Chatter recognition by a statistical evaluation of the synchronously sampled audio signal (original) (raw)

Influence of Milling Cutter Dynamics on Stability Lobe Diagrams


In milling, both dimensional accuracy and productivity depend on several parameters of milling. As these parameters influence the material removal rate and the stability of process in terms of vibrations and chatter, it is important to examine the role of these parameters on the level of vibration and chatter. Since 1960s, the researchers have studied chatter problems with a view to understand the mechanism, parameters responsible for this phenomena and its behaviour in milling operation. Out of several methods that can be followed for minimizing and avoiding chatter, stability lobe diagram is considered to be the most reliable way of identifying the cutting parameters for chatter free condition. Since the chatter depends on the interaction of milling cutter with work piece during milling of parts on the milling machine, it is essential to examine the influence of dynamic parameters of milling cutter on the stability of cutting process. This paper covers the generation of stability ...

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Influence of Milling Cutter Dynamics on Stability Lobe Diagrams Cover Page

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A new experimental methodology for identification of stability lobes diagram in milling operations Cover Page

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Stability limits of milling considering the flexibility of the workpiece and the machine Cover Page

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Prediction of Stability Lobe Diagrams in High-Speed Milling by Operational Modal Analysis Cover Page

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Continuous model for analytical prediction of chatter in milling Cover Page

Determining the Milling Technological Parameters Using the Stability Diagrams


Due to the dynamic behavior of the milling machine, the milling operation can proceed from the stable milling domain in the unstable domain although the depth of milling, the cutting speed and feed rate are rigorously calculated. The stable milling domains can be identified through stability charts which are calculated with specific algorithms that use as input data the modal parameters of the milling machine. We calculated and drew the stability diagrams modeling the cutter vibrations as a one degree of freedom oscillator. For this we implemented the semi-discretization algorithm in software written in Pascal language. Keywords: milling machine, stability diagram, semi-discretization algorithm

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Determining the Milling Technological Parameters Using the Stability Diagrams Cover Page

Prediction of Workpiece Dynamics and its Effects on Chatter Stability in Milling

The workpiece dynamics affect stability in machining of flexible parts. However, it is not a straightforward task to include it in the analysis since the workpiece dynamics continuously change due to mass removal and variation of the cutter contact. In this paper, a methodology for prediction of in-process workpiece dynamics is presented, which is based on a structural dynamic modification using the FE model of the workpiece. The cutter location (CL) file is used to determine the removed elements at each tool location along a cycle. The proposed approach is demonstrated on example cases, and simulations are verified through experiments.

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Prediction of Workpiece Dynamics and its Effects on Chatter Stability in Milling Cover Page

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A new method for the identification of stability lobes in machining Cover Page

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Sound mapping for identification of stability lobe diagrams in milling processes Cover Page

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Stability and high performance machining conditions in simultaneous milling Cover Page