Magneto-Couette Instabilities - Astrophysics, Theory and Experiments (original) (raw)

Magnetorotational instability: recent developments

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2010

The magnetorotational instability is believed to play an important role in accretion disc physics in extracting angular momentum from the disc and allowing accretion to take place. For this reason the instability has been the subject of numerous numerical simulations and, increasingly, laboratory experiments. In this review, recent developments in both areas are surveyed, and a new theoretical approach to understanding the nonlinear processes involved in the saturation of the instability is outlined.

Experimental Observation and Characterization of the Magnetorotational Instability

Physical Review Letters, 2004

Differential rotation occurs in conducting flows in accretion disks and planetary cores. In such systems, the magnetorotational instability can arise from coupling Lorentz and centrifugal forces to cause large radial angular momentum fluxes. We present the first experimental observation of the magnetorotational instability. Our system consists of liquid sodium between differentially rotating spheres, with an imposed coaxial magnetic field. We characterize the observed patterns, dynamics, and torque increases, and establish that this instability can occur from a hydrodynamic turbulent background.

Origin of nonlinearity and plausible turbulence by hydromagnetic transient growth in accretion disks: Faster growth rate than magnetorotational instability

Physical Review E, 2015

We investigate the evolution of hydromagnetic perturbations in a small section of accretion disks. It is known that molecular viscosity is negligible in accretion disks. Hence, it has been argued that a mechanism, known as Magnetorotational Instability (MRI), is responsible for transporting matter in the presence of weak magnetic field. However, there are some shortcomings, which question effectiveness of MRI. Now the question arises, whether other hydromagnetic effects, e.g. transient growth (TG), can play important role to bring nonlinearity in the system, even at weak magnetic fields. Otherwise, whether MRI or TG, which is primarily responsible to reveal nonlinearity to make the flow turbulent? Our results prove explicitly that the flows with high Reynolds number (Re), which is the case of realistic astrophysical accretion disks, exhibit nonlinearity by TG of perturbation modes faster than that by modes producing MRI. For a fixed wavevector, MRI dominates over transient effects, only at low Re, lower than its value expected to be in astrophysical accretion disks, and low magnetic fields. This seriously questions (overall) suasiveness of MRI in astrophysical accretion disks.

Standard and Helical Magnetorotational Instability

Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2012

The magnetorotational instability (MRI) triggers turbulence and enables outward transport of angular momentum in hydrodynamically stable rotating shear flows, e.g., in accretion disks. What laws of differential rotation are susceptible to the destabilization by axial, azimuthal, or helical magnetic field? The answer to this question, which is vital for astrophysical and experimental applications, inevitably leads to the study of spectral and geometrical singularities on the instability threshold. The singularities provide a connection between seemingly discontinuous stability criteria and thus explain several paradoxes in the theory of MRI that were poorly understood since the 1950s.

Magnetohydrodynamic experiments on cosmic magnetic fields

ZAMM, 2008

It is widely known that cosmic magnetic fields, i.e. the fields of planets, stars, and galaxies, are produced by the hydromagnetic dynamo effect in moving electrically conducting fluids. It is less well known that cosmic magnetic fields play also an active role in cosmic structure formation by enabling outward transport of angular momentum in accretion disks via the magnetorotational instability (MRI). Considerable theoretical and computational progress has been made in understanding both processes. In addition to this, the last ten years have seen tremendous efforts in studying both effects in liquid metal experiments. In 1999, magnetic field self-excitation was observed in the large scale liquid sodium facilities in Riga and Karlsruhe. Recently, self-excitation was also obtained in the French "von Kármán sodium" (VKS) experiment. An MRIlike mode was found on the background of a turbulent spherical Couette flow at the University of Maryland. Evidence for MRI as the first instability of an hydrodynamically stable flow was obtained in the "Potsdam Rossendorf Magnetic Instability Experiment" (PROMISE). In this review, the history of dynamo and MRI related experiments is delineated, and some directions of future work are discussed.

