Design and Implementation of Low Power Digital FIR Filter based on low power multipliers and adders on xilinx FPGA (original) (raw)

Low Power FPGA Implementation of Digital FIR Filter Based on Low Power Multiplexer Base Shift/Add Multiplier

In this paper, the authors present implementation of a low power and low area digital Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter. The we method for reduce dynamic power consumption of a digital FIR filter is use of low power multiplexer based on shift/add multiplier without clock pulse and we applied it to fir filter until power consumption reduced thus reduce power consumption due to glitching is also reduced. The minimum power achieved is 56mw in fir filter based on shift/add multiplier in 100MHZ with 8bits inputs and 8bits coefficients. The proposed FIR filter was synthesized implemented using Xilinx ISE V7.1 and Virtex IV FPGA to target device xc4vlx200 also power is analized using Xilinx XPower analyzer.

Implementation of Low Area and Power Efficient Architectures for Digital FIR Filters

Digital signal processing (DSP) is used in wide range of applications such as telephone, radio, video etc. Most of DSP computations involve the use of multiply accumulate operations and therefore the design of fast and power efficient multiplier is imperative. More over, the demand for portable applications of DSP architectures has dictated the need for low power & area designs. Digital Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter has a lot of arithmetic operations. In general, arithmetic operation modules such as adder and multiplier modules, consume much power, energy, and circuit area. In some applications, the FIR filter circuit must be able to operate at high sample rates, while in other applications, the FIR filter circuit must be a low-power circuit operating at moderate sample rates.

Design Of Low Power Parallel FIR Digital Filter Using Floating - Point Multiplier


The Finite impulse response (FIR) filter is used as a fundamental processing element in any Digital signal processing (DSP) system. This paper describe the technique of Algorithemic strength reduction which leads to a reduction in hardware complexity by exploiting substructure sharing(by reducing the number of multiplications and additions). This transformation is basically implemented for the reduction in silicon area or power consumption of Very large scale integration (VLSI) design or iteration period in a programmable digital signal processing (DSP) implementation. Here we will focus on implementation based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGAs) because many of the approaches are applicable to ASIC or custom VLSI application. The sub-modules has been written in Verilog HDL and they are synthesized and simulated using the Xilinx ISE targeted on Field programmable Gate Array (FPGA).

Evaluation of Power Efficient FIR Filter for FPGA based DSP Applications

Procedia Technology, 2013

This paper describes the design and implementation of low power FIR filter for digital signal processing (DSP) applications, using Xilinx 6V1X130T1FF1156 (Virtex-6 Low Power) field programmable gate array (FPGA) devices. DSP is a highly demanding application domain in the present day technology wherein the demands for enhanced performance and reduced resource utilization have increased over the years. Recent advancements in FPGA design technology through the incorporation of DSP functional blocks along with the inherent FPGA features like high flexibility through reconfiguration, reusability, moderate cost and feature extension has resulted in FPGA(s) becoming the preferred platform for evaluating and implementing DSP. In this work we have implemented the various forms of FIR filter on FPGA and compared their performances in terms of delay, frequency of operation, resource utilization and power. To the best of our knowledge our work is first of its kind in respect to Virtex-6 FPGA devices. Our research paves the way for selecting the most suitable FIR filter architecture for DSP implementation using Virtex-6 FPGA.


Finite impulse-response filters (FIR filters) are commonly used in digital signal processing applications and traditionally implemented using ASICs or DSP-processors. Nowadays, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology is widely used in digital signal processing area because FPGA-based solution can achieve high speed due to its parallel structure and configurable logic, which provides great flexibility and high reliability in the course of design and later maintenance. However, the limitation of resources on an FPGA, i. e., logic blocks and flip flops, and furthermore, the high routing delays, require compact implementations of the circuits. Hence, FIR filter is implemented using distributed arithmetic technique which uses look-up table with offset binary coding. This paper describes an approach for implementation of FIR filter using distributed arithmetic, based on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).The experimental results shows that implementation of low pass FIR filter using DA technique with offset binary coding requires less resource utilization inside FPGA as compared to implementation of FIR filter using conventional multiply and accumulate (MAC) technique. The advantages of the FPGA approach to FIR filter implementation include higher sampling rates than are available from traditional DSP chips, lower costs than an ASIC for moderate volume applications and more flexibility than the alternate approaches.

