Fikih Pernikahan dalam Tafsir Adhwa al-Bayan (original) (raw)
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YUDISIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum dan Hukum Islam, 2018
The least knowledge of fiqh in Islam resulted in many people who violate it. such as marriage issues. many people do not know about fiqh in the marriage process. So many who do wrong before marriage with courtship or free sex that is prohibited in Islamic law is Islamic law one of the processes in marriage is to see (nadzar) the prospective wife or husband. Seeing a potential wife or husband to be one cause to achieve happiness in the family. Prophet Muhammad advised his followers to see his future wife, so do not regret after married.
Kafa'ah Dalam Pernikahan Perspektif Hadis Nabi
Khuluqiyya: Jurnal Kajian Hukum dan Studi Islam
embangun keharmonisan rumah tangga merupakan hal yang tidakmudah, karena pernikahan itu menyatukan dua jiwa yang berbeda sifat, watak,pemikiran, adat, budaya, latar belakang. Oleh karena itu sebelum menikahseseorang dianjurkan untuk memilih pasangannya yang sefaham, sepemikiran,setingkat, sederajat. Meskipun bukan suatu syarat sah ataupun syarat wajib, tetapisesuatu yang Sunnah dan lebih baik karena hal ini sangat berpengaruh untukmenyamakan presepsi dan menghindarkan cela. Perbedaan-perbedaan yangmengiringi dalam bahtera rumah tangga menyebabkan benih perselisihan yangmenjadikan keharmonisan rumah tangga terganggu. Keseimbangan, keharmonisandan keserasian diutamakan dalam hal agama yaitu akhlak dan ibadah. Banyakhadis yang mendorong kita mencari keserasian sebelum menikah, setelah ditelusuihadis tentang kafa’ah itu sanadnya sambung-menyambung akan tetapi ada salahsatu rawi yang terkena Jarh, akan tetapi dapat dipakai dengan dukungan riwayatyang lain. Kafa’ah ini sangat penting dala...
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Tinjauan Perspektif Fikih Terhadap Pelaksanaan Mahar Dalam Pernikahan
Familia: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga
The process of marriage in Islam starting from the engagement stage to the reception is very much considered in every process. One part that is quite interesting in Islam is the dowry. Dowry is a form of gift that must be held in marriage issued by a man to a woman. Another definition of dowry is a full right that must be given to women as a form of respect for women in Islam as well as a form of responsibility and seriousness of a man to marry. From this description, this study chose library research as the research method and character analysis as the approach. Furthermore, as a result of this scientific study, in the perspective of fiqh, the views of the jurists differed in opinion, for example, the jurists, especially the jurists from the four schools of thought, had different opinions about the amount of the dowry and the payment and giving of the dowry. However, from the differences of each cleric, of course, his thoughts direct the benefits of applying dowry in Islamic law. A...
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Musãwa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam, 2002
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Fiqih Pernikahan - Quratul Uyun
"Wahai segenap pemuda, barang siapa mampu memikul beban keluarga, maka nikahlah. Didalam riwayat lain: Barang siapa mempunyai ongkos kawin, maka kawinlah. Dan barang siapa mampu memikul beban keluarga, maka nikahlah. Karena sesungguhnya nikah itu lebih dapat menahan pandangan dan menjaga kehormatan. Sedangkan barang siapa tidak mampu, maka hendaklah berpuasa, karena sesungguhnya puasa itu merupakan benteng baginya" Kitab ini menjelaskan tuntunan Islam mengenai Pernikahan dan perihal yang berkaitan dengannya, berdasarkan Al-Quran dan Hadist disajikan dalam bentuk fiqih praktis dan nadzom (syair)
Tafsir Fikih Dalam Khazanah Penafsiran Alquran
JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah), 2020