Astrophysical and experimental implications from the magnetorotational instability of toroidal fields

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013

The interaction of differential rotation and toroidal fields that are current-free in the gap between two corotating axially unbounded cylinders is considered. It is shown that nonaxisymmetric perturbations are unstable if the rotation rate and Alfvén frequency of the field are of the same order, almost independent of the magnetic Prandtl number Pm. For the very steep rotation law Ω ∝ R −2 (the Rayleigh limit) and for small Pm the threshold values of rotation and field for this Azimuthal MagnetoRotational Instability (AMRI) scale with the ordinary Reynolds number and the Hartmann number, resp. A laboratory experiment with liquid metals like sodium or gallium in a Taylor-Couette container has been designed on the basis of this finding. For fluids with more flat rotation laws the Reynolds number and the Hartmann number are no longer typical quantities for the instability. For the weakly nonlinear system the numerical values of the kinetic energy and the magnetic energy are derived for magnetic Prandtl numbers 1. We find that the magnetic energy grows monotonically with the magnetic Reynolds number Rm, while the kinetic energy grows with Rm/ √ Pm. The resulting turbulent Schmidt number, as the ratio of the 'eddy' viscosity and the diffusion coefficient of a passive scalar (such as lithium) is of order 20 for Pm = 1, but for small Pm it drops to order unity. Hence, in a stellar core with fossil fields and steep rotation law the transport of angular momentum by AMRI is always accompanied by an intense mixing of the plasma, until the rotation becomes rigid.

Angular Momentum Transport by Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in Accretion Disks: Gas Pressure Dependence of the Saturation Level of the Magnetorotational Instability

The Astrophysical Journal, 2004

The saturation level of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) is investigated using three-dimensional MHD simulations. The shearing box approximation is adopted and the vertical component of gravity is ignored, so that the evolution of the MRI is followed in a small local part of the disk. We focus on the dependence of the saturation level of the stress on the gas pressure, which is a key assumption in the standard disk model. From our numerical experiments we find that there is a weak power-law relation between the saturation level of the Maxwell stress and the gas pressure in the nonlinear regime; the higher the gas pressure, the larger the stress. Although the power-law index depends slightly on the initial field geometry, the relationship between stress and gas pressure is independent of the initial field strength and is unaffected by ohmic dissipation if the magnetic Reynolds number is at least 10. The relationship is the same in adiabatic calculations, where pressure increases over time, and nearly isothermal calculations, where pressure varies little with time. Over the entire region of parameter space explored, turbulence driven by the MRI has many characteristic ratios such as that of the Maxwell stress to the magnetic pressure. We also find that the amplitudes of the spatial fluctuations in density and the time variability in the stress are characterized by the ratio of magnetic pressure to gas pressure in the nonlinear regime. Our numerical results are qualitatively consistent with an idea that the saturation level of the MRI is determined by a balance between the growth of the MRI and the dissipation of the field through reconnection. The quantitative interpretation of the pressure-stress relation, however, may require advances in the theoretical understanding of nonsteady magnetic reconnection.

Paradoxes of magnetorotational instability and their geometrical resolution

Physical Review E, 2011

Magnetorotational instability (MRI) triggers turbulence and enables outward transport of angular momentum in hydrodynamically stable accretion discs. By using the WKB approximation and methods of singular function theory, we resolve two different paradoxes of MRI that appear in the limits of infinite and vanishing magnetic Prandtl number. For the latter case, we derive a strict limit of the critical Rossby number. This limit of Ro c = −0.802, which appears for a finite Lundquist number of S = 0.618, extends the formerly known inductionless Liu limit of Ro c = −0.828 valid at S = 0.


The Astrophysical Journal, 2014

We examine whether the magnetorotational instability (MRI) can serve as a mechanism of angular momentum transport in circumplanetary disks. For the MRI to operate the ionization degree must be sufficiently high and the magnetic pressure must be sufficiently lower than the gas pressure. We calculate the spatial distribution of the ionization degree and search for the MRI-active region where the two criteria are met. We find that there can be thin active layers at the disk surface depending on the model parameters, however, we find hardly any region which can sustain well-developed MRI turbulence; when the magnetic field is enhanced by MRI turbulence at the disk surface layer, a magnetically dominated atmosphere encroaches on a lower altitude and a region of well-developed MRI turbulence becomes smaller. We conclude that if there are no angular momentum transfer mechanisms other than MRI in gravitationally stable circumplanetary disks, gas is likely to pile up until disks become gravitationally unstable, and massive disks may survive for a long time.


Hydrodynamically stable rotating flows can be destabilized by an azimuthal magnetic field. The arising non-axisymmetric, or azimuthal magnetorotational instability (AMRI) is important for explaining the angular momentum transport in accretion disks, and plays a central role in the concept of the MRI dynamo. We report the observation of AMRI in a magnetized liquid metal Taylor-Couette experiment, and discuss the surprisingly strong effects of a slight symmetry breaking of the applied magnetic field.