Astro-logics: a critical view on astrology techniques (original) (raw)

Editor in chief: Wout Heukelom. Guest Editor and Principal Compiler: Geoffrey Dean Sub-editor: Bert Terpstra. Production Rudolf H. Smit Publisher: Wout Heukelom and Cygnea van der Hooning, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 364 pages. Hardback. Price: €25 plus €10 postage. Available via PayPal Contact: Astrology under Scrutiny is probably the first coffee table book for astrology sceptics. It’s a high-quality hardback book of over 200,000 words, printed on glossy paper, and accompanied by detailed graphs, photographs and illustrations. Astrology under Scrutiny (AuS) is divided into four sections: (1) Summaries of the best 110 articles from Dutch astrological research journal Astrologie in Onderzoek (1977-2003), (2) Astrology My Disaster by Rudolf Smit, (3) the history of the lifework of the Gauquelins, and (4) the largest (containing over 60% of the content): The case for and against astrology. Most of this last section is so controversial that it deserves more than a general review in Correlation. So the focus of this article is The Case for and against Astrology, referred to herein as The Case. ____________________________________________________ Contents Proposers of the Case: Dean and his team Their case in a nutshell The core myth: “Hundreds of scientific tests have solved the puzzle.” Meta-Analysis of matching birth charts to owners Using White Swans to camouflage Black Swans Lunar ‘effects’ Red Hair & Mars Rising Omission of Inconvenient Data Divination Natural Astrology The Origins of Astrology: Observation or Invention? Quote mining and circular reasoning The 110 Best articles in Astrologie in Onderzoek Smit and the Placebo effect The Gauquelin Research and the Parental Tampering Conjecture Who will read Astrology under Scrutiny? Conclusion Acknowledgements References

Astronomy and astrology have been defined in many ways over the centuries, so we must begin by specifying exactly what we mean by the two terms. We show how astronomy and astrology were closely linked in antiquity. We then describe how these initial ties weakened over time, resulting in two opposite approaches to our relations with celestial phenomena-the first becoming a science, the second a divination art. The next section discusses the present revival of scientific interest in astrology, both to condemn it as a superstition and to apply a new scientifc approach to it. In conclusion, it is important to examine the reasons for astrology’s enduring popular appeal.

This paper looks at the issues raised by a questionnaire completed by a small group of professional astrologers concerning their approach and attitude to astrological research. The questionnaire revealed that there is a high level of ambivalence amongst professional astrologers towards research. Furthermore, there is a tendency to believe that research could only be scientific and quantitative and that any other form of research is insignificant and of little value. In order to understand this ambivalent and, at times, even antagonistic attitude, this paper also explores the history of astrological research in the 20th century through journals and other publications. This research suggests that the astrological community has been obsessively concerned with legitimising itself according to the scientific model of research even in the face of continual poor performance in this method.

We begin by showing how astronomy and astrology were closely linked in antiquity—including Assyria, Babylon, Greece, and Egypt—to the point of being indistinguishable from each other. We then describe how these initial ties weakened over time, eventually resulting in two opposing approaches to our relations with celestial phenomena—the first becoming a science, the second a divination art. The final section discusses the present revival of scientific interest in astrology, both to condemn it as a superstition and to apply a new statistical approach to it. In conclusion, it is important to examine the reasons for astrology’s enduring popular appeal.

Astrology can be effectively applied in the field of education by teachers and student counselors. We should really consider the benefits that are promised by Astrology for education. This is a discipline that needs to be criticized on its own terms; observations, hypotheses, laws and axioms. Stars suppose, they don't force things to happen. They indicate the forces operate on time which also depend on causality and free-will. An astrological point of view concludes that the free will is thought as a human development area which urgently needs development on both individual and collective terms at the moment, if we are to achieve a better future than the times of crisis. This is where we can break a negative habits that accumulates to crisis' that afflicts the humanity as an unit. As the past often proves to be a problem after a time. It is not uncommon to see the necessity to solve a problem of past relative to any given point or period of time. As the thing that is being observed is the hidden forces behind the general and the end is to achieve universal facts. Even these forces cannot be sensed or measured thorough means that are available through technology or science, does not really prove that observing these phenomenon is impossible. But rather these can comprehended by taxing on the mind on beyond the limits of known to an unknown realm thorough developing such intuition to feel the force within and without. But this is also based on an alternate system to interpret much of reality based on astrological charts that are much like clocks that show time in our solar system, either centred on Earth or the Sun. Which is freely multidimensional, compactly holistic. But a system with such productivity can come up with very good advice is not a sight that is uncommon in Astrology. In an Intuitive Healer's hand Astrology can be a diagnostic basis to launch her intuitive forces and do a psychic surgery, on the go while conversing with the client. The astrology also tunes the intuition to the cyclic forces and such information can prevent mishaps way before without even looking at charts after internalization of the solar consciousness. This if duly researched and effectively conducted, can prove to be very advantageous to proactively prevent discord through psychic harmonization. I'll give two example cases. If a person has a problematic Mercury it can indicate difficulty about self-expression, speaking and relating to friends; also in the field of learning. For astrology the solutions come with the understanding of the problem through interpretation of astrological indicators.

The astrological premise regarding effects differs from classical scientific concepts, yet is scientific in principle and scope. Symmetrical processes take precedence over causal processes, and influences should be viewed as interactions between individuals. Astrological effects have been demonstrated to be amplified by ranks of eminence, and longstanding studies of this remain unrefuted. The basis for the belief that science has repeatedly falsified astrology is critically examined. Forer effect arguments, the most commonly cited evidence, are found to be based on tests of selectively assembled non-astrological artifacts, which normal science would eliminate as bias. The acclaimed 1985 Carlson study, which dealt a devastating blow to astrological research, is found to be equally biased. It ignores its own test design, which when actually followed provides significant support for astrology.