The interpretation of the Koran as a sacred text turns out to not escape subjectivity. This can be seen from the rapid development of interpretation which is influenced by the subjectivity or tendency of each mufassir. Jurisprudence between trends or patterns of interpretation is growing rapidly, so it requires in-depth discussion and study. Discussion about the nature of fiqh interpretation is done through library research on fiqh interpretation works, beginning with collecting related references then discussing with using descriptive, analytical and comparative methods. From these discussions, several conclusions were formulated. First; the attention of scholars to the interpretation of fiqh is very large, this is evident in the many books of fiqh interpretations, both in the form of interpretations of fiqh verses in a special way, interpretation of fiqh verses in a thematic manner and interpretation of fiqh verses together with other verses in one interpretation book. Second, the method of istinbath fiqh law greatly influences the method of fiqh interpretation, so that differences in fiqh interpretation follow the polarization of fiqh schools. Third, some jurisprudents of fiqh interpretation are trapped by the tendency of the school they follow so that fiqh interpretation becomes a justification tool for the existing fiqh opinion concept. Kata kunci: tafsir, mufassir, ayat, hukum dan fikih. PENDAHULUAN lquran merupakan kitab pedoman yang sempurna untuk manusia. Di dalamnya, Allah menjelaskan setiap permasalahan, sebagaimana firmanNya:
Tinjauan Fikih Munakahat terhadap Pandangan Generasi Z mengenai Kafa'ah dalam Pernikahan
Al Mashalih - Journal of Islamic Law
Kesetaraan dalam pernikahan adalah mewujudkan kemaslahatan kedua belah pihak antara suami istri yang berupa pergaulan yang berkelanjutan dengan di iringi rasa sayang dan dekat diantara keduanya. Terdapat konsep kafa’ah dalam pernikahan untuk memilih calon pasangan, diantaranya adalah calon pasangannya baik agamanya atau sholih-sholihah. Selain itu, kriteria lainnya adalah pekerjaan, finansial stabil. Pemahaman generasi Z sendiri memiki kriteria tersendiri dalam memilih pasangan. Faktanya saat ini ditemukan beberapa kriteria yang dipilih. Namun belum/kurang sesuai dengan norma yang diajarkan Islam. Akan tetapi Rasulullah Saw dalam anjurannya menekankan untuk memilih pasangan hidup berdasarkan kualitas keagamaanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan generasi Z terhadap kafa’ah dalam pernikahan di Desa Cilimus Kecamatan Cilimus Kabupaten Kuningan. Selain itu penelitian juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan generasi Z terhadap kafa’ah dalam pernikahan di tinjau dari...
Kaidah "Al-'Adah Muhakkamah" Dalam Tradisi Pernikahan Masyarakat Jawa
Ahkam: Jurnal Hukum Islam, 2017
Javanese people have many traditional ceremonies. Those ceremonies include the entire cycle of human lives; in the womb, birth, childhood, adolescence, marriage to death. One of the unique ceremonies is the wedding ceremonies namely nontoni, lamaran, upacara tarub, and panggih. This research aims to describe kaeda of "Al-"A<dah Muh}akkamah" and its application on the marriage traditions of Javanese society. The study begins by explaining the meaning of kaeda, and finally explaining its application on the marriage traditions of Javanese society. The approach used in this research is descriptive-qualitative approach, because this study is intended to reveal and describe the kaeda and its application on those traditions. By using research methods outlined above, it can be concluded that based on that kaeda, the marriage traditions of Javanese society are allowed in Islam, and even can be used as excuses to establish law with the condition: they have been running for a long time and have known to the general public, they are accepted by common sense as good traditions, and they are not contrary to the Qur'anic texts and Hadith of the Prophet.
JURNAL Fikih Munakahat Pernikahan Beda Agama
A n i R i a n t i I n s t i t u t A g a maI s l a m Ne g e r i Me t r o J l . K i Ha j a r D e wa n t a r a1 5 aI r i n g mu l y o K o t aMe t r o , L a mp u n gI n d o n e s i a E ma i l : a n i r i a n t i 7 1 1 @g ma i l . c o m A b s t r a c t Ma r r i a g ei st ou n i t et woh u ma nb e i n g sc a r r i e do u ti nawa yt h a ti sl e g i t i ma t ea n d r e c o g n i z e db yt h eS t a t e . Ama r r i a g ec a n n o tb eu n d e r e s t i ma t e db e c a u s ei ti ss a c r e d . Mu s t b ei na c c o r d a n c ewi t hr e l i g i o u sr u l e s . ma r r i a g ei sd e f i n i t e l yt h ed r e a m o fp e o p l e wh os t i l l d o n ' t h a v eap a r t n e r , a n dwa n t t oma n i f e s t i t wi t hs o me o n et h e yc h o o s e . B u t n o wma n ya r ema r r i e dwi t hd i f f e r e n t r e l i g i o n s , b e t we e nme na n dwo me nwh owi l l h o l d t h i sma r r i a g ec o n t r a c td i f f e r e n tr e l i g i o n s . F o rt h es a k eo fc a r i n gf o rh i sl o v eh ewa s wi l l i n gt oma r r yt h ei d o l o f d i f f e r e n t f a i t h s . I nI s l a mi cl a wd o e sn o t a l l o wt h i s . b e c a u s e f e a r e db yt h et h i n g st h a t t r i g g e r e dd i v o r c ei nama r r i a g e . K e y wo r d: ma r r i a g e , d i f f e r e n t r e l i g i o n .