Исследования на улице Даньславля в Великом Новгороде (археология и палеоантропология) (original) (raw)
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Архитектурная археология., 2020
The article makes public the outcomes of an archaeological study of the lost parts of the 1433 Episcopal Chamber, which was the centerpiece of the palace used the residence of the Archbishops of Novgorod. During the excavations, archaeologists found remains of the masonry of the southern, eastern and western walls of the lost south-western three-storied part of the cham-ber (its northern wall has survived almost intact). Also found was the staircase leading into the basement of the chamber. Some of the finds indicate the layout of the south entrance hall of the chamber, and traces of the doorway leading into the room below the hall have also been unearthed. We have also studied the foundation of two stoves used for heating the second floor rooms. The outcomes of the archaeological study helped us draft the original layout of the Chamber.