Geoelectrical Imaging of a Major Active Fault and Implications for Seismic Hazard Assessment in the City of San Miguel Uspantan, Quiche, Guatemala (original) (raw)

Localization and characterization of an active fault in an urbanized area in central Guatemala by means of geoelectrical imaging

Tectonophysics, 2010

The Polochic and Motagua faults define the active plate boundary between the North American and Caribbean plates in central Guatemala. A splay of the Polochic Fault traverses the rapidly growing city of San Miguel Uspantán that is periodically affected by destructive earthquakes. This fault splay was located using a 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) survey that also characterized the fault damage zone and evaluated the thickness and nature of recent deposits upon which most of the city is built. ERT images show the fault as a~50 m wide, near-vertical low-resistivity anomaly, bounded within a few meters by high resistivity anomalies. Forward modeling reproduces the key aspects of the observed electrical resistivity data with remarkable fidelity thus defining the overall location, geometry, and internal structure of the fault zone as well as the affected lithologies. Our results indicate that the city is constructed on a~20 m thick surficial layer consisting of poorly consolidated, highly porous, water-logged pumice. This soft layer is likely to amplify seismic waves and to liquefy upon moderate to strong ground shaking. The electrical conductivity as well as the major element chemistry of the groundwater provides evidence to suggest that the local aquifer might, at least in part, be fed by water rising along the fault. Therefore, the potential threat posed by this fault splay may not be limited to its seismic activity per se, but could be compounded its potential propensity to enhance seismic site effects by injecting water into the soft surficial sediments. The results of this study provide the basis for a rigorous analysis of seismic hazard and sustainable development of San Miguel Uspantán and illustrate the potential of ERT surveying for paleoseismic studies.

Improving seismotectonics and seismic hazard assessment along the San Ramón Fault at the eastern border of Santiago city, Chile

Natural Hazards, 2014

The San Ramón Fault is an active west-vergent thrust fault system located along the eastern border of the city of Santiago, at the foot of the main Andes Cordillera. This is a kilometric crustal-scale structure recently recognized that represents a potential source for geological hazards. In this work, we provide new seismological evidences and strong ground-motion modeling from hypothetic kinematic rupture scenarios, to improve seismic hazard assessment in the Metropolitan area of Central Chile. Firstly, we focused on the study of crustal seismicity that we relate to brittle deformation associated with different seismogenic fringes in the main Andes in front of Santiago. We used a classical hypocentral location technique with an improved 1D crustal velocity model, to relocate crustal seismicity recorded between 2000 and 2011 by the National Seismological Service, University of Chile. This analysis includes waveform modeling of seismic events from local broadband stations deployed in the main Andean range, such as San José de Maipo, El Yeso, Las Melosas and Farellones. We selected events located near the stations, whose hypocenters were localized under the recording sites, with angles of incidence at the receiver\5°and S-P travel times\2 s. Our results evidence that seismic activity clustered around 10 km depth under San José de Maipo and Farellones stations. Because of their identical waveforms, such events are interpreted like repeating earthquakes or multiplets and therefore providing first evidence for seismic tectonic activity consistent with the crustal-scale structural model proposed for the San Ramón Fault system in the area (Armijo et al. in Tectonics 29(2):TC2007, 2010). We also analyzed the ground-motion variability generated by an M w 6.9 earthquake rupture scenario by using a kinematic fractal k -2 composite source model. The main goal was to model broadband strong ground motion in the near-fault region and to analyze the variability of ground-motion parameters computed at various receivers. Several kinematic rupture scenarios were computed by changing physical source parameters. The study focused on statistical analysis of horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGAH) and ground velocity (PGVH). We compared the numerically predicted ground-motion parameters with empirical ground-motion predictive relationships from Kanno et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 96:879-897, 2006). In general, the synthetic PGAH and PGVH are in good agreement with the ones empirically predicted at various source distances. However, the mean PGAH at intermediate and large distances attenuates faster than the empirical mean curve. The largest mean values for both, PGAH and PGVH, were observed near the SW corner within the area of the fault plane projected to the surface, which coincides rather well with published hanging-wall effects suggesting that ground motions are amplified there.

