Towards grid implementations of metaheuristics for hard combinatorial optimization problems (original) (raw)
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Efficient parallel cooperative implementations of GRASP heuristics
Parallel Computing, 2007
We propose a parallel cooperative strategy for the implementation of the GRASP metaheuristic and we illustrate it with a GRASP with path-relinking heuristic for the 2-path network design problem. Numerical results illustrating the effectiveness of the approach are reported. We comment in detail the implementation strategies that take most advantage of the algorithm structure. Computational experiments show linear speedups on a Linux cluster with 32 machines.
Parallel metaheuristics for combinatorial optimization
ABSTRACT In this paper, we review parallel metaheuristics for approximating the global optimal solution of combinatorial optimization problems. Recent developments on parallel implementation of genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search, variable neighborhood search, and greedy randomized adaptive search procedures (GRASP) are discussed.
A Parallel GRASP Heuristic for the 2-Path Network Design Problem
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
We propose a parallel GRASP heuristic with path-relinking for the 2-path network design problem. A parallel strategy for its implementation is described. Computational results illustrating the effectiveness of the new heuristic are reported. The parallel implementation obtains linear speedups on a cluster with 32 machines.
Parallel best-first search: Optimal and suboptimal solutions
To harness modern multi-core processors, it is imperative to develop parallel versions of fundamental algorithms. In this paper, we present a general approach to best-first heuristic search in a shared-memory setting. Each thread attempts to expand the most promising nodes. By using abstraction to partition the state space, we detect duplicate states while avoiding lock contention. We allow speculative expansions when necessary to keep threads busy. We identify and fix potential livelock conditions. In an empirical comparison on STRIPS planning, grid pathfinding, and sliding tile puzzle problems using an 8-core machine, we show that A* implemented in our framework yields faster search performance than previous parallel search proposals. We also demonstrate that our approach extends easily to other best-first searches, such as weighted A* and anytime heuristic search.
Parallel Metaheuristics Applications
A New Class of Algorithms, 2005
PARALLEL META-HEURISTICS APPLICATIONS problems, set covering and partitioning, satisfiability and max-sat problems, quadratic assignment, location and network design, traveling salesman and vehicle routing problems. We do not pretend to be exhaustive. We have also restricted to a minimum the presentation of general parallel computation issues as well as that of the parallel meta-heuristic strategies. The reader may consult a number of surveys, taxonomies, and syntheses of parallel meta-heuristics, of which quite a few address the "classical" meta-heuristics, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, and Tabu Search, while some others address the field in more comprehensive terms:
Heuristics for the mirrored traveling tournament problem
European Journal of Operational Research, 2007
Professional sports leagues are a major economic activity around the world. Teams and leagues do not want to waste their investments in players and structure in consequence of poor schedules of games. Game scheduling is a difficult task, involving several decision makers, different types of constraints, and multiple objectives to optimize. The traveling tournament problem abstracts certain types of sport timetabling issues, where the objective is to minimize the total distance traveled by the teams. In this work, we tackle the mirrored version of this problem. We first propose a fast and effective constructive algorithm. We also describe a new heuristic based on the combination of the GRASP and iterated local search metaheuristics. A strong neighborhood based on ejection chains is also proposed and leads to significant improvements in solution quality. Very good solutions are obtained for the mirrored problem, sometimes even better than those found by other approximate algorithms for the less constrained non-mirrored version. Computational results are shown for benchmark problems and for a large instance associated with the main division of the 2003 edition of the Brazilian soccer championship, involving 24 teams.
International Transactions in Operational Research, 2011
The adoption of the same cluster-based programming strategies for grid applications, although requiring minimal effort from a programmer's point of view, does not always take advantage of the available computational resources to their fullest extent. This paper investigates the impact of a distributed and hierarchical autonomic strategy on the performance of parallel metaheuristics to solve hard combinatorial optimization problems on grids. Two problems, the mirrored traveling tournament problem and the bounded diameter minimum spanning tree problem, for which high quality sequential heuristics based on the paradigms of the GRASP and Iterated Local Search metaheuristics already exist, are employed as casestudies. The computational results obtained on a grid by the novel autonomic strategy show that outstanding performance improvements over the traditional master-worker parallelization approach can be achieved.
In this paper, we review parallel search techniques for approximatingthe global optimal solution of combinatorial optimization problems. Recent developments on parallel implementation of genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search, and greedy randomized adaptive searchprocedures (GRASP) are discussed. Key words: Parallel Search, Heuristics, Genetic Algorithms, SimulatedAnnealing, Tabu Search, GRASP, Parallel Computing.
Parallel Methods for Constraint Solving and Combinatorial Optimization (NII Shonan Meeting 2012-5)
NII Shonan Meet. Rep., 2012
In the last decade, with the development of multi-core workstations, the availability of GPGPU-enhanced systems and the access to Grid platforms and supercomputers worldwide, Parallel Programming reached mainstream programming and appeared as a key issue in order to use in an efficient manner the computing power at hand. Search methods and combinatorial optimization techniques are not isolated from this phenomenon, as bigger computing power means the ability to attack more complex combinatorial problems. In the last years some experiments have been done to extend to parallel execution search methods such as Constraint Programming or SAT solving (Boolean satisfiability), and combinatorial optimization methods such as Local Search, Meta-heuristics and Brand & Bound. However these works have mostly been done for shared memory multi-core systems (i.e. with a few cores) or for small PC clusters (a few machines). The next challenge is to devise efficient techniques and algorithms for massively parallel computers with tens or hundreds of thousands of cores in the form of heterogeneous hybrid systems based on both multi-core processors and GPUs. We would like to provide a cross-community forum for researchers working on search methods (Constraint Solving, Artificial Intelligence, Logic Programming, SAT solving, etc.), combinatorial optimization methods (metaheuristics, local search, tabu search, evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, memetic algorithms, and other types of algorithms) and High Performance Computing (Grids, large PC clusters, massively parallel computers, GPGPUs) in order to tackle the challenge of efficient implementations on all kinds of parallel hardware: multi-core, GPU-based or heterogeneous massively parallel systems. This meeting is designed to be a forum for researchers willing to tackle those issues, in order to exchange ideas, theoretical frameworks, design of algorithms and methods, implementation issues, experimental results and further boost this growing area through cross-fertilization.