Atmospheric corrosion performance of carbon steel, galvanized steel, aluminum and copper in the North Brazilian coast (original) (raw)
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ASTM 283-C, AISI 304 and 316-L steel specimens (called coupons) were exposed in marine, industrial and rural area(s) for different periods ranging between 1-12 months, in four different season campaigns. The corrosion rate was determined by chemical loss measurements. Rust characterization was performed by XRD, SEM, optical, and Mössbauer spectroscopy (in transmission and backscattering geometry). Superparamagnetic maghemite and goethite were found as corrosion products. Magnetic goethite and feroxyhite decrease with time of exposure. Lepidochrosite is detected and its intensity increase with the atmospheric exposure time. The results obtained from XRD and Mössbauer are in good agreement.
Annual atmospheric corrosion rate and dose-response function for carbon steel in Bogotá
RESUMEN Este trabajo presenta una evaluación del comportamiento del acero al carbono expuesto a la atmósfera de Bogotá. Los principales parámetros climáticos y ambientales medidos fueron humedad relativa (HR), tempe-ratura (T), deposición de dióxido de azufre (D SO2) y deposición de material particulado (D PM). En adición, la pérdida de masa de platinas de acero AISI/SAE 1006 se midió en ocho sitios de ensayo de corrosión atmosfé-rica ubicados a través de la ciudad durante un año de exposición. Los resultados del estudio muestran que la velocidad de corrosión del acero al carbono es menor a 35 μm/año luego del primer año de estudio. Además se encontró que el occidente de la ciudad presenta la mayor agresividad, ya que ahí los niveles de material particulado y dióxido de azufre son más altos, relacionados con las características de la distribución de las actividades antrópicas en toda la ciudad. Una función dosis-respuesta de la corrosión del acero al carbono fue obtenida en función de HR, T y SO 2. ABSTRACT This paper presents an assessment on the behavior of plain carbon steel exposure to the atmosphere of Bogotá. The main climate and environmental parameters, including relative humidity (RH), temperature (T), sulphur dioxide deposition (D SO2) and particulate matter deposition (D PM) were measured. Furthermore, mass loss of AISI/SAE 1006 plain carbon steel coupons was measured along one year. In this case, coupons were exposed in eight test sites located across the city of Bogotá. Results show that the corrosion rate of carbon steel is less than 35 μm yr –1 after one year. It was found that the west part of the city has the greatest aggressivity, which has the highest levels of D PM and D SO2 , related with the characteristics of the anthropogenic activities distribution across the city. A dose-response function of plain carbon steel exposure to the atmosphere of Bogotá, based on RH, T and D SO2 , was obtained.
Evaluation of atmospheric corrosion in Orizaba, Mexico
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Atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel in Colombia
Corrosion Science, 2010
The corrosion behaviour of carbon steel at six test sites in Colombia and its relationship with exposure time and environmental characteristics of each site were investigated. The corrosion products were characterized by XRD, SEM and EDS. It was found that in Barranquilla, the most aggressive site, corrosion depends mainly on chlorides. Furthermore, in the more aggressive environments there was a
Materials and Corrosion, 2018
Atmospheric corrosion of low carbon steel exposed in a coastal tropical zone of Manabí, Ecuador, was determined. Specimens were exposed at six outdoor exposure sites located at different distances from the sea. The atmosphere is classified as coastal. Wind speed threshold for an increase in chloride deposition rate was determined. The behavior of chloride deposition rate versus distance from the sea is anomalous due to the presence of an estuary. Corrosion by weight loss was evaluated up to 1 year of exposure. Only a slight difference in atmospheric corrosion rate is noticed between wet and dry periods. Chloride deposition interaction with RH-temperature complex and with wind speed shows significant statistical influence on atmospheric corrosion of low carbon steel. Corrosivity category of the atmosphere high (C4) is the most predominant classification level in the zone. Prediction indicates corrosivity category high (C4) will remain up to 20 years of exposure. Different morphologies of corrosion products were identified by SEM. Lepidocrocite, goethite, magnetite, and akaganeite are the main crystalline phases determined by XRD. Protective ability index previously proposed for rust layers is not useful to apply in coastal sites. K E Y W O R D S atmospheric corrosion, chloride deposition, estuary, low carbon steel, rust 1 | INTRODUCTION Atmospheric corrosion of low carbon steel (LCS) is a big problem around the world nowadays, principally in coastal zones. Many structures have been built with this metal due to its mechanical strength. [1-8] LCS has been very used as reinforcement steel in reinforced concrete structures. Results of atmospheric corrosion performance should be used as an efficient tool to prevent deterioration of LCS structures including those built with reinforced concrete in coastal zones. Atmospheric corrosion of LCS has been widely studied around the world in the last century. However, few research works has been carried out in coastal tropical climate. Some studies in South America have been carried out in the last years. [9-11] However, some factors that allow deepening in the corrosive behavior of this metal have not been taken into account. Many of the factors depend on the aggressive environment, that is, the atmosphere and its changes. For example, the relation between marine aerosol penetration and chloride deposition rate (Cl − DR) at different distances from
Outdoor–indoor corrosion of metals in tropical coastal atmospheres
Corrosion Science, 2008
Results of indoor and outdoor atmospheric corrosion tests conducted during a long period of time at Cuba and Campeche (Mexico) 12 indicated very high corrosion rates at both sites which have humid-tropical marine climate. We found that the outdoor corrosivity ranges 13 from C3 to >C5 according to ISO 9223 nevertheless metals exposed to sheltered conditions presented higher corrosion rates compared to 14 outdoors, whereas in closed (indoor) environments the corrosion rate significantly decreased. It is recommended to define an additional 15 level of corrosivity for tropical coastal atmospheres in outdoor and sheltered conditions as corrosion depends on the geographical posi-16 tion and exposure conditions. 17
Atmósfera, 2021
The assessment of atmospheric corrosion is currently based on studies of atmospheric basins (AB). The models applied to the estimation of atmospheric corrosion imply measurements of several meteorological and atmospheric pollution parameters, which make the estimation complex. The main meteorological parameters to be considered in tropical atmospheric corrosion are associated with temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH). These parameters are also included in the calculation of the time of humidification (TDH). In addition, the atmospheric pollutants associated with corrosion are chloride (Cl) and sulphur dioxide (SO2). The Western Central Valley (WCV) in Costa Rica is a low-pollution AB; therefore, it is possible to employ simplified atmospheric corrosion models based on few atmospheric parameters. The meteorological parameters of the study region were analyzed in terms of their dependence on altitude and their applicability in simplified empirical equations of the corrosion rate...