Faulting, shallow seismicity and seismic hazard analysis for the Costa Rican Central Valley

Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - SOIL DYNAM EARTHQUAKE ENG, 2000

Faulting, shallow seismicity (0–30km), and seismic hazard of the Costa Rican Central Valley were analyzed. Faults in the study area are oriented northwest or northeast. There is an active fault system in the south flank of the Central Volcanic Ridge and another in the north flank of the Talamanca Ridge. Faults of these systems have generated 15 destructive earthquakes in the area during the last 228 years all of them shallow and their locations show one cluster near the Poas Volcano and another southward the Central Valley. These earthquakes have damaged cities of the Central Valley, two of them destroyed Cartago city and almost 1000 people were killed. Regarding recent seismicity, there are three main seismic sources at the Central Volcanic Ridge: Irazu, Bajo de la Hondura and Poas and other three in the Talamanca Ridge: Puriscal, Los Santos and Pejibaye.A seismic hazard map for the Metropolitan Area of San José has been elaborated, based on local tectonic and seismic information. ...

The Tectonics and Active Faulting of Haiti from Seismicity and Tomography

Tectonics, 2019

Oblique convergence of the Caribbean and North American plates has partitioned strain across a major transpressional fault system that bisects the island of Hispaniola. The devastating M W 7.0, 2010 earthquake that struck southern Haiti, rupturing an unknown fault, highlighted our limited understanding of regional fault segmentation and its link to plate boundary deformation. Here we assess seismic activity and fault structures across Haiti using data from 33 broadband seismic stations deployed for 16 months. We use traveltime tomography to obtain relocated hypocenters and models of V p and V p /V s crustal structure. Earthquake locations reveal two clusters of seismic activity. The first corresponds to aftershocks of the 2010 earthquake and delineates faults associated with that rupture. The second cluster shows shallow activity north of Lake Enriquillo (Dominican Republic), interpreted to have occurred on a north-dipping thrust fault. Crustal seismic velocities show a narrow low-velocity region with an increased V p /V s ratio (1.80-1.85) dipping underneath the Massif de la Selle, which coincides with a southward-dipping zone of hypocenters to a depth of 20 km beneath southern Haiti. Our observations of seismicity and crustal structure in southern Haiti suggests a transition in the Enriquillo fault system from a near vertical strike-slip fault along the Southern Peninsula to a southward-dipping oblique-slip fault along the southern border of the Cul-de-Sac-Enriquillo basin. This result, consistent with recent geodetic results but at odds with the classical seismotectonic interpretation of the Enriquillo fault system, is an important constraint in our understanding of regional seismic hazard.

Resistivity structure in the western part of the fault rupture zone associated with the 1999 Izmit earthquake and its seismogenic implication

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2003

Magnetotelluric (MT) surveys were carried out along some profiles crossing the fault rupture zone associated with theİzmit earthquake which took place on 17 August 1999 in the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). In this paper, we focus on the western part of the fault rupture zone where two different groups of seismicity followed theİzmit earthquake. One group was seen along a narrow belt and corresponds to aftershocks occurring along the fault rupture zone. The other was seen in a circular region and represents a swarm activity, presumably triggered by the occurrence of theİzmit earthquake. Two-dimensional inversion was performed for the MT data acquired along two profiles; one crosses the western end of the fault rupture zone and the other is located in the west of the swarm activity area. In the former case, aftershocks tended to occur in a resistive zone underlain by a moderately conductive zone, as was the case for the hypocenter area. In the latter case, the swarm activity tends to be confined in a conductive zone below a highly resistive zone. This activity is likely to be triggered through pore-pressure changes associated with theİzmit earthquake.

