Rediscovery of Nucleophaga amoebae, a novel member of the Rozellomycota (original) (raw)

Solving an old enigma: Morellospora saccamoebae gen. nov., sp. nov. (Rozellomycota), a Sphaerita-like parasite of free-living amoebae

Parasitology Research

The Rozellomycota form a lineage basal or sister to the Fungi, ancestor of Microsporidia. Their biodiversity is very rich but remains poorly characterized. The few known species are all parasites, whether of water molds and algae (Rozella), crustaceans (Mitosporidium), or as endonuclear parasites of amoebae (Nucleophaga, Paramicrosporidium). Since the nineteenth century, intracytoplasmic parasites of various protozoa have been described as species of the same genus Sphaerita. However, it was later thought possible to separate these parasites into at least two distinct groups, those forming flagellated zoospores, prevalent in Euglena and other flagellates, and those forming immobile spores, found mainly in free-living and endozoic amoebae. Herein, we report the recovery of a strain of the free-living amoeba species Saccamoeba lacustris, naturally infected by an intracytoplasmic parasite, which under light microscope has a morphology consistent with that of Sphaerita. Biomolecular analyses were thus performed. Our results show that the intracytoplasmic parasite of Saccamoeba belongs to the same subgroup of Mitosporidium and that it forms a new genus within Rozellomycota, Morellospora, that corresponds to the former spore-forming Sphaerita-like parasites of amoebae.

The Nucleariid Amoebae: More Protists at the Animal-Fungal Boundary

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 2001

ABSTRACT. Nucleariid amoebae are naked amoebae, generally characterized by a spherical or sometimes flattened body with radiating filopodia. Most species preferentially consume algal prey or cyanobacteria. Phylogenetic analyses of the small-subunit rRNA coding regions from four nucleariid amoebae place these species near the origin of the animal-fungal divergence, together with the choanofiagellate-Corallochytrium and the ichthyosporean clades. The species Nuclearia delicatula, N. moebiusi, and N. simplex form a monophyletic group, while ATCC 30864, tentatively but possibly incorrectly assigned to Nuclearia sp., represents a separate line of descent. These nucleariids are unrelated to the lineage containing the testate filose amoebae (Testaceafilosia). Our findings expand the morphological and phylogenetic diversity of protists at the animal-fungal divergence.

New insights from molecular phylogenetics of amoebophagous fungi (Zoopagomycota, Zoopagales)

Parasitology research, 2018

Amoebophagous fungi are represented in all fungal groups: Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, Zygomycota, and Chytridiomycota. The amoebophagous fungi, within the zygomycota (Zoopagales, Zoopagomycota), mainly affect naked amoebae as ectoparasites or endoparasites. It is rather difficult to isolate members of the Zoopagales, because of their parasitic lifestyle, and to bring them into culture. Consequently, gene sequences of this group are undersampled, and its species composition and phylogeny are relatively unknown. In the present study, we were able to isolate amoebophagous fungi together with their amoeba hosts from various habitats (moss, pond, bark, and soil). Altogether, four fungal strains belonging to the genera Acaulopage and Stylopage plus one unidentified isolate were detected. Sequences of the 18S rDNA and the complete ITS region and partial 28S (LSU) rDNA were generated. Subsequent phylogenetic analyses showed that all new isolates diverge at one branch together with two enviro...