Suvremena hrvatska grafička scena / propitivanje medija / Contemporary Croatian Graphic Arts Scene / Challenging the Medium, Galerija likovnih umjetnosti, Osijek, 2013. (original) (raw)

3. međunarodni trijenale grafike Livno / 3 rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno 2023

3. međunarodni trijenale grafike Livno / 3 rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno 2023 , 2023

The 3rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno, as a field of new confrontations of various forms of freedom is a vital reflection on the stimulating impulses of multi-original art, which in contemporary art still has its artistic dimension – both in technical terms and in visual interpretation. In accordance with the development of new technologies and artistic practices, some authors depict interesting inventions in the interweaving of traditional and contemporary graphic practice. For some authors, the basis is figuration in a naturalistic, expressive or lyrical spirit, while others indulge in the discovery of their own introspective forms and bring us countless variations of organic, geometric, abstract or metaphorical interpretation. With its continuity, the International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno is becoming recognisable and is receiving attention in international graphic circles. Like all similar events, the Triennial’s aspiration is to provide insight into current concepts of different graphic art generations. It is up to us and the artists to ensure that in the future such exhibition meetings, through their diversity, remain not only a place of positive collaboration, but also a place for expressing aesthetic, communicative and technical reaches of contemporary society. The gathered authors from 35 countries of the world at the 3rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts Livno testify that art is a medium that enables freedom of expression and remind man that in the end, the limits are only those that we impose on ourselves, and confirm that art will always be sociologically sensitive and in the service of humanism.

Periferno u hrvatskom jeziku, književnosti i kulturi


W konferencji uczestniczyło ponad 100 osób z kraju i zagranicy (Chorwacja, Czarnogóra, Czechy, Irlandia, Niemcy, Ukraina, Węgry). Wygłoszono 80 referatów. W prace organizacyjne aktywnie włączyli się również studenci Instytutu Filologii Słowiańskiej. Wszystkim osobom zaangażowanym w projekt składamy serdeczne podziękowania.

Croatian and Italian Urban Graffiti


Polazeci od pretpostavke grafita kao medijskog izražaja, tretiraju se urbane tekstualne poruke kao oblik ulicnog fenomena verbalne komunikacije. Grafiti su najcesce izraz negacije i osporavanja onih koji su iskljuceni iz prostora institucionaliziranog drustvenog govora. Zidni natpisi aktualiziraju pragmaticku funkciju jezika u kontekstu suvremene kulture. Poredbenom analizom hrvatskih i talijanskih grafita autori ukazuju na jezicne i kulturoloske slicnosti i posebnosti.