The identified origin of a linear slope near Chi–Chi earthquake rupture combining 2D, 3D resistivity image profiling and geological data

Environmental Geology, 2009

A slope on the west border of the foothill near 921 surface rupture (caused by the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake) in central Taiwan shows distinctive topographic expression that was prone to be considered as a fault scarp formed by a preexisting active fault. The 2D and 3D resistivity images clearly delineate rock surfaces which show steep, deep, gentle, and subvertical displacement beneath the slope, the toe of slope, the non-lateritic terrace, and 921 surface rupture, respectively, which can be attributed to the significant contrast of resistivity between gravel and rock. The horizontal sand bed and clast-supported gravel were deposited in a fluvial environment, whereas wedge-shaped gravel and colluvium were scarp-induced colluvial deposits in the trench profile. The layers shown in the depth of excavation, except for rock, has no offset or disturbance by fault ever since at least 2,480 ± 50 year B.P., based on carbon 14 dating of charcoal sample at the bottom of trench profile. According to information from two boreholes close to the slope, an over 20-m-thick marker bed with transported shell fragments, was found for correlation. This correlation further implies the slope was not formed by fault. On the other hand, two boreholes which are far from the slope and located on the flat non-lateritic terrace frequently show fractured and sheared features. By comparison, the locations around these two boreholes indicate a reverse fault or faults that occurred before the deposition of gravel. Later on, the paleostream was developed along the foot of fault scarp that was subjected to erosion and led to subsequent retrogression or retreat of the slope. Consequently, the incision of paleostream is believed to be responsible for the high relief of rock surface around the slope. Furthermore, from resistivity and borehole data, the rock surface underlying terrace is gentle where no faults occur after the deposition of gravel. The result of RIP crossing the 921 surface rupture displays about 10 m difference in elevation of rock surface on both sides, which is greater than that of 3-4 m caused by Chi-Chi earthquake. This indicates that the 921 surface rupture is a preexisting thrust fault that resulted from several thrusting events since terrace gravel was deposited. So it is not necessary to establish an extra restricted zone for construction in study area, except close to the 921 surface rupture.

Significant resistivity changes in the fault zone associated with the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, west-central Taiwan

Tectonophysics, 2002

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the possible influence of an earthquake on the resistivity distribution in a fault zone. We collected resistivity image profiles across a proposed fault trace prior to the 7.3 magnitude 1999 shallow earthquake in the Chi-Chi area of Taiwan. Significant positive resistivity anomalies were observed in the hanging wall after the earthquake. However, there were negligible resistivity changes in the footwall. From an examination of geoelectric phenomena and surface rupture in the fault zone, it is believed that geoelectric anomalies are associated with abrupt displacement along the active Chelungpu fault. This result indicates a potential for resistivity methods to provide a basis for the monitoring of an active fault. D

A 3D electrical resistivity model around the focal zone of the 2017 southern Nagano Prefecture earthquake (MJMA 5.6): implications for relationship between seismicity and crustal heterogeneity

Earth, Planets and Space, 2018

Seismic swarm areas below the southeast flank of Ontake volcano, central Japan, provide an important opportunity to study interactions between seismicity, volcanic processes and crustal fluid. On June 25, 2017, an M5.6 earthquake occurred in the Ontake swarm area where geochemical and geophysical studies suggest that pore fluid pathways from the lower crust and mantle affect fault rupture. To clarify the electrical resistivity distribution (that reflects pore fluids, altered sediments and temperature), audio-frequency and broadband magnetotelluric data were measured at 35 sites around the aftershock area of this earthquake. A 3D resistivity inversion model based on these observed magnetotelluric data shows the following key features: (1) two conductive zones (C-1 and C-2) underlie springs where isotope studies indicate fluids of mantle or lower crustal origin and (2) aftershock hypocentres locate in a resistive area between these two aseismic conductive zones (C-1 and C-2). The relationship between seismicity and conductivity suggests that the C-1 and C-2 conductors can be interpreted as interconnected pore fluid, high temperature and/ or sediment under aseismic elastic conditions. In addition, the fault rupture of the M5.6 earthquake was located near the boundary between the central resistive and conductive C-2 zone, indicating stress accumulation associated with heterogeneity of rock, temperature and/or pore fluid distribution. If these features are observed generally in seismic areas, surveys of resistivity structure could contribute to estimating the magnitude of potential earthquakes and evaluation of risk.

