Critiques and extensions of strategic international human resource management framework for dragon multinationals (original) (raw)

The paths of managing international human resources of emerging market multinationals: Reconciling strategic goal and control means

Embracing the convergence–divergence–crossvergence debate in the field of international human resource management (IHRM) and linking it to the context of emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs), our key contribution is to provide a precise and feasible architecture of convergence–divergence–crossvergence response that takes into account the global versus local dilemma, as well as the headquarters–subsidiary relationship. By incorporating the latest theoretical development and case observations of EMNEs, we identify localization as a strategic goal and autonomy as a control means that foster EMNEs' choosing their own paths in managing international human resources. Under the architecture, the two types of crossvergent IHRM strategies – deliberate and emergent – are further distinguished. Propositions are developed for future empirical testing.

A Critical Review of Multinational Companies, Their Structures and Strategies and Their Link with International Human Resource Management

This review paper critically examines multinational company; discuss its merits and demerits for host countries and debates on its various types of structures and strategies. The main part of this critical review relates about the various types of structures and strategies which multinational companies adopt while conducting business across boarders. It starts by defining Multinational Company discussing its merits and demerits, analysing the various components of its strategies and structures and comparing the merits and demerits of these different types of structures and strategies. A thematic approach rather than chronological approach has been used mainly due to the purpose and approach necessary for such type of review. The thematic approach enables an analysis of a specific topic or theme without considering the chronological order of which the research has been conducted. In latter part this review discusses the relationship of these strategies with international human resource management and also highlights the implications of different companies' strategies and structures for the international human resource management (IHRM). And at end we concluded that the role of IHRM varies in different types of organizational structures and therefore the implications of these structures are also vary for international HRM.

International human resource management: a North American perspective, a thematic update and suggestions for future research

The past 15 years have witnessed tremendous advancements in the research and practice of international human resource management (IHRM). This paper describes several sub-themes in IHRM that have evolved during the past 15 years; introduces and expands upon one major sub-theme in IHRM, cross-border alliances; and suggests several topics for future research and investigation. First, while the review and update is based on the framework introduced by Schuler et al. (1993), the ideas of several other approaches that have been taken to in the field of IHRM (e.g. are incorporated to present a thematic framework of IHRM that organizes and updates the existing IHRM literature within five thematic areas: strategic MNE components; exogenous factors; endogenous factors; IHRM issues, functions, policies, and practices; and MNE effectiveness. Within each thematic area, several sub-themes are described that reflect important changes in and evolutions of IHRM issues. Second, the paper offers a major extension to the thematic framework by incorporating the cross-border alliance (CBA) theme. The article highlights one of the most complex forms of CBA, the international joint venture (IJV), and develops a typology as a way of illustrating the complexity of IJVs and the challenge of crafting an effective set of IHRM activities for them and MNEs more generally. Third, 20 avenues or topics are suggested for future research and investigation that build on the work of the past 15 years in IHRM and reflect the realities of MNEs and their implications for IHRM. A brief summary concludes the authors' thoughts on the future of IHRM and its increased importance. ). More specifically, the field of IHRM is about understanding, researching, applying and revising all human resource activities in their internal and external contexts as they impact the processes of managing human resources in organizations throughout the global environment to enhance the experience of multiple stakeholders .

International human resource management strategies of Chinese multinationals operating abroad

Asia Pacific Business Review, 2013

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International Human Resource Management and Its Challenges

International human resource management (IHRM) is how MNCs [Multinational Corporations] manage the competing demand of ensuring that the organization has an international coherence in and cost effective approach to the way it managers its people in all the countries it covers, while also ensuring that it can be responsive to the differences in assumptions about what works from one location to another. (Dickmann et al, 2008,p.7) According to (Sparrow and Braun, 2008,p.96) IHRM is the way in which the HRM function contributes to the process of globalization within multinational firms. (Snell,Bohlander and Vohra,2010,p.506) Explains managing human resource functions such as recruitment, selection, development, and compensation of employees effectively and integrating those activities to achieve global advantage in an international setting is as a challenge to the management of the multination firms.