Risk factors for hip fracture in elderly persons (original) (raw)

Incidence and socioeconomic burden of hip fractures in Italy

Reumatismo, 2011

Objectives: we aimed to analyze incidence and costs of hip fractures in Italy. Methods: we analyzed the Italian Ministry of Health national hospitalization and DRGs databases concerning fractures occurred in people ≥65 between 2003 and 2005. We have estimated incidence and direct costs sustained by the National Health Service for hospitalization and treatment of hip fractures on the basis of the value of the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) referring to hip fractures. The expenses of rehabilitation and indirect costs were based on regional estimations. Results: between 2003 and 2005 we registered almost 90,000 hospital admissions per year (corresponding to 75,000 patients) because of hip fractures in people aged ≥65. Women accounted for the majority of hospital admissions due to hip fractures (78.0%; n=214,519). Among women, 84.3% of fractures (n=180,861) occurred in patients ≥75, which is known to be the age group with the highest prevalence of osteoporosis. Hospitalizations of both men and women showed an increasing trend across all the examined period. Hospital costs increased up to 467 million euros in 2005, while rehabilitation costs rose up to 531 million in the same year. Conclusions: hip fractures in the Italian population are increasing and represent a major public health challenge.

[Incidence and risk factors for accidental falls among general practice elderly patients in Latina, Central Italy]

Epidemiologia e prevenzione

falls incidence in home resident elderly people varies from 30% to 40%. Falls induce loss of self-sufficiency and increase mortality and morbidity. to evaluate falls incidence and risk factors in a group of general practice elderly patients. prospective cohort study with 1 year follow-up. 18 practitioners visited their elderly patients (>75 years) for a baseline assessment. Information on current pathologies and previous falls in the last six months was collected. Functional status was evaluated using: Short Portable Mental State Questionnaire, Geriatric Depression Scale, Activities of Daily Living, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. Total mobility Tinetti score was measured in a subgroup of elderly. Falls were monitored through 2 phone-interviews at 6 and 12 months. Data were analyzed through logistic regression. 1168 elderly were visited and 800 were enrolled in the study. Twenty-eight percent of the elderly fell in the whole period. Sixty percent of falls were not report...

Il rischio da caduta dell'anziano in ambiente sanitario/ospedaliero

Disamina dell’impatto sul sistema sanitario del rischio da caduta del paziente in ambiente sanitario/ospedaliero. Tale rischio è considerato estremamente rilevante sia per la frequenza che per la gravità delle conseguenze. Da considerarsi inoltre che la caduta dei pazienti è tra le prime cause di sinistri oggetto di richieste di risarcimento a carico del S.S.N. Pertanto scopo del presente articolo è: da una parte indicare agli operatori una corretta metodologia di Analisi dei Rischi finalizzata ad ottenere una «riduzione del rischio clinico mediante una corretta gestione delle conoscenze e competenze dei professionisti sanitari» e un’indicazione metodologica per la determinazione dei costi sanitari.

La sostituzione protesica nelle fratture prossimali d'omero nell'anziano | The treatment with prostheses in the proximal humeral fractures in elderly patients


Vengono presentati i risultati ottenuti in 50 fratture prossimali di omero trattate con sostituzione protesica (33 protesi parziali e 17 protesi totali), in pazienti anziani (età media 78 anni). I controlli sono stati eseguiti con il Constant score. I risultati si possono considerare buoni con entrambe le protesi per quanto concerne il dolore. Sono migliori i risultati nel recupero dell'articolarità con le protesi totali. Parole chiave: Fratture prossimali di omero, Protesi di spalla, Protesi inversa summARy 50 proximal humeral fractures treated with 33 modular partial shoulder and 17 reverse prostheses, in elderly patients, are presented. We followed-up all the patients by means of the Constant score. The results of hemi-arthroplasty and reverse prostheses appear good with regard to pain. The results of function were better in the reverse prostheses.

Evidence Based Prevention e rischio biomeccanico per l'arto superiore

G Ital Med Lav Erg, 2008

Evidence Based Prevention and Upper limb Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders. To evaluate interventions for primary prevention of Upper limb Work-related MusculoSkeletal Disorders (UWMSD) we conducted a literature search from the biomedical database Medline and the Cochrane Collaboration Occupational Health Field. A total of 41 studies were selected: the majority investigated the effect of interventions among office workers, few involved industrial workplaces. Studies were characterized by a wide range of interventions (engineering, administrative, ergonomic training) and methodological heterogeneity (in the study design and outcome measures). Only four studies examine interventions for the prevention of specific outcomes (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome). At present, the multidimensional approach of interventions and the poor outcome definitions hamper the isolation of the potentially effective component of the intervention. Future intervention studies should be based on well defined risk assessment and outcome measures, rigorous and long-term study design. Only strong levels of evidence could be the base of policy recommendations.

La valutazione della fragilità nella popolazione anziana: traduzione e adattamento cross-culturale del Tilburg Frailty Indicator al contesto italiano


The Tilburg Frailty Indicator (TFI) is a self-report questionnaire for screening frailty in community-dwelling older adults. It is a multidimensional instrument, simple and easy to administer. The current paper describes the procedure of translation and cross-cultural adaptation of TFI in Italian language. The phases were the following: translations, synthesis of translations, back-translations, expert committee review, pre-testing on thirty-one Italian older adults, and final revision. All the respondents judged positively the Italian TFI, stating it clear, simple, and understandable. After a careful evaluation of psychometric properties, the Italian TFI may be used in clinical and scientific field for identifying frail older adults. Introduzione L’invecchiamento della società è stato definito dalla Commissione Europea come una delle maggiori sfide del XXI secolo (EC, 2014). L’Italia è uno dei paesi più vecchi al mondo con una percentuale di anziani (età superiore ai 65 anni) del 2...