Carbonate weathering and connate seawater influencing Karst groundwaters in the Gevas-Gurpinar-Güzelsu Basins, Turkey (original) (raw)
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The study area is located in the center of the Karaburun Peninsula, Turkey, where several karstic springs discharge near the coast 0-2 m above the sea level. The most important discharge points are the Ildırı and Gerence springs. Groundwater obtained from Ildırı springs and several drill wells provide water to the region during the summer periods. The electrical conductivity values are between 1900 and 3900 lS/cm. Springs are slightly salty and are not used directly as drinking water. Salinity was observed in the spring waters under natural flow conditions. The salinity values of the drillings and springs were measured in dry and wet seasons. Spring waters have conductivity values between 3000 and 4000 lS/cm. Preliminary surveys reveal that seawater contribution to Ildırı springs is 6.5 % maximum. Gerence spring waters discharge to the surface from a region very close to the sea. The dominant cation is Na, and the dominant anion is Cl. Conductivity values were between 7000 and 13,000 lS/ cm. Gerence spring waters discharge to the sea with seawater contributions ratios between 8.5 and 20.3 % depending on the seasonal changes. While some spring waters discharge 0.5-1.0 m above sea level, the rest of them discharge directly into the sea. Salinization of Gerence spring water is higher than the other springs.
Karst hydrogeology of the Kaş-Kalkan springs along the Mediterranean coast of Turkey
Environmental Geology, 1998
The present studies were carried out along the southern Mediterranean coast of Turkey, where most of the karst springs discharge from highly karstified carbonate rocks. The case-study was applied in the Kaş-Kalkan karst region, considered one of the most important touristic Mediterranean provinces in southern Turkey. The purpose of this study is to identify the main water resources of the karst springs in the inland side and the expected groundwater flow paths that may recharge the coastal springs in the study area. A comparison of the physiochemical properties and isotopic contents of the karst springs along the Kaş-Kalkan coastline is also considered an important tool for identifying the hydrogeological characteristics and responses of the different units in the study area. Relevant studies were carried out also considering the morphological and structural characteristics of these karst springs and changes in their discharge amounts during the dry and wet periods.
Hydrogeology …, 2011
A 120 km-long part of the southwestern coast of Turkey, with well-developed karst terrain in contact with the sea, has been investigated by systematic diving surveys to determine the submarine groundwater discharges (SGDs). The physical, chemical and isotopic data have been used to determine the rate of the fresh groundwater end member (FEM) and its temporal dynamics. About 150 SGDs have been detected by diving surveys employed mostly up to a depth of 30 m below sea level (bsl). Among those, 15 SGDs are in the form of coastal or submarine caves with entrances ranging between sea surface and 40 m bsl. The FEM contribution in SGDs ranges from a few percent to more than 80%.
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 2005
The Lamas Basin is an area covering ∼4400 km 2 situated on the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey covered with highly karstified limestone and dolomitic limestone from the Miocene and Mesozoic age, respectively. Owing to the area's low karstification basement, groundwater in the karst aquifer circulates deep from the surface towards the springs along the coast as well as to the submarine springs.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2009
The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between groundwater flow and water quality of different ground and surface water basins in the southwest Turkey. In addition, groundwater vulnerability is assessed taking into consideration groundwater flow and quality. The autochthonous Beydaglari limestone is the major karstic aquifer in the region. According to the groundwater level map of alluvium aquifers in the basins, groundwater discharge toward the carbonate aquifer is direct and indirect. The hydrogeological connection between ground and surface water basins occurs via the karstic aquifer located at the bottom of the alluvium bottom. In Egirdir lake, water also discharges in the karstic aquifer via karstic sinkholes at the western border of the lake. In the research area, general groundwater discharge is toward the Mediterranean Sea by means of autochthonous carbonate system, according to hydrogeological investigations, research of lineament and hydraulic conductivities. This result is supported by the locations of lineaments and shore springs discharging from the limestone. In addition, spreading of contaminants via karstic aquifer to great distance has been clearly identified.
Mehmet Ekmekci: Review of Turkish karst with emphasis on tectonic and paleogeographic controls This paper re-evaluates the karst phenomenon in Turkey basing on the controlling factors such as, the source of energy gradient, lithostratigraphy, type of erosion base and climate. Two major karst types described are a) evolutionary karst which implies continuous karstification but at different stage of maturation and b)rejuvenated karst which is formed by reactivating a formerly developed and subsequently ceased karst structure either by an uplift and/or a drastic decline of erosion base. Description of karst types considering both morphology and hydrogeology revealed that distribution of specific karst types is compatible with the neotectonic evolution of Turkey. Karst in all provinces except the Black Sea and Western Anatolian regions, is developed under the effect of the energy gradient provided by uplift. Different rates of uplift created different sub-types of karst. The climate effect was evaluated as a secondary factor for it has a role of shaping/re-shaping the karst forms rather than controlling the physical and chemical processes.
The influence of karst features on environmental studies in Turkey
Environmental Geology, 1997
The carbonate rocks of Turkey, which underlie about one third of the country, possess major water resources with great potential for electricity generation and water supplies. The ongoing development of karst features, especially in the southern part of Turkey, demonstrates specific environmental problems that occur in many karst water supply projects. Karst aquifers, springs, sinkholes, dolines, poljes and other karst features are of great importance from the standpoint of karst water resources and environmental research studies. In karst regions, conservation and protection of groundwater resources for both qualitative and quantitative evaluations is possible only when the catchment area is determined accurately. Since the catchment area in karst terrains is not limited by the surface drainage boundaries and the groundwater flows through well-developed coduits or fissures, the equations used in non-karstic areas cannot be applied to such karstic regions. Studies on the development of karst features and its environmental impacts in Turkey are of recent origin. Therefore, many unreliable methods are being applied in karstic areas. For example, the use of "shallow holes or sinkholes and fault zones" for septic water waste disposal or as sewage by those who are not familiar with karst, sometimes causes very serious problems of extensive groundwater pollution. This paper discusses the development of different karstic features in Turkey and case studies on its environmental impacts.
Review of Turkish Karst with Emphasis on Tectonic and Paleogeographic Controls
Acta Carsologica, 2016
Mehmet Ekmekci: Review of Turkish karst with emphasis on tectonic and paleogeographic controls This paper re-evaluates the karst phenomenon in Turkey basing on the controlling factors such as, the source of energy gradient, lithostratigraphy, type of erosion base and climate. Two major karst types described are a) evolutionary karst which implies continuous karstification but at different stage of maturation and b)rejuvenated karst which is formed by reactivating a formerly developed and subsequently ceased karst structure either by an uplift and/or a drastic decline of erosion base. Description of karst types considering both morphology and hydrogeology revealed that distribution of specific karst types is compatible with the neotectonic evolution of Turkey. Karst in all provinces except the Black Sea and Western Anatolian regions, is developed under the effect of the energy gradient provided by uplift. Different rates of uplift created different sub-types of karst. The climate effect was evaluated as a secondary factor for it has a role of shaping/re-shaping the karst forms rather than controlling the physical and chemical processes.
Aquatic Geochemistry, 2019
The Upper Tigris River Basin is one of the biggest basins in Turkey, where municipal, agricultural and industrial water supplies are highly dependent on groundwater and surface water resources. The interpretation of plots for different major ions indicates that the chemical compositions of the surface/groundwater in the Upper Tigris River Basin are dominated Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , HCO 3 − and SO 4 2− which have been arisen largely from chemical weathering of carbonate and evaporate rock, and reverse ion exchange reactions. Isotopic composition of surface and groundwater samples is influenced by two main air mass trajectories: one originating from the Central Anatolia that is cold and rainy and another originating from the rains falling over northeastern Syria that is warm and rainy, with warm winds. The relative abundance of cations and anions in water samples is in the order: Ca 2+ > Mg 2+ > Na + > K + for cations and HCO 3 − > Cl − > SO 4 2− , respectively. Majority of the water samples are plotted on a Piper diagram showing that the chemical composition of the water samples was predominantly Ca-Mg-HCO 3 type. Groundwater and surface water have an average (Ca 2+ + Mg 2+ /2HCO 3 −) ratio of 0.65 and 0.74, indicating no significant difference in their relative solute distribution and dissolution of carbonate rock (calcite and dolomite) predominantly by carbonic acid. The Mg 2+ /Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ / HCO 3 − molar ratio values are ranging from 0.21 to 1.30 and 0.11 to 0.47 for the groundwater and from 0.13 to 2.46 and 0.10 to 0.61 for the surface water samples, respectively, indicating that significant contribution of dolomite dissolution has a higher advantage over limestone within the Upper Tigris River Basin.
Hydrogeology of the Gökpinar karst springs, Sivas, Turkey
Acta Carsologica, 2012
Kraški izviri Gökpınar se nahajajo 8 km južno od regijskega središča Gürün, Sivas, Turčija. Voda izvira iz dveh glavnih izvirov (Gökpınar 1 in Gökpınar 2) in izteka iz jursko kredne yüceyurt formacije (apnenec). Skupni pretoki nihajo med 4,5 in 7,8 m 3 /s. Prispevno območje pokriva alohtone in avtohtone litološke enote, katerih starost sega od zgornje devonskih do kvartarnih kamnin, večinoma apnencev. Formacija yüceyurt (apnenec) sestavlja glavni vodonosni sistem in je močno zakrasela. Območje prekrivajo številne škraplje, vrtače, ponori, podzemni kanali in jame. V prispevku je bila izvedena analiza zmanjševanja pretoka na izvirih Gökpınar, izračunani sta bila količnika uskladiščenja in upadanja pretoka obeh glavnih izvirov. Količnik uskladiščenja je 141×10 6 m 3 oziroma 98×10 6 m 3 , količnik upadanja pretoka pa 2.71×10-3 dan-1 oziroma 2.98×10-3 dan-1. Dobljeni rezultati kažejo, da ima obravnavani vodonosnik yüceyurtskega apnenca veliko zmogljivost uskladiščenja in zato je odvodnjavanje precej počasno. Glavni kationi v vodah na obravnavanem območju so Ca 2+ in Mg 2+ , med anioni pa prevladuje HCO 3-. Vode so kalcij-bikarbonatnega tipa. Nekateri kemijski parametri v vodah izvirov Gökpınar se gibljejo med naslednjimi vrednostmi: T=10.8-11.1°C, pH=7.65-7.95, EC=270-310 µS/cm, TDS=170-200 mg/L, Ca 2+ =40.0-54.0 mg/L, Mg 2+ =4.5-10.0 mg/L, HCO 3-=144.0-158.0 mg/L. Temperatura, EC, TDS, Ca 2+ in HCO 3 koncentracije niso v času opazovanja pokazale značilnih variacij.