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To study, describe, assess and communicate the risk associated with hydro-logic events (HE) such as flooding or drought, one must clarify the concept of uncertainty. The uncertainty in hydrological and environmental modeling has been considered for some time (Beven 1993; 2002; Walker et al. 2003; Brown 2004; 2010) and the need for a general theory of uncertainty was introduced by Lofty Zadeh (2005). To move from uncertainty as a property for informational exchange in engineering (Zadeh 2005), decision support systems (Walker et al. 2003) and mathematical theories (Dubois and Prade 2010) to the uncertainty for HE, one must consider that uncertainty has to be part of scientific knowledge and communication. Keith Beven lifted the consideration from errors in data and model generalization (Beven 1993) to a learning process (Beven 2007); I agree with him and see this learning as part of a more general process of commu-nication. To consider learning in a wider approach, I define the syste...
Use of Different Statistic Approaches on Variability in Hydrologic Variables
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology
The unnatural change in the globe under influence of devastating global warming has been quashing the overall functioning of ecosystem since industrial revolution. Thus, the human-induced disaster caused by proportional increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has affected the normal functioning of hydrologic cycle. Under the undesirable condition, the amount of hydrologic variables began to diverge over time. Hydrologic variable should be homogeneous for the reliability of hydraulic structure while predicting necessary design criteria for its construction. Therefore, the test of whether this requirement is true should be performed in the context of any given hydrologic data’s homogeneity before being passed to the implementation of statistical approaches to the data. The study carried out in Yesilirmak basin was realized on homogeneity of seasonal maximum streamflow data from eight gauging stations operated by The General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI). Yesilirmak...
Parametric uncertainty or hydrological changes
The model calibration is the way of hydrologists for searching also a physical interpretation of complex interactions acting within a basin. Actually, it can be frequently noticed how model calibration performed on a given time-window may converge to a point in the parameter space that could be distant from another obtainable calibration of the model in the same basin but considering a different time window. Is that again parametric uncertainty or does the trajectory in the parametric space relate about to a slow hydrological basin change? This paper depicts a possible path for detecting changes' signatures in a streamflow time series. In particular, the paper seeks to draw a way to discern the random variability over different time-windows of the calibrated model parameters set from that induced by the variation in time of some boundary conditions and external forcings. To this purpose, we will refer to a conceptual lumped model for simulating daily streamflow, the EHSM (EcoHydrological Streamflow Model), and to a hypothetical case study. The selected hydrological model requires a total of seven parameters, some of which can be easily related to land use, while others rely on climate variables. The calibration of the EHSM parameters with regard to different time-windows and the analysis of potential impacts of the anthropic variation in land use and/or climatic variability on the calibrated parameters set, will support our investigation.
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2005
A method is introduced for probabilistic forecasting of hydrological events based on geostatistical analysis. In this method, the predictors of a hydrological variable define a virtual field such that, in this field, the observed dependent variables are considered as measurement points. Variography of the measurement points enables the use of the system of kriging equations to estimate the value of the variable at non-measured locations of the field. Non-measured points are the forecasts associated with specific predictors. Calculation of the estimation variance facilitates probabilistic analysis of the forecast variables. The method is applied to case studies of the Red River in Manitoba, Canada and Karoon River in Khoozestan, Iran. The study analyses the advantages and limitations of the proposed method in comparison with a K-nearest neighbour approach and linear and nonlinear multiple regression. The utility of the proposed method for forecasting hydrological variables with a conditional probability distribution is demonstrated.
Study of General Effects of River Runoff Variations
Russian Meteorology and Hydrology
Time series of monthly mean water discharges from some rivers of Europe and the European part of the former USSR are analyzed. The aim of the analysis is to study the effects of general variability of the monthly mean river runoff which arise simultaneously in joint processing of the time series. A river system over large areas coupled with the atmospheric circulation, which affects the river runoff regime, can be considered as a large distributed nonlinear dynamic system. Therefore, it is interesting to study probable effects of interactions within this system. The effects of general variability (coherence) are determined using two procedures: by estimating the evolution of the Hurst constant for different rivers and by estimating the change in the spectral measure of coherence of variations in the specified frequency range. The spectral measure is calculated as a product of component-wise canonical coherences of a multivariate spectral matrix. As a result of analysis, low-frequency effects of general variability are found. Based on the comparison with spectral characteristics of the reconstructed winter mean temperatures for the last 1500 years, a hypothesis of the climatic origin of these variations is proposed.
Uncertainties in river basin data at various support scales - Example from Odense Pilot River Basin
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2006
In environmental modelling studies field data usually have a spatial and temporal scale of support that is different from the one at which models operate. This calls for a methodology for rescaling data uncertainty from one support scale to another. In this paper data uncertainty is assessed for various environmental data types collected for monitoring purposes from the Odense river basin in Denmark by use of literature information, expert judgement and simple data analyses. It is demonstrated how such methodologies can be applied to data that vary in space or time such as precipitation, climate variables, discharge, surface water quality, soil parameters, groundwater abstraction, heads and groundwater quality variables. Data uncertainty is categorised and assessed in terms of probability density functions and temporal or spatial autocorrelation functions. The autocorrelation length scales are crucial when support scale is changing and it is demonstrated how the assumption used when estimating the autocorrelation parameters may limit the applicability of these autocorrelation functions.
The aim of the paper is to describe spatial differences in the uncertainty of features of the flow regimes of rivers in Europe on the basis of measures whose methodological assumptions derive from Shannon's information entropy theory (1948). They included: the entropy of monthly flow volumes, the entropy of the flow distribution over time, and the entropy of maximum and minimum monthly flows. An analysis was made of monthly flow series for the years 1951-1990 from 510 gauging stations located on 369 rivers in Europe. It allowed a quantitative determination of the degree of uncertainty of the four regime characteristics, indirectly establishing the predictability, regularity and stability of their appearance and their spatial variability. In the procedure of identification of spatial differences among rivers concerning the uncertainty of their flow regime features, use was made of local indices of spatial dependence. On application of LISA (Local Indicators of Spatial Association) based on Moran's local I i statistic, a typology of rivers was obtained in terms of the kind and statistical significance of spatial associations involving the uncertainty of the flow regime variables in question.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2015
Nowadays, river dynamics is strongly influenced by human activities. The Zarriné-Rūd River morphology and the Urmia Lake beach line have been changing in recent decades because of agricultural and construction activities, industrial and urban projects, extra using of water, and sediments of river by riverside dwellers. Remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) are used in this research for detecting and monitoring of these changes. The modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI) was applied for detecting surface water information from Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images of the Zarriné-Rūd River. And then, Linear Directional Mean (LDM) algorithm was applied for morphological change analysis of the Zarriné-Rūd River on the GIS platform. The results showed that applying the methods of MNDWI algorithm and LDM is useful and efficient for determining the boundary and analyzing the morphologic characteristics of the Zarriné-Rūd River from 1985 to 2011. Broadly, the results indicated that the number of changes has dramatically increased. So as to analyze the changes of the Zarriné-Rūd River course more carefully, it was divided into five sections. The change in each section can be demonstrated as follows: section one, a gradual change from a meandering pattern to braided pattern; section two with meandering pattern, minor changes during the research period; section three with meandering pattern, the smallest amount of change in regard to the length of the sections; section four with meandering pattern, the most significant changes along the river; section five, keeping the straight pattern. The outcomes of this paper can be utilized to ameliorate the water management and sustainable development.