Changes in microbial flora during manufacture of a traditional fermented milk from ewe's milk (original) (raw)

Changes in the m icrobial flora during the m anufacture of a sour m ilk from raw ew e's m ilk w ere studied. M ean log counts of lactic acid bacteria, lactobacilli and streptococci (respective values in m ilk 4·55, 3·19 and 5·56) increased significantly (P<0·05) to 8·46, 6·98 and 8·46, respectively, at 5 days and at the sam e tim e the pH decreased from 6·58 in m ilk to 4·71 in the final product. Levels of total counts, coliform s and psychrotrophs also increased to 10 8 ,1 0 7 and 10 6 cfu/m l, respectively. Halotolerants and yeasts w ere counted at quite low num bers throughout m anufacture.