Deep electrical resistivity tomography along the tectonically active Middle Aterno Valley (2009 L'Aquila earthquake area, central Italy)

Geophysical Journal International, 2016

Three 2-D Deep Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) transects, up to 6.36 km long, were obtained across the Paganica-San Demetrio Basin, bounded by the 2009 L'Aquila Mw 6.1 normal-faulting earthquake causative fault (central Italy). The investigations allowed defining for the first time the shallow subsurface basin structure. The resistivity images, and their geological interpretation, show a dissected Mesozoic-Tertiary substratum buried under continental infill of mainly Quaternary age due to the long-term activity of the Paganica-San Demetrio normal faults system (PSDFS), ruling the most recent deformational phase. Our results indicate that the basin bottom deepens up to 600 m moving to the south, with the continental infill largely exceeding the known thickness of the Quaternary sequence. The causes of this increasing thickness can be: (1) the onset of the continental deposition in the southern sector took place before the Quaternary, (2) there was an early stage of the basin development driven by different fault systems that produced a depocentre in the southern sector not related to the present-day basin shape, or (3) the fault system slip rate in the southern sector was faster than in the northern sector. We were able to gain sights into the long-term PSDFS behaviour and evolution, by comparing throw rates at different timescales and discriminating the splays that lead deformation. Some fault splays exhibit large cumulative throws (>300 m) in coincidence with large displacement of the continental deposits sequence (>100 m), thus testifying a general persistence in time of their activity as leading splays of the fault system. We evaluate the long-term (3–2.5 Myr) cumulative and Quaternary throw rates of most of the leading splays to be 0.08–0.17 mm yr−1, indicating a substantial stability of the faults activity. Among them, an individual leading fault splay extends from Paganica to San Demetrio ne’ Vestini as a result of a post-Early Pleistocene linkage of two smaller splays. This 15 km long fault splay can explain the Holocene surface ruptures observed to be larger than those occurred during the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake, such as revealed by palaeoseismological investigations. Finally, the architecture of the basin at depth suggests that the PSDFS can also rupture a longer structure at the surface, allowing earthquakes larger than M 6.5, besides rupturing only small sections, as it occurred in 2009.

The geometry of the active strike-slip El Tigre Fault, Precordillera of San Juan, Central–Western Argentina: integrating resistivity surveys with structural and geomorphological data

International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2013

The geometry and related geomorphological features of the right-lateral strike-slip El Tigre Fault, one of the main morphostructural discontinuities in the Central-Western Precordillera of Argentina, were investigated. Achievements of this survey include: recognition of structural and geometrical discontinuities along the fault trace, identification and classification of landforms associated with local transpressional and transtensional sectors, observation of significant changes in the fault strike and detection of right and left bends of different wavelength. In the Central Segment of the El Tigre Fault, 2D electrical resistivity tomography surveys were carried out across the fault zone. The resistivity imaging permitted to infer the orientation of the main fault surface, the presence of blind fault branches along the fault zone, tectonic tilting of the Quaternary sedimentary cover, subsurface structure of pressure ridges and depth to the water table. Based on this information, it is possible to characterize the El Tigre Fault also as an important hydro-geological barrier. Our survey shows that the main fault surface changes along different segments from a high-angle to a subvertical setting whilst the vertical-slip component is either reverse or normal, depending on the local transpressive or transtensive regime induced by major bends along the trace. These local variations are expressed as sections of a few kilometres in length with relatively homogeneous behaviour and frequently separated by oblique or transversal structures.