Conjunctive queries for a tractable fragment of OWL 1.1 (original) (raw)
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Querying OWL 2 QL ontologies under the SPARQL Metamodeling Semantics Entailment Regime
Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati, 2017
OWL 2 QL is the profile of OWL 2 targeted to Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) scenarios, where large amount of data are to be accessed, and thus answering conjunctive queries over data is the main task. However, this task is quite restrained wrt the classical KR Ask-and-Tell framework based on querying the whole theory, not only facts (data). If we use SPARQL as query language, we get much closer to this ideal. Indeed, SPARQL queries over OWL 2 QL, under the so-called Direct Semantics Entailment Regime, may comprise any assertion expressible in the language, i.e., both ABox atoms and TBox atoms, including inequalities expressed by means of DifferentIndividuals. Nevertheless this regime is hampered by the assumption that variables in queries need to be typed, meaning that the same variable cannot occur in positions of different types, e.g., both in class and individual position (punning). In this paper we dismiss this limiting assumption by resorting to a recent meta modeling semantics and show that query answering in the resulting entailment regime is polynomially compilable into Datalog (and hence PTIME wrt both TBox and ABox).
On the SPARQL Direct Semantics Entailment Regime for OWL 2 QL
OWL 2 QL is the profile of OWL 2 targeted to Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) scenarios, where large amount of data are to be accessed and thus query answering is required to be especially efficient in the size of such data, namely AC0 in data complexity. On the other hand, the syntax and the semantics of the SPARQL query language for OWL 2 is defined by means of the Direct Semantics Entailment Regime (DSER), which considers queries including any assertion expressible in the language of the queried ontology, i.e., both ABox atoms, TBox atoms and inequalities expressed by means of DifferentIndividuals atoms. Thus, in this paper, we investigate query answering over OWL 2 QL under DSER. In particular, we show that, by virtue of the restricted meaning assigned to existential variables and union, query answering can be reduced to the evaluation of a Datalog program. Finally, we investigate query answering under a new SPARQL entailment regime, called Direct Semantics Answering Regime (DS...
ELP: Tractable rules for OWL 2
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2008, 2008
We introduce ELP as a decidable fragment of the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) that admits reasoning in polynomial time. ELP is based on the tractable description logic EL ++ , and encompasses an extended notion of the recently proposed DL rules for that logic. Thus ELP extends EL ++ with a number of features introduced by the forthcoming OWL 2, such as disjoint roles, local reflexivity, certain range restrictions, and the universal role. We present a reasoning algorithm based on a translation of ELP to Datalog, and this translation also enables the seamless integration of DL-safe rules into ELP. While reasoning with DL-safe rules as such is already highly intractable, we show that DL-safe rules based on the Description Logic Programming (DLP) fragment of OWL 2 can be admitted in ELP without losing tractability. * Extended technical report with complete proofs 1 OWL 2 is the forthcoming W3C recommendation for updating OWL, and is based on the OWL 1.1 member submission. See
On the SPARQL metamodeling semantics entailment regime for OWL 2 QL ontologies
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, 2017
OWL 2 QL is the pro le of OWL 2 targeted to Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) scenarios, where large amount of data are to be accessed, and thus answering conjunctive queries over data is the main task. However, this task is quite restrained wrt the classical KR Ask-and-Tell framework based on querying the whole theory, not only facts (data). If we use SPARQL as query language, we get much closer to this ideal. Indeed, SPARQL queries over OWL 2 QL, under the so-called Direct Semantics Entailment Regime, may comprise any assertion expressible in the language, i.e., both ABox atoms and TBox atoms, including inequalities expressed by means of DifferentIndividuals. Nevertheless this regime is hampered by the assumption that variables in queries need to be typed, meaning that the same variable cannot occur in positions of di erent types, e.g., both in class and individual position (punning). In this paper we dismiss this limiting assumption by resorting to a recent meta modeling semantics and show that query answering in the resulting entailment regime is polynomially compilable into Datalog (and hence PTIME wrt both TBox and ABox).
A conjunctive query language for description logic aboxes
Abstract A serious shortcoming of many Description Logic based knowledge representation systems is the inadequacy of their query languages. In this paper we present a novel technique that can be used to provide an expressive query language for such systems. One of the main advantages of this approach is that, being based on a reduction to knowledge base satisfiability, it can easily be adapted to most existing (and future) Description Logic implementations.
