Tsipopoulou, M., 2012a. Introduction: 25 years of excavations and studies at Petras, στο M. Tsipopoulou (ed.), Petras, Siteia – 25 years of excavations and studies, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens, vol. 16, Athens: Danish Institute at Athens, 45-68. (original) (raw)


V. Karageorghis

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A. Mazarakis Ainian, A. Alexandridou & X. Charalambidou (eds), Regional Stories Towards a New Perception of the Early Greek World, Acts of an International Symposium in honour of Professor Jan Bouzek, Volos 18-21 June 2015, University of Thessaly Press, Volos 2017 [FRONT MATTER & CONTENTS]

Alexandros Mazarakis Ainian

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Α. Μazarakis Ainian, Α. Αlexandridou & X. Charalambidou (επιμ.), Regional Stories towards a new perception of the early Greek world. Acts of an International Symposium in honour of Professor Jan Bouzek, Volos 18-21 June 2015, Volos, University of Thessaly Press, 2017.

Alexandra Alexandridou

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Review - Lemos & Kotsonas (2020) A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean

Guy D. Middleton

American Journal of Archaeology, 2021

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The Archaeology of Athens, J.M. Camp (2001), Electronic Antiquity 7 (2003).

Tyler Jo Smith

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10+ YEARS. ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM OF THESSALONIKI 2006-2019, anniversary edition

Angeliki Koukouvou, Evangelia Tsangaraki

10+ YEARS. ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM OF THESSALONIKI 2006-2019, anniversary edition, (S. Galiniki, A. Koukouvou, E. Stefani & E. Tsangaraki eds., translation from Greek by M. Nikolaidou), Thessaloniki 2020, 2020

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Neolithic and Minoan exploitation at Petras: diachronic trends and cultural shifts.

Tatiana Theodoropoulou

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The Fieldwork of the Canadian Institute in Greece, 2008

Donald Keller, SOPHIA KARAPANOU, David W. Rupp

Mouseion 9:2, 2009

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Euboean Imports in the Geometric Necropolis of Ialysos, in A. Gadolou - V. Vlachou (eds.), ΤΕΡΨΙΣ. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology in Honour of Nota Kourou, Études d'Archéologie 10, Bruxelles 2017, p. 359-373

Matteo D'Acunto

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Review of: D.J. Ian Begg, Lost Worlds of Ancient and Modern Greece. Gilbert Bagnani: The Adventures of a Young Italo-Canadian Archaeologist in Greece, 1921-1924, Oxford 2020

Stefano Struffolino

Journal of Greek Archaeology, 2022

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Classical Archaeology of Greece

Michael Shanks

Routledge, 1996

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The excavation of the Ancient Agora of Athens: the politics of commissioning and managing the project

Νίκη Σακκά


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Review of Rethinking Athens before the Persian Wars (C. Graml, A. Doronzio, V. Capozzoli)

Nathan Arrington

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The Jour nal of the Amer ic an Sc ho ol of Cl assic al S t udie s at Athens hesperia

Amy Papalexandrou

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Editorial Journal of Greek Archaeology volume 1

John Bintliff

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“The Fieldwork of the Canadian Institute in Greece, 2007,” Mouseion 8.2 (2008): 241-264.

David W. Rupp

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Eleftherios Venizelos, chapter 6: At The Conference

Andrew Dalby

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Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology 3 (WSA 3)

Stephanie Aulsebrook


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Introduction [to Scholars, travels, archives: greek history and culture through the British School at Athens: proceedings of a conference held at the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 6-7 October 2006]

Paschalis Kitromilides


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cassandre costalunga

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(2008) Voutsaki, S. Greek archaeology: theoretical developments over the last 40 years. Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 40, 21-28.

Sofia Voutsaki

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Book review of N. Marinatos and R. K. Pitt, eds., Thucydides the Athenian (Athens, 2022)

Matt Simonton

Histos, 2023

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The 5th Young Researchers' Conference in Aegean Archaeology (2017) - Book of Abstracts

Katarzyna Żebrowska, Agata Ulanowska, Kazimierz Lewartowski

"Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology"

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Review of \u3ci\u3eFauvel. The First Archaeologist in Athens and his Philhellenic Correspondents\u3c/i\u3e, by C. W. Clairmont

Effie F Athanassopoulos


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Greeks and antiquities during the early years of the new Greek State: attestations of archival official documents and old Ιnventories, 2020, 250-265

Chrysanthi Tsouli

Μ. Lagogianni-Georgakarakos – Th. Koutsogiannis (eds.), “These are what we fought for…” Antiquities and the Greek War of Independence, Exh. Catalogue (National Archaeological Museum, February – July 2020), Athens, 2020

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