Design of Low Power and Area Efficient FIR Digital Filter

— the impulse response can be either finite or infinite. The methods for designing and implementing these two filter classes differ considerably. Finite impulse response (FIR) filters are digital filters whose response to unit impulse (unit sample function) is finite in duration. This paper presents the design of low power FIR filter and area efficient parallel linear phase FIR digital filter. Low power FIR filter uses the methods to reduce power consumption of a digital Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter and it is designed by using low power serial multiplier, serial adder, combinational booth multiplier, and D flip flops which results in reduced glitching and power consumption. Area efficient parallel linear phase FIR filter uses the methods to reduce the area based on fast FIR algorithm in which multipliers are eliminated and adders are used. In the present work both types of filters are simulated and compared.

FPGA Optimized Low Power And High Speed FIR Filter Structures For DSP Applications

International journal of engineering research and technology, 2013

Digital filters are typically used to modify or alter the attributes of a signal in the time or frequency domain. The most common digital filters is the linear time-invariant (LTI) filter. LTI digital filters are generally classified as being finite impulse response (FIR) or infinite impulse response (IIR).In this project, various FIR filter structures will be studied and implemented in VHDL. The tapped line delay structure and transposed structure of FIR filter realization will be studied. The reduced hardware structures by using the symmetry property will also be studied and implemented. Basic arithmetic blocks to carry out DSP on FPGAs will be discussed. The very popular LUT based approach for arithmetic circuit implementation will be presented. The conventional PDSP MAC and Distributed arithmetic MAC units will be implemented and their performance will be compared. Usage of Pipelining in multipliers for improving the speed will also be discussed. The DA (Distributed arithmetic) ...

Comparative Analysis of Multiplier and Multiplier-Less Method Used to Implement Fir Filter on Fpga


Finite impulse response (FIR) filters are a type of digital filter that has a finite impulse response which is used in a communication system and signal processing. FIR filter structure consists of a multiplier, adder, and delay element. The multiplier is one of the key blocks in most digital systems which consume high power and more area. In this paper, FIR filter is implemented using both Multiplier and Multiplierless method. In multiplier method, Modified Booth and a Modified Booth with Wallace tree multiplier is designed while in the multiplier less method, distributed arithmetic and distributed arithmetic with partition is designed using Verilog. The code is simulated in Model Sim and synthesized in Xilinx 14.7. This paper summarizes the comparative study of the multiplier and multiplier-less method based on various parameters. There is a trade-off between area and delay. This paper will help to choose the best method according to the requirement.

A Novel High Speed FPGA Architecture for FIR Filter


This paper presents the details of hardware implementation of linear phase FIR filter using merged MAC architecture. Speed of convolution operation of FIR filter is improved using merged MAC architecture. By exploiting the reduced complexity made possible by the use of sparse powers of two partial products terms coefficients, an FIR filter tap can be implemented with 2B full adders, and 2B latches, where B is intermediate wordlegnth. Word and bit level parallelism allows high sampling rates, limited only by the full adder delay. The proposed architecture is based on binary tree constructed using modified 4:2 and 5:2 compressor circuits. Increasing the speed of operation is achieved by using higher modified compressors in critical path. Our objective of work is, to increase the speed of multiplication and accumulation operation by minimizing the number of combinational gates using higher n: 2 compressors, which is required more for Array multiplier at the time of implementation of array architecture. This novel architecture allows the implementation of high sampling rate filters of significant length on FPGA Spartan-3 device (XC3S400 PQ-208). The simulation result shows convolution output of digital FIR filter which is done using Questa Sim 6.4c Mentor Graphics tool. The experimental test of the proposed digital FIR filter is done using Spartan-3 device (XC3S400 PQ-208).

FPGA Implementation of High Speed FIR Filters Using Add and Shift Method

2006 International Conference on Computer Design, 2006

We present a method for implementing high speed Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters using just registered adders and hardwired shifts. We extensively use a modified common subexpression elimination algorithm to reduce the number of adders. We target our optimizations to Xilinx Virtex II devices where we compare our implementations with those produced by Xilinx CoregenTM using Distributed Arithmetic. We observe up to 50% reduction in the number of slices and up to 75% reduction in the number of LUTs for fully parallel implementations. We also observed up to 50% reduction in the total dynamic power consumption of the filters. Our designs perform significantly faster than the MAC filters, which use embedded multipliers.