A new approach to inventorying bodies of water, from local to global scale (original) (raw)
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Until recently, the small water bodies have been disregarded in the environmental management and protection policies. For example, the European Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC proposes the threshold surface area of water bodies for typology and reporting as 50 ha. The inventories on state level or scientific studies took into account smaller water bodies (e.g. <10 ha for Meybeck, 1995, <1 ha for Rjanžin, 2005, or <0.05 ha for Kuusisto and Raatikainen, 1988) but these methods of estimations has been region-specific and not suitable for global estimates. The increasing awareness about the important roles that terrestrial standing water bodies play in the biodiversity or hydrological and biogeochemical cycles has facilitated new global and regional inventories of lakes and water bodies. Although with differences in the total counts and in the statistical estimates of abundance-size relationship, these recent global estimates reveal the quantitative importance of the terrestrial standing water bodies in the global hydrology (Downing et al., 2006; Verpoorter et al., 2014). Yet, our analysis of the abundance and distribution EU water bodies suggest that these global counts underrepresents the hydrologically complex terrain of the European territory. One of the main limits is the high cutoff limit that excludes small water bodies below ~0.2 ha. For example, in France, Bartout and Touchart (2013) report that including water bodies below 0.01 ha in the estimates resulted in 16 times higher number of water bodies with the surface area one-third higher than officially registered inventories. Also, in Estonia, the water bodies with a surface area below 1 ha are almost 50 times more abundant than those above 1 ha and 92% of all standing water bodies are smaller than 0.2 ha. Using the OpenStreetMap database we will discuss the differences between global inventories and EU-level analysis. We will show the alternative regional estimates of water bodies with the surface size threshold limit 0.01 ha which will illustrate the quantitative importance of very small often man-made ponds, which are however, abundant cultural heritage in many parts of Europe. Secondly, by comparing detailed national inventories compiled for France and Estonia, we will introduce usefulness of the the 'local to global' approach in which the local databases may significantly strengthen the precision of the regional (EU) level analysis. Overall, we will discuss that all standing water bodies – including small and man-made ponds – play an important role in ecosystem services and require careful management to avoid hydrological and environmental deterioration.
The global abundance and size distribution of lakes, ponds, and impoundments
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One of the major impediments to the integration of lentic ecosystems into global environmental analyses has been fragmentary data on the extent and size distribution of lakes, ponds, and impoundments. We use new data sources, enhanced spatial resolution, and new analytical approaches to provide new estimates of the global abundance of surface-water bodies. A global model based on the Pareto distribution shows that the global extent of natural lakes is twice as large as previously known (304 million lakes; 4.2 million km 2 in area) and is dominated in area by millions of water bodies smaller than 1 km 2 . Similar analyses of impoundments based on inventories of large, engineered dams show that impounded waters cover approximately 0.26 million km 2 . However, construction of low-tech farm impoundments is estimated to be between 0.1% and 6% of farm area worldwide, dependent upon precipitation, and represents .77,000 km 2 globally, at present. Overall, about 4.6 million km 2 of the earth's continental ''land'' surface (.3%) is covered by water. These analyses underscore the importance of explicitly considering lakes, ponds, and impoundments, especially small ones, in global analyses of rates and processes.
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PloS one, 2011
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Economic Systems Research, 2011
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Terrestrial and Inland Water Systems
Cambridge University Press eBooks, 2015
The planet's biota and ecosystem processes were strongly affected by past climate changes at rates of climate change lower than those projected during the 21st century under high warming scenarios (e.g., Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5)) (high confidence). Most ecosystems are vulnerable to climate change even at rates of climate change projected under low-to medium-range warming scenarios (e.g., RCP2.6 to RCP6.0). The paleoecological record shows that global climate changes comparable in magnitudes to those projected for the 21st century under all scenarios resulted in large-scale biome shifts and changes in community composition; and that for rates projected under RCP6 and 8.5 were associated with species extinctions in some groups (high confidence). {4.2.3} Climate change is projected to be a powerful stressor on terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems in the second half of the 21st century, especially under high-warming scenarios such as RCP6.0 and RCP8.5 (high confidence). Direct human impacts such as land use and land use change, pollution, and water resource development will continue to dominate the threats to most freshwater (high confidence) and terrestrial (medium confidence) ecosystems globally over the next 3 decades. Changing climate exacerbates other impacts on biodiversity (high confidence). Ecosystem changes resulting from climate change may not be fully apparent for several decades, owing to long response times in ecological systems (medium confidence). Model-based projections imply that under low to moderate warming scenarios (e.g., RCP2.6 to RCP6.0), direct land cover change will continue to dominate over (and conceal) climate-induced change as a driver of ecosystem change at the global scale; for higher climate change scenarios, some model projections imply climate-driven ecosystem changes sufficiently extensive to equal or exceed direct human impacts at the global scale (medium confidence). In high-altitude and high-latitude freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, climate changes exceeding those projected under RCP2.6 will lead to major changes in species distributions and ecosystem function, especially in the second half of the 21st century (high confidence).
Land water and energy balances vary around the globe because of variations in amount and temporal distribution of water and energy supplies and because of variations in land characteristics. The former control (water and energy supplies) explains much more variance in water and energy balances than the latter (land characteristics). A largely untested hypothesis underlying most global models of land water and energy balance is the assumption that parameter values based on estimated geographic distributions of soil and vegetation characteristics improve the performance of the models relative to the use of globally constant land parameters. This hypothesis is tested here through an evaluation of the improvement in performance of one land model associated with the introduction of geographic information on land characteristics. The capability of the model to reproduce annual runoff ratios of large river basins, with and without information on the global distribution of albedo, rooting depth, and stomatal resistance, is assessed. To allow a fair comparison, the model is calibrated in both cases by adjusting globally constant scale factors for snow-free albedo, non-water-stressed bulk stomatal resistance, and critical root density (which is used to determine effective root-zone depth). The test is made in standalone mode, that is, using prescribed radiative and atmospheric forcing. Model performance is evaluated by comparing modeled runoff ratios with observed runoff ratios for a set of basins where precipitation biases have been shown to be minimal.