Gravitational radiation evolution of accreting neutron stars (original) (raw)
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on Relativistic Astrophysics Gravitational Radiation Evolution of Accreting Neutron Stars
The gravitational-wave and accretion driven evolution of neutron stars in low mass X-ray binaries and similar systems is analyzed, while the amplitude of the radiating perturbation (here assumed to be an r-mode) remains small. If most of the star is superfluid, with (temperature independent) mutual friction dominating the ordinary (temperature dependent) shear viscosity, the amplitude of the mode and the angular velocity of the star oscillate about their equilibrium values with a period of at least a few hundred years. The resulting oscillation of the neutron star temperature is also computed. For temperature dependent viscosity, the general conditions for the equilibrium to be stable are found. 1
Conditions for Steady Gravitational Radiation from Accreting Neutron Stars
The Astrophysical Journal, 2002
The gravitational-wave and accretion driven evolution of the angular velocity, core temperature, and (small) amplitude of an r-mode of neutron stars in low mass X-ray binaries and similar systems is investigated. The conditions required for evolution to a stable equilibrium state (with gravitational wave flux proportional to average X-ray flux) are determined. In keeping with conclusions derived from observations of neutron star cooling, the core neutrons are taken to be normal while the core protons and hyperons and the crust neutrons are taken to be singlet superfluids. The dominant sources of damping are then hyperon bulk viscosity (if much of the core is at least 2-3 times nuclear density) and (e-e and n-n) shear (and possibly magnetic) viscosity within the core-crust boundary layer. It is found that a stable equilibrium state can be reached if the superfluid transition temperature of the hyperons is sufficiently small ( 2 × 10 9 K), allowing the gravitational radiation from Sco X-1 and several other neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries to be potentially detectable by the second generation LIGO (and VIRGO) arrays.
Gravitational radiation instability in hot young neutron stars
Physical Review Letters, 1998
We show that gravitational radiation drives an instability in hot young rapidly rotating neutron stars. This instability occurs primarily in the l = 2 r-mode and will carry away most of the angular momentum of a rapidly rotating star by gravitational radiation. On the timescale needed to cool a young neutron star to about T = 10 9 K (about one year) this instability can reduce the rotation rate of a rapidly rotating star to about 0.076ΩK , where ΩK is the Keplerian angular velocity where mass shedding occurs. In older colder neutron stars this instability is suppressed by viscous effects, allowing older stars to be spun up by accretion to larger angular velocities.
Oscillations of hot, young neutron stars: Gravitational wave frequencies and damping times
Arxiv preprint arXiv: …, 2011
We study how the frequencies and damping times of oscillations of a newly born, hot proto-neutron star depend on the physical quantities which characterize the star quasi-stationary evolution which follows the bounce. Stellar configurations are modeled using a microscopic equation of state obtained within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock, nuclear many-body approach, extended to the finite-temperature regime. We discuss the mode frequency behaviour as function of the lepton composition, and of the entropy gradients which prevail in the interior of the star. We find that, in the very early stages, gravitational wave emission efficiently competes with neutrino processes in dissipating the star mechanical energy residual of the gravitational collapse.
Hydrodynamics of rapidly rotating superfluid neutron stars with mutual friction
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011
We study time evolutions of superfluid neutron stars, focussing on the nature of the oscillation spectrum, the effect of mutual friction force on the oscillations and the hydrodynamical spin-up phase of pulsar glitches. We linearise the dynamical equations of a Newtonian two-fluid model for rapidly rotating backgrounds. In the axisymmetric equilibrium configurations, the two fluid components corotate and are in β-equilibrium. We use analytical equations of state that generate stratified and non-stratified stellar models, which enable us to study the coupling between the dynamical degrees of freedom of the system. By means of time evolutions of the linearised dynamical equations, we determine the spectrum of axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric oscillation modes, accounting for the contribution of the gravitational potential perturbations, i.e. without adopting the Cowling approximation. We study the mutual friction damping of the superfluid oscillations and consider the effects of the non-dissipative part of the mutual friction force on the mode frequencies. We also provide technical details and relevant tests for the hydrodynamical model of pulsar glitches discussed by Sidery, . In particular, we describe the method used to generate the initial data that mimic the pre-glitch state, and derive the equations that are used to extract the gravitational-wave signal.
