
The paper aims to introduce a new way of comparing the efficiency of public transport operations based on publicly available data. It draws on four main sources, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, public transport provider data, GTFS and OSM map layers. Methodologically, it combines the use of the GTFS format and corresponding static timetable component files, Thiessen polygons and empirical selection of relative indicators. As places of research, three comparable Hungarian cities have been selected by their population size; Pécs, Szeged and Miskolc. The comparison consists of 8 quantitative indicators that cover six major geographical aspects of transport operation (accessibility in terms of proximity, capacity, connectivity, density, frequency and velocity of vehicles). The analysis does not consider the mode of public transport, thus opening up the possibility of an independent comparison of efficiency regardless of various infrastructure characteristics. The results show ...
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Proceedings of the 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2016, 2019
Main debates concerning urban mobility in Romania are dominated by the necessity to define, adopt and implement sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMP). SUMPs are strategic instruments to move forward from the traditional way of managing spatial accessibility and transport issues (which is especially true for post-socialist cities) to a more integrated, participative and innovative approach. Although some investments in urban transportation have been made in Romania during the EU's previous financial period (2007-2013), most urban areas still face numerous challenges in leaving behind the old paradigm. Our paper brings into discussion the current state in adopting SUMPs for major Romanian cities. In addition, the paper discusses the public transportation and spatial accessibility issues for the particular case of Suceava City with the aim of highlighting some of the challenges SUMPs have to find a solution. These challenges are numerous and very diverse and, as a consequence, we opted for discussing only some of the aspects which one may consider as representative for most of the Romanian cities. The methodology deployment involved, in a first phase, the creation of a database concerning the economic actors in the field of public transportation and the services they offer, and, in a second phase, the use of GIS instruments in order to create a road transport infrastructure spatial database and to analyse the quality of infrastructure and the spatial accessibility it generates. The results highlight some of the administrative challenges to be faced and some issues related to transport infrastructure quality and to periurban spatial accessibility.
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The issue of public transport accessibility of localities and regions is one of the key research themes of transport geography. The EU defines public transport as one of the services of "general economic interest", which means that its organization should be based on the principles of solidarity and equal access for all citizens of the state and its regions. The study of transport accessibility of 13 district centres in the peripheral and economically underdeveloped Prešov administrative region (Slovakia) from the municipalities of their immediate hinterlands expressed by the number of direct bus and train connections is aimed at identifying the spatial differentiation of individual intraregional accessibilities. The realization of the research pursues the objective,to point out by the comparison of the theoretical and real values of direct transport connections, to the possible existence of discrepancies in the public transport services of individual municipalities in relation to their higher hierarchical district's centre.
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A properly functioning public transport is one of the most important components of urban mobility for the population. Due to spatial inhomogeneity and overall socio-economic differences within a city, there are often considerable disproportions in the quality of transport services within its districts. Also, the city of Krakow is no exception in this case. For a comparison of public transport accessibility in 18 Krakow districts, 7 major quantitative and 5 minor indicators were created. These indicators include the most important characteristics of transport services such as accessibility, frequency, connectivity of connections, and ratios of tram public transport subsystem. The resulting values give a fairly comprehensive picture of the quality of the transport services. Overall higher values for most indicators occur in the central districts of the city. However, due to the complexity of the observed characteristics, it is possible to discover significant differences in the struct...
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The present paper aims to be useful for public transport operators and municipalities, as it should enable them to make decisions and to optimize public transport schedules during peak hours. In this study, we outline the data and the means necessary for the creation and use of a specific database for a dynamic spatial analysis of the public transportation network. This will facilitate the analysis of public transport vehicle operating programs and the simulation of new transport programs using open-source software. This paper delivers the first digital map of the public transport in Bucharest. Using the QGIS software and the PostgresSQL database, (i) we analyzed the accessibility of public transport stops for residential areas (5-min isochrones, corresponding to walking distances of 400 m), and (ii) we determined the correlation of transport vehicle programs with the existing transport network to optimize the headway of vehicles. These two elements were considered for the analysis ...
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The objective of this contribution is to establish a method linking the performance of the regional rail transport network and two principles of territorial organisation around a central pole (monocentric option) or in a city network (polycentric option), applied to the Region Nord-Pas-de-Calais in France. The first step here is to define a set of urban centres, on which the spatial organisation principles are applied. The analysis of the quality of transport service is established from an indicator expressing the possibility to accomplish daily trips between two cities with a ‘fast train at the right moment' from home and back. The method allows us to analyse the answer of the transport system to expressed or potential demand, but it is also used to analyse the spatial organisation of the system and to link it to spatial planning objectives. From this point of view, the organisation of the Region Nord-Pas-de-Calais appears more to exhibit a monocentric pattern around Lille than...
A comparative analysis of the performance of urban public transport systems in Europe
International Social Science Journal, 2003
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