"Un análisis socio-ético del caso Armstrong" y "¿Por qué no se debe permitir el gene doping en deporte?" (original) (raw)
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¨Ética del deporte y dopaje: El caso Armtrong"
Fair Play: Revista de Filosofía, ética y derecho deportivo, 2014
In this work, we propose to make an ethical analysis of the Armstrong case. To this end, we define, in the first part, what we mean by doping and see the distinction between “traditional doping” and “gene doping”. We expose also some of the arguments for and against that moral philosophers of sport have offered. Once these concepts are clarified, in the second part of the article we analyze ethically the problem of doping in the Armstrong case. We emphasize the points that we consider relevant, focusing especially on the significance it has had on the world of sports, professional and amateur, the scandal generated by the public confession of the American cyclist. Finally, we draw some conclusions concerning the role played by the natural gift in Armstrong´s career.
reflexiones en torno a los indicadores éticos y normativos que deben regir la investigación científica referente a las ciencias motoras y deportivas Ángelo anzalone diego Medina Morales Universidad de Córdoba (España) Francesco sgrò Mario lipoma Università degli Studi di Enna «Kore» (Italia) resumen: El interés de la investigación científica en las actividades motoras y deportivas ha aumentado en los últimos decenios y, con él, han aumentado los aspectos críticos de naturaleza metodológica y ética para las actividades de los investigadores. En esta contribución se quiere ofrecer un análisis de las principales dificultades que deben superar los investigadores en sus estu-dios de tipo no clínico-médicos y que, por tanto, solo parcialmente encontramos recogidas en las indicaciones de la Declaración de Helsinki o en los editoriales del International Journal of Sport Medicine. Realizaremos un análisis de ambos documentos, ofreciendo una serie de reflexiones que pretenden ayudar al investigador para enfrentarse a las dificultades éticas y metodológicas que destacaremos. Como conclusión, propondremos un esquema-tipo de consentimiento informado que quiere representar un soporte a seguir por aquellos investigadores de las ciencias del movimiento humano y de la prestación deportiva que llevan a cabo actividades de estudio no prioritariamente médicas. palabras clave: límites éticos y jurídicos de la investigación aplicada a la actividad deportiva, ética del deporte, consentimiento informado en las ciencias deportivas, honor, intimidad, imagen. abstract: The number of research studies in physical activity and sports sciences has growth in the last decades and the non-physicians researchers of these fields have to face emerging challenges related to methodological and ethics issues. In this manuscript we propose an analysis of the most relevant criticism related to the lack of specific guidelines for the aforementioned researchers involved in these typologies of studies. In this respect, we have initially provided a critical analysis of two position statements often used in sport sciences studies (i.e., Declaration of Helsinky and the editorials about sport ethics provided by the the Journal of Sport medicine), by underling several methodological and ethics criticisms of those documents for the studies did not strictly aim to sports medicine. Then, a template for an informed consent which account for and overcome the aforementioned limits has been proposed and discussed for supporting the non-physicians researches those are involved in physical activity and sport science researches. This manuscript could signify a first analysis about a topic with high impact on the physical education and sport research projects and studies but with limited number of evidences that adequately addressed the aforementioned issues.
El deporte actual y el problema ético del dopaje
El Catoblepas, 2016
La focalización del éxito deportivo en la superación continua de las marcas es el factor primordial que ha de tenerse en cuenta para explicar la existencia del dopaje, aunque no sea el único ni mucho menos. En ese sentido, sería pertinente recordar las reflexiones de Martín Heidegger, a propósito de la dependencia que nuestra sociedad tiene de la técnica y cómo dicha dependencia acaba determinando nuestra relación con todos los aspectos de la vida individual y social. En efecto, para él, la técnica «no es meramente un medio», por el contrario, se ha convertido en el modo en que se nos desvela la verdad.
Revista de Bioética y Derecho, 2022
En el presente trabajo se analiza si los argumentos a favor de la liberalización del uso de técnicas de mejora humana en el deporte (argumentos “bioprogresistas”) pueden justificar y dar legitimidad a un cambio de rumbo en la Política Criminal adoptada en materia de dopaje deportivo (tales conductas se castigan como delito en el art. 362 quinquies CP). Se llega a la conclusión de que únicamente sería posible admitir la descriminalización del delito de dopaje si, a la hora de discutir en torno a la disponibilidad de los bienes jurídicos penalmente tutelados, concedemos mayor peso valorativo a determinados fundamentos liberales (particularmente a los milleanos).
"Internalismo ético en el deporte: El pensamiento de Robert Louis Simon"
This paper presents the proposal of ethics of sporting competition sporting prepared by the American philosopher Robert Louis Simon. First I introduce Simon's critique of reductionism moral in sport, especially the Marxist. Second I expose the main features of his ethic position, concluding with the need to go a step further arguing for a philosophical foundation, linking the procedimental principle and responsibility. In short, I defend an ethics of sport that should take into account both the knowledge of ends and the means and understand life, everyone's life, as the inherent value of the practice of sport.
Veritas: Revista de filosofía y teología, 2015
In this paper we propose a comparison of the position of D’Agostino with other representatives of convention: William Morgan. We refer to D’Agostino’s position in the first section and in the second section to Morgan’s. We ask whether Morgan, moreover of register his thesis within the Conventionalism, participates also of the internalist conception of sport. Although both authors are conventionalists, there are many different shades that fit between their positions be highlighted, in order to clarify its proximity to other philosophical theories of sport.
Veritas: Revista de filosofía y teología, 2012
In this article the author presents critically the proposed sports ethics as «bag of virtues» that Americans made three authors are Lumpkin, Stoll and Beller. This proposal should be seen as a manifestation of substantialism neoaristhotelic in sport, with a clear influence of MacIntyre. My aim is to show how such substantialism not enough for a sports ethics proposal therefore advocate incorporate some of the ethical proceduralism budgets applied to sport.