Oscillations of general relativistic superfluid neutron stars
Physical Review D, 2002
We develop a general formalism to treat, in general relativity, the nonradial oscillations of a superfluid neutron star about static (non-rotating) configurations. The matter content of these stars can, as a first approximation, be described by a two-fluid model: one fluid is the neutron superfluid, which is believed to exist in the core and inner crust of mature neutron stars; the other fluid is a conglomerate of all charged constituents (crust nuclei, protons, electrons, etcetera). We use a system of equations that governs the perturbations both of the metric and of the matter variables, whatever the equation of state for the two fluids. The entrainment effect is explicitly included. We also take the first step towards allowing for the superfluid to be confined to a part of the star by allowing for an outer envelope composed of ordinary fluid. We derive and implement the junction conditions for the metric and matter variables at the core/envelope interface, and briefly discuss the nature of the involved phase-transition. We then determine the frequencies and gravitational-wave damping times for a simple model equation of state, incorporating entrainment through an approximation scheme which extends present Newtonian results to the general relativistic regime. We investigate how the quasinormal modes of a superfluid star are affected by changes in the entrainment parameter, and unveil a series of avoided crossings between the various modes. We provide a proof that, unless the equation of state is very special, all modes of a two-fluid star must radiate gravitationally. We also discuss the future detectability of pulsations in a superfluid star and argue that it may be possible (given advances in the relevant technology) to use gravitational-wave data to constrain the parameters of superfluid neutron stars.
Oscillations of rapidly rotating stratified neutron stars
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2009
We use time-evolutions of the linear perturbation equations to study the oscillations of rapidly rotating neutrons stars. Our models account for the buoyancy due to composition gradients and we study, for the first time, the nature of the resultant g-modes in a fast spinning star. We provide detailed comparisons of non-stratified and stratified models. This leads to an improved understanding of the relationship between the inertial modes of a non-stratified star and the g-modes of a stratified system. In particular, we demonstrate that each g-mode becomes rotation-dominated, i.e. approaches a particular inertial mode, as the rotation rate of the star is increased. We also discuss issues relating to the gravitational-wave driven instability of the various classes of oscillation modes.
Dissipative processes in superfluid neutron stars
We present some results about a novel damping mechanism of r-mode oscillations in neutron stars due to processes that change the number of protons, neutrons and electrons. Deviations from equilibrium of the number densities of the various species lead to the appearance in the Euler equations of the system of a dissipative mechanism, the so-called rocket effect. The evolution of the r-mode oscillations of a rotating neutron star are influenced by the rocket effect and we present estimates of the corresponding damping timescales. In the description of the system we employ a two-fluid model, with one fluid consisting of all the charged components locked together by the electromagnetic interaction, while the second fluid consists of superfluid neutrons. Both components can oscillate however the rocket effect can only efficiently damp the countermoving r-mode oscillations, with the two fluids oscillating out of phase. In our analysis we include the mutual friction dissipative process between the neutron superfluid and the charged component. We neglect the interaction between the two r-mode oscillations as well as effects related with the crust of the star. Moreover, we use a simplified model of neutron star assuming a uniform mass distribution.
Gravitational radiation from rapidly rotating nascent neutron stars
Astrophysical Journal, 1995
We also characterize two other types of gravitational wave signals that could arise in principle from a rapidly rotating, secularly unstable neutron star: a high-frequency ($f\go 1000$ Hz) wave which increases the pattern-speed of the star, and a wave that actually increases the angular momentum of the star.
Shear viscosity and the r-mode instability window in superfluid neutron stars
Physical Review D, 2013
We analyze how recent computations of the shear viscosity η in the core of superfluid neutron stars affect the r-mode instability window. We first analyze the contribution of superfluid phonons to the viscosity, both in their hydrodynamical and ballistic regime. We also consider the recent computation of η arising from the collisions of electrons with electrons and protons by Shternin and Yakovlev, and discuss how the interactions among superfluid phonons and electrons might contribute to the shear viscosity. For assessing the r-mode instability window we compare the shear viscosity due to phonons in the hydrodynamical regime with respect to the shear viscosity due to electron collisions. Only at high temperatures the superfluid phonon contribution to η starts to dominate the process of r-mode damping. While our results for the instability window are preliminary, as other dissipative processes should be taken into account as well, they differ from previous evaluations of the r-mode damping due to the shear viscosity in superfluid neutron stars. PACS numbers: 04.40.Dg,97.60.Jd,26.60.-c,97.10.Sj