Characterizing Data Complexity for Conjunctive Query Answering In Expressive Description Logics
Description Logics (DLs) are the formal foundations of the standard web ontology languages OWL-DL and OWL-Lite. In the Semantic Web and other domains, ontologies are increasingly seen also as a mechanism to access and query data repositories. This novel context poses an original combination of challenges that has not been addressed before: (i) sufficient expressive power of the DL to capture common data modeling constructs; (ii) well established and flexible query mechanisms such as Conjunctive Queries (CQs); (iii) optimization of inference techniques with respect to data size, which typically dominates the size of ontologies. This calls for investigating data complexity of query answering in expressive DLs. While the complexity of DLs has been studied extensively, data complexity has been characterized only for answering atomic queries, and was still open for answering CQs in expressive DLs. We tackle this issue and prove a tight CONP upper bound for the problem in SHIQ, as long as no transitive roles occur in the query. We thus establish that for a whole range of DLs from AL to SHIQ, answering CQs with no transitive roles has CONP-complete data complexity. We obtain our result by a novel tableaux-based algorithm for checking query entailment, inspired by the one in , but which manages the technical challenges of simultaneous inverse roles and number restrictions (which leads to a DL lacking the finite model property).
Towards more expressive ontology languages: The query answering problem
Artificial Intelligence, 2012
Ontology reasoning finds a relevant application in the so-called ontology-based data access, where a classical extensional database (EDB) is enhanced by an ontology, in the form of logical assertions, that generates new intensional knowledge which contributes to answering queries. In this setting, queries are therefore answered against a logical theory constituted by the EDB and the ontology; more specifically, query answering amounts to computing the answers to the query that are entailed by the EDB and the ontology. In this paper, we study novel relevant classes of ontological theories for which query answering is both decidable and of tractable data complexity, that is, the complexity with respect to the size of the data only. In particular, our new classes belong to the recently introduced family of Datalog-based languages, called Datalog ±. The basic Datalog ± rules are (functionfree) Horn rules extended with existential quantification in the head, known as tuplegenerating dependencies (TGDs). We propose the language of sticky sets of TGDs (or sticky Datalog ±), which are sets of TGDs with a restriction on multiple occurrences of variables in the rule-bodies. We establish complexity results for answering conjunctive queries under sticky sets of TGDs, showing, in particular, that queries can be compiled into domain independent first-order (and thus translatable into SQL) queries over the given EDB. We also present several extensions of sticky sets of TGDs, and investigate the complexity of query answering under such classes. In summary, we obtain highly expressive and effective ontology languages that unify and generalize both classical database constraints, and important features of the most widespread tractable description logics; in particular, the DL-Lite family of description logics.
Conjunctive Query Answering with OWL 2 QL
We present a novel rewriting technique for conjunctive query answering over OWL 2 QL ontologies. In general, the obtained rewritings are not necessarily correct and can be of exponential size in the length of the query. We argue, however, that in most, if not all, practical cases the rewritings are correct and of polynomial size. Moreover, we prove some sufficient conditions, imposed on queries and ontologies, that guarantee correctness and succinctness. We also support our claim by experimental results. m j=1 D j over propositional variables p 1 , . . . , p n as an OWL 2 QL TBox,
On the Web Ontology Rule Language OWL 2 RL
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
It is known that the OWL 2 RL Web Ontology Language Profile has PTime data complexity and can be translated into Datalog. However, a knowledge base in OWL 2 RL may be unsatisfiable. The reason is that, when translated into Datalog, the result may consist of a Datalog program and a set of constraints in the form of negative clauses. In this paper we first identify a maximal fragment of OWL 2 RL called OWL 2 RL + with the property that every knowledge base expressed in this fragment can be translated into a Datalog program and hence is satisfiable. We then propose some extensions of OWL 2 RL and OWL 2 RL + that still have PTime data complexity.
Epistemic querying of owl knowledge bases
Epistemic querying extends standard ontology inferencing by allowing for deductive introspection. We propose a technique for epistemic querying of OWL 2 ontologies not featuring nominals and universal roles by a reduction to a series of standard OWL 2 reasoning steps thereby enabling the deployment of off-the-shelf OWL 2 reasoning tools for this task. We prove formal correctness of our method, justify the omission of nominals and universal role, and provide an implementation as well as evaluation results.