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In the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven during the period of 2003-2004 in a pot trial was studied the effect of mineral nitrogen at the doses of 40, 80, 120 and 160 mg N/kg on seed productivity of lucerne under provoked water deficiency stress at the stage of budding. It was found that mineral nitrogen fertilizing increased the seed productivity under optimum moisture, as well as under water deficiency stress. Mineral nitrogen fertilizing, applied at the dose of 160 mg N/kg soil increased the seed productivity by 24% under optimum moisture, and applied at the doses of 120 and 160 mg N/kg soil, by 27 and 34% under water deficiency stress. Mineral nitrogen fertilizing influenced on the structural elements of seed productivity, too. With increase of the doses for optimum moisture, the number of pods increased to 41%, number of racemes to 26%, weight of generative stems to 25%, and weight of 1000 seeds to 19%. For the conditions of water deficiency stress, the number of pods increased to 57%, number of racemes to 44%, weight of generative stems to 28%, and weight of 1000 seeds to 20%. The effect of mineral nitrogen fertilizing on the germination energy and germinability of the seeds was insignificant (6-7%). Key words: mineral nitrogen fertilizing, water deficiency stress, seeds, lucerne
In the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven during the period of 2003-2004 in a pot trial was studied the effect of mineral nitrogen at the doses of 40, 80, 120 and 160 mg N/kg on nodulation of lucerne for seeds under provoked water deficiency stress at the stage of budding. It was found that mineral nitrogen at the doses of 80 and 120 mg N/kg soil decreased the nodulation by 24-33% in conditions of optimum moisture, and by 20-27% in conditions of water deficiency stress. The dose of 160 mg N/kg soil was found to be toxic to nodulation. When applied mineral nitrogen fertilizing at the doses of 80 and 120 mg N/kg soil, lucerne took the negative effect of water deficiency stress slightly in regard to nodulation, which decreased by 16-18%, and dry root mass- by 13-15%.
The effect of ammonium and nitrate form of mineral nitrogen on seed productivity of lucerne was studied under the conditions of a pot trial at the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven. As a source of nitrogen in ammonium form urea was used, and in nitrate form- potassium nitrate. Doses of 70, 140 and 210 mg N/kg soil were tested. It was found that the seed productivity of lucerne increased with increase of doses of mineral nitrogen fertilizing. At doses of 140 and 210 mg N/kg soil the nitrate form of mineral nitrogen increased the seed productivity of lucerne by over 6% as compared to the ammonium one. The forms of mineral nitrogen fertilizing had no effect on the sowing qualities of seeds. The nitrogen fertilizing efficacy was the highest for the dose of 70 mg N/kg soil.
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Development of White Lupin Varieties with Improved Drought Resistance
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Bases and Foundations, 2020
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