Fernkontakte späteiszeitlicher Jäger und Sammler in der norddeutschen Tiefebene - Ein Klingenkern aus rotem Helgoländer Flint von einem Oberflächenfundplatz am Dümmer bei Damme (original) (raw)

Ein Kernstein aus rotem Helgoländer Flint und die Folgen – Ergebnisse einer Geländebegehung auf dem paläolithisch/ mesolithischen Fundplatz Damme 10 am Dümmer, Ldkr. Diepholz.

Die Kunde N.F., 2014

Following the publication about a red Heligoland flint core from Damme (FRIES/VEIL 2014), older finds from the collection of Hans Reinerth, dating from the 1930/40ies, and from Siegfried Bolkes are presented here. Evidence of both mesolithic as well as upper to late palaeolithic elements are demonstrated. The core belongs to a thinly distributed but significant scattering of artefacts made of red Heligoland flint which, during the end phase of the last ice age, were either bartered from hand to hand or directly procured. The hitherto known artefacts made of this type of stone can be attributed to Federmesser or Stielspitzen (tanged point) groups between ca. 14,000 and 12,000 B.C. The Damme flint core shows a typical method of working used by the hunter groups of the upper palaeolithic. The Magdalénien and Hamburgian Cultures come into consideration here. Therefore the core might be the earliest evidence of visits to the still dry island. There is no evidence of a possible symbolic significance of this striking raw material. The spectrum of late palaeolithic red Heligoland flint artefacts does not differ from the inventories of common moraine flint. However the distribution of the red flint indicates particular reasons behind its use. The great distances point more probably to exchange from hand to hand rather than self-supply which would require vast territories. The systematic survey of the site on 22./23.2.2012 indicates that the observed distribution of finds are part of Reinerth’s larger site, a part of which Bolke had recorded in the fringe area of the great sand drift mound. The extensive area over which the finds are spread leads to the assumption of many single camp sites. The transport of only one habitation site over the long distances by labour can be ruled out. The extensive examination of the survey data allows the making of a finer resolution image of the settlement traces, allowing forecasts for future surveys. It reveals a wide spatial differentiation, consisting of areas with concentrations of artefacts and areas without finds, of variously dispersed tools and processing waste. The spatial representation of the main tendencies is confirmed by critical examination of the sources. The distribution images can be enlarged to ca. 5x5 m objects. The five palaeolithic and one mesolithic concentrations are to be confirmed by further prospections. The potential areas with upper to late palaeolithic finds indicate where the red flint cores could have been gathered by Bolke. Here the residue from its working could be searched for in order to verify if and how it was worked in situ. A separate recycled core in its ultimate stage, which had been carried a long way, would show a particular estimation of its value. The solution to these questions can further our understanding of the long distance contacts of the hunter and gatherers in the late ice age, and of the significance of the raw material for their social connections.

E. Müller, Eine Siedlungskammer der späten Römischen Kaiser- und Völkerwanderungszeit von Flintbek, Kreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde. Arkæologi i Slesvig - Archäologie in Schleswig 19, 2022 (2023), 255–271.

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