Aizkibelen Euzkeratik Erderara Biurtzeko Itztegia: eskuizkributik argitalpenera (original) (raw)

Berriz Aizkibelen ‘Euskera’ eskuizkribuaz: Edizioa eta iturriak

Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo: International journal of basque linguistics and philology, 2008

In this paper I offer a new edition of the Euskera manuscript, written by the bascologist J.F. Aizkibel in 1856. The preliminary study focuses on a survey of the sources extensively used by Aizkibel, which are mainly two: Schleicher's Die Sprachen Europas (1850 [1852]) and Champollion-Figeac's Égypte ancienne (1840). Moreover, the comparison with the sources reveals us that Aizkibel intended to adapt Schleicher's and Champollion-Figeac's analyses to attest that Basque was originally a very ancient monosyllabic language, and that it was spoken by cultured people. Some other linguistic ideas of Aizkibel are also discussed. 1. Sarrera 1 Euskalaritzaren historian Jose Francisco Aizkibel azkoitiarra (1798-1864) ezaguna da, batez ere, hil ondoan argitaratu zen Diccionario Basco-Español lanagatik (Aizkibel 1883) eta baita Esteban Garibairen errefrauen edizio ez oso zuzenagatik ere (Aizkibel 1954). 2 Zernahi gisaz, artikulu honetan Aizkibelen eskuizkribu labur baten edizioa eta haren iturrien azterketa aurkeztuko ditut. Eskuizkribuak Euskera izenburua du eta Toledon 1856ko maiatzaren 24an sinatuta dago (Aizkibel 1856a). Egun eskuizkribua Tolosako Udal Artxiboan gordetzen da, B-4-5-1 signaturapean; lan honetarako Axun Aierbek helarazi zizkidan fotokopiez baliatu naiz. 3 Jose Maria Satrus-1 Nire esker ona Gidor Bilbao, Joseba A. Lakarra eta Beñat Oyharçabali artikulu honen zirriborroa irakurtzeagatik eta hari egindako ohar eta zuzenketa baliotsuengatik. Mila esker, halaber, Guadalupe Larrarte Tolosako Udal artxibozainari eskuizkribuaren irudi digitalizatua helarazteagatik. Lan hau Joseba A. Lakarrak zuzendutako eta Espainiako Zientzia eta Berrikuntza Ministerioak finantzatutako «Monumenta Linguae Vasconum (III): crítica textual, lexicografía histórica e historia de la lengua vasca» (FFI2008-04516) eta Eusko Jaurlaritzak finantzatutako «Historia de la lengua vasca y lingüística histórico-comparada» (GIC 07/89-IT-473-07) ikerketa-proiektu babespean egin da. Bestalde, artikulu honen abiapuntua 2007ko azaroan

2008 - Berriz Aizkibelen Euskera eskuizkribuaz: Edizioa eta iturriak

Gómez, Ricardo, 2008, “Berriz Aizkibelen Euskera eskuizkribuaz: edizioa eta iturriak”, Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo" 42:1, 333-379., 2008

In this paper I offer a new edition of the Euskera manuscript, written by the bascologist J.F. Aizkibel in 1856. The preliminary study focuses on a survey of the sources extensively used by Aizkibel, which are mainly two: Schleicher's Die Sprachen Europas (1850 [1852]) and Champollion-Figeac's Égypte ancienne (1840). Moreover, the comparison with the sources reveals us that Aizkibel intended to adapt Schleicher’s and Champollion-Figeac's analyses to attest that Basque was originally a very ancient monosyllabic language, and that it was spoken by cultured people. Some other linguistic ideas of Aizkibel are also discussed.

