Biofilms in Medicine, Industry and Environmental Biotechnology: Characteristics, Analysis and Control (original) (raw)

1 Introduction to Biofilms : Definition and Basic Concepts


The idea behind the development of this definition was to provide a terminology usable, without any confusion, in the various domains dealing with biorelated polymers, namely, medicine, surgery, pharmacology, agriculture, packaging, biotechnology and polymer waste management (Vert et al., 2012). Bearing this definition in mind, in this book we use the term ‘biofilm’ to refer to ‘microorganisms attached to and growing, or capable of growing, on a surface’. This definition is broader than the IUPAC definition, as it includes cells or spores that are attached to a surface but have yet to produce a biofilm matrix. We have included attached cells not within a matrix in order to acknowledge that in many instances the act of attaching induces phenotypic changes to a cell. We have included the phrase ‘growing or capable of growing’ to reinforce the point that many of the unique features associated with biofilms arise as a result of the

Biofilm Structure, Behavior, and Hydrodynamics

Microbial Biofilms, 2004

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Biofilm Formation and its Role in


Most of the life forms in the world can develop skills for their continued existence against a constantly changing and challenging environment. Amongst all the organisms, bacteria show a tremendous adaptation, by natural selection through transformation crafting genetic variants [1] and show survival instincts in many ways. They can form surface attachments, three dimensional edifices that are sustained by self-synthesised extracellular polymeric matrix. This consortium of cell-cell interaction can be described as biofilms [2], which represents the defence and communication system of a bacterial community. Naturally, biofilms are constructed by a diverse group of microorganisms like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus mutans which co-exists as a community challenging the hostile environment created by the host defense mechanism followed by the resulting antibiotic exploitation in order to eradicate the formed biofilm [3]. The transmiss...

Biofilms: Importance and Biotechnological Applications.

Biofilm is an assemblage of the microbial cells that is irreversibly associated with a surface and usually enclosed in a matrix of polysaccharide material. Biofilm is composed primarily of microbial cells and extracellular polymeric substance (EPS). Extracellular polymeric matrix plays various roles in structure and function of different biofilm communities. Adhesion to the surface provides considerable advantages such as protection against antimicrobial agents, acquisition of new genetic traits, and the nutrient availability and metabolic co-operability. Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, who discovered microbial attachment to his own tooth surface, is credited with the discovery of biofilm. The formation of biofilm takes place in three steps. Biofilm is responsible for chronic bacterial infection, infection on medical devices, deterioration of water quality and the contamination of food. This assignment provides an overview of the formation of biofilm, structure, role in microbial communities and its applications.

Introduction to Biofilms

Springer Series on Biofilms, 2011

In the seventeenth century, a dry-goods merchant named Antonie van Leeuwenhoek first observed "animalcules" swarming on living and dead matter. Leeuwenhoek's curiosity and inventiveness were remarkable; he discovered these "animalcules" in the tartar on his own teeth and even after meticulous cleansing, the remaining opaque deposits isolated between his teeth were still "as thick as if it were batter". These deposits contained a mat of various forms of "animalcules" that we now know were the bacteria of dental plaque. It is reasonable to suggest that this early study of dental plaque was the first documented evidence of the existence of microbial biofilms. Today, we generally define such biofilms as microbial communities adhered to a substratum and encased within an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) produced by the microbial cells themselves. Biofilms may form on a wide variety of surfaces, including natural aquatic systems living tissues, indwelling medical devices and industrial/potable water system piping. The vast majority of microbes grow as biofilms in aqueous environments. These biofilms can be benign or pathogenic, releasing harmful products and toxins, which become encased within the biofilm matrix. Biofilm formation is a phenomenon that occurs in both natural and man-made environments under diverse conditions, occurring on most moist surfaces, plant roots and nearly every living animal. Biofilms may exist as beneficial epithilic communities in rivers and streams, wastewater treatment plant trickling beds or in the alimentary canal of mammals. Given the prevalence of biofilms in

Biofilmology”: a multidisciplinary review of the study of microbial biofilms

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2011

The observation of biofilm formation is not a new phenomenon. The prevalence and significance of biofilm and aggregate formation in various processes have encouraged extensive research in this field for more than 40 years. In this review, we highlight techniques from different disciplines that have been used to successfully describe the extracellular, surface and intracellular elements that are predominant in understanding biofilm formation. To reduce the complexities involved in studying biofilms, researchers in the past have generally taken a parts-based, disciplinary specific approach to understand the different components of biofilms in isolation from one another. Recently, a few studies have looked into combining the different techniques to achieve a more holistic understanding of biofilms, yet this approach is still in its infancy. In order to attain a global understanding of the processes involved in the formation of biofilms and to formulate effective biofilm control strategies, researchers in the next decade should recognise that the study of biofilms, i.e. biofilmology, has evolved into a discipline in its own right and that mutual cooperation between the various disciplines towards a multidisciplinary research vision is vital in this field.