Atmospheric corrosion in tropical humid climates
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Atmospheric corrosion tests in Brazilian Legal Amazon - field and laboratory tests
Materials and Corrosion, 2000
This paper presents the first results concerning tests carried out to evaluate the atmospheric corrosion in Brazilian Legal Amazon, as part of the SIVAM ± Amazon Surveillance System. The aim of the present work is to determine and select materials as well as anti-rust paints, which will be employed to protect metallic structures of radar towers, equipment and buildings. Five anti-rust paints on mild and galvanised steels were tested. Field tests are supported by accelerated laboratory results in wet and drying cycles in electrolytes simulating different microclimates. These solutions were prepared in laboratory based on pH, conductivity and chloride content values of locally collected rainwater. Die Arbeit stellt die ersten Ergebnisse von Versuchen zur Beurteilung der atmospha Èrischen Korrosion im brasilianischen Amazonasgebiet, als Teil des Amazonasu Èberwachungssystems SIVAM, vor. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, Werkstoffe und Beschichtungen auszuwa Èhlen, die eingesetzt werden ko Ènnen, um metallische Bauteile von Radartu Èrmen, Anlagen und Geba Èuden zu schu Ètzen. Es wurden fu Ènf Antirostbeschichtungen auf unlegiertem und verzinktem Stahl untersucht. Die Feldversuche wurden durch beschleunigte Laborversuche mit Nass-und Trockenzyklen in Elektrolyten, die die verschiedenen Mikroklimate simulieren, unterstu Ètzt. Die entsprechenden Lo Èsungen wurden im Labor auf der Basis von pH-Werten, Leitfa Èhigkeiten und Chloridgehalten von o Èrtlich gesammeltem Regenwasser hergestellt.
Atmospheric corrosion study in a harbor located in a tropical island
Materials and Corrosion, 2018
Atmospheric corrosion level in tropical coastal zones is usually very significant. Corrosion control and preservation of infrastructure in these regions is very important to increase durability. Atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel, copper, galvanized steel, and aluminum was evaluated in a coastal industrial port zone located in a tropical island during 1 year. Samples were exposed at seven outdoor corrosion sites located at different distances from the sea. Main atmospheric pollutants, relative humidity, and air temperature were monitored during the exposure time. The existence of a combination between two of the most aggressive atmosphere types was determined (coastal-industrial and industrial-coastal). Changes in RH and temperature influenced significantly the chloride deposition. A new statistical model to explain the influence of time of exposure for all metals tested was developed. A possible antagonist effect between pollutants on corrosion may be possible. Acceleration of corrosion rate vs time is observed in the site close to the shoreline. Significant differences between corrosivity categories determined and those calculated by ISO standard dose response functions were found. The narrow entrance of the harbor with low movement of the inner water causes a decrease in salinity in the port zone. K E Y W O R D S atmospheric corrosion, harbor, tropical climate 1 | INTRODUCTION Port infrastructure is composed mainly of metallic materials. Tropical climate increases the corrosiveness of coastal marine environment. [1] The application of protective measures according to corrosivity categories assures durability of materials, as also an extension of maintenance and repairing tasks. [2] The port activity itself may lead to the emission of aggressive agents into the atmosphere; principally sulfur compounds. Very recently, an evaluation of corrosion aggressivity was carried out in a harbor of Taiwan Isle. [3] It is an isle of tropical climate located at 180 km of China continental territory. They tested four metals in outdoor exposure: carbon steel, zinc, copper, and aluminum. Three different models were used for forecast. Lower corrosivity classification level was obtained according to ISO 9223 prediction with respect to direct evaluation of corrosion rate. The most important Cuban coastal industrial port zone was selected to study. It comprises many factories and plants under construction or in project. It is a port zone with a very high industrial level and great commercial potential. Research and evaluation of outdoor atmospheric corrosion in coastal tropical climate in Cuba and Latin America has been performed since the last century. Reports about atmospheric corrosion in Latin American countries have been found in the last years. [4-6]