Esteribarko euskararen azentuaz

EHUko irakaslea Artikulu honetan Esteribar haraneko Usetxi eta Eugi herrietako euskararen azentu-eredua aztertzen da. Nafarroako ekialdeko gainerako barietate askotan gertatzen den era berean, oraingo honetan ere, azentua 2 ← ] eskemaren arabera ezartzen da erroari erants dakizkiokeen morfema guztiak erantsi ostean. Hala ere, azentu nagusi hau intonazioak baldintzatua dela ere iradokiko dugu, hots, hitzaren egonguneen arabera alda daitekeela proposatuko dugu. Lanaren lehenbiziko atalean, artikulua oinari atxikita aplikatu behar diren erregela fonologikoak aurkeztuko ditugu. Bigarrenean lexikoaren azentua aztertzen dugu; hitz batzuen azterketa akustikoaren emaitzak oinarritzat hartuta, herri hauetako azentu-ereduaren erregelak emango ditugu. Hirugarren atalean, deklinabidearen azentua aztertzen da. Laugarrenean, erakusle, izenordain, leku-denborazko erakusleetatik erakarritako aditzondo eta galdetzaileen azentu-ereduak emango dira. Azkenik, bosgarren zatian, Esteribarreko egoera sozi...


The "Serora"s were members of a basque semi-monastic institution, that different theories link to ancient deaconesses or early eremitical life and monastic communities. It included a wide range of lifestyles that flourished in the most various institutional, religious, social and economic situations and was part of the daily life of basque communities in the Middle and Modern ages, dedicated to eremitical life and parochial service and developing a huge variety of activities, including social, religious and economical assistance, healthcare, commerce and administration. Enclosure didn't become the main religious model for women in the basque area until the 18th century, in which the "serora"s were after various attempts prohibited and rejected by both religious and secular institutions. Social and economical autonomy lies under this endurance, along with the archaic structures of a society that kept a long-lasting religious syncretism under an official christian cover. [Vol. I, language: basque]

Mendeko Bi Eskuizkribu

The two old manuscripts known to us which keep the text ofthe pastoral Santa Catherina, BNP 141 and BNP 139, are in the Ponds Celtique et Basque of the National Library of Paris. We know about the copyist and date of the first, which was written by the stage man-agerJean-Pierre Saffores in 1839. As for the second, which was also written in the xlxth century , it is unclear who the copyist/s is/are, since, as shown in our introduction, we can distinguish four different hands. The main purpose of this work. is to offer the most adequate version of the text for future analyses. As manuscript A, which we called BNP 141, is the most complete, the transcription of this manuscript is offered as the basic text of the pastoral. Two series offootnotes are included: the first for notes to manuscript A (or edition notes), and the second for notes to manuscript B (BNP 139).

Mendebaldeko euskararen lexikoaren tratamendua, enbor+hondarki banaketan oinarritua, hizketa dialektalaren ezagutze automati korako


In this paper a first approach based in the division of the dictionary elements into stems and endings is introduced to deal with Basque dialectal speech recognition. In this way, two objectives are achieved: on the one hand, the great dictionary decrease due to the treatment of the agglutinative grammatical cases of Basque as a finite group of endings; on the other hand, the treatment of the phonetic and phonological variants that show these grammatical cases in the different forms of the western dialect. In this paper, the procedure used in the experiments and the results obtained are shown.

Euskal testu corpusa osatzen: J.P. Ulibarriren "Egunare eusquerazcoa erderascotic itzuliya

Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo: International journal of basque linguistics and philology, 2011

Artikulu honetan J. P. Ulibarri idazle okondoarrak 1815an argitaratu zuen Egunare euskerazkoa erdaraskotik itzuliya egutegia aurkezten dugu, urteetan galdutzat jo izan dena. Lan honetan, orain arte euskal bibliografoek Egunare-az esan dutena laburtu dugu (§1), eta horrekin batera alearen deskribapena eskaini dugu bai fisikoa eta baita gaien arabera (§2). Hirugarren atalean (§3), Ulibarriren egiletasuna bermatu dugu: testua egile izenik gabe argitaratu bazen ere albaitariaren lantzat jo dugu, bere idaztankera eta euskara moldea aztertzeko lan honek duen garrantzia azpimarratuz. Amaitzeko, testua bera eskaini dugu, bai edizio erdipaleografiko legez eta baita faksimile eran. Recovering the Basque text corpus: