Hemoglobin oxygen saturation measurements using resonance Raman intravital microscopy (original) (raw)

Measurement of hemoglobin oxygen saturation using Raman microspectroscopy and 532-nm excitation

Journal of Applied Physiology, 2008

The resonant Raman enhancement of hemoglobin (Hb) in the Q-band region allows simultaneous identification of oxy-and deoxyhemoglobin. The heme vibrational bands are well known at 532 nm, but the technique has never been used to determine microvascular hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SO 2 ) in vivo. We implemented a system for in vivo noninvasive measurements of SO 2 . A laser light was focused onto areas of 15-30 µm in diameter. Using a microscope coupled to a spectrometer and a cooled detector, Raman spectra were obtained in backscattering geometry. Calibration was performed in vitro using blood at several Hb concentrations, equilibrated at various oxygen tensions. SO 2 was estimated by measuring the intensity of Raman signals (peaks) in the 1355-1380 cm -1 range (oxidation state marker band 4 ), as well as from the 19 and 10 bands (1500-1650 cm -1 range). In vivo observations were made in microvessels of anesthetized rats. Glass capillary pathlength and Hb concentration did not affect SO 2 estimations from Raman spectra. The Hb Raman peaks observed in blood were consistent with earlier Raman studies using Hb solutions and isolated cells. The correlation between Raman-based SO 2 estimations and SO 2 measured by CO-oximetry was highly significant for 4, 10 and 19 bands. The method allowed SO 2 determinations in all microvessel types, while diameter and erythrocyte velocity could be measured in the same vessels. Raman microspectroscopy has advantages over other techniques by providing noninvasive and reliable in vivo SO 2 determinations in thin tissues, as well as in solid organs and tissues where transillumination is not possible.

Innovative Methodology Measurement of hemoglobin oxygen saturation using Raman microspectroscopy and 532-nm excitation


First published March 27, 2008; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00025.2008.— The resonant Raman enhancement of hemoglobin (Hb) in the Q band region allows simultaneous identification of oxy- and deoxy-Hb. The heme vibrational bands are well known at 532 nm, but the technique has never been used to determine microvascular Hb oxygen saturation (SO2) in vivo. We implemented a system for in vivo noninvasive measurements of SO2. A laser light was focused onto areas of 15–30 m in diameter. Using a microscope coupled to a spectrometer and a cooled detector, Raman spectra were obtained in backscattering ge-ometry. Calibration was performed in vitro using blood at several Hb concentrations, equilibrated at various oxygen tensions. SO2 was estimated by measuring the intensity of Raman signals (peaks) in the 1,355- to 1,380-cm1 range (oxidation state marker band 4), as well as from the 19 and 10 bands (1,500- to 1,650-cm1 range). In vivo observations were made in microvessels of anesthetized rats. Glass

Progress in the noninvasive in-vivo tissue-modulated Raman spectroscopy of human blood

Biomedical Diagnostic, Guidance, and Surgical-Assist Systems III, 2001

We have recently presented the first Raman spectra of in vivo human blood. A brief review of how to obtain such spectra and normalize them to the appropriate blood volume is given showing how to produce spectra that can be used for noninvasive quantitative analysis of blood in vivo. New clinical data from individuals and groups completely reproduce and extend all the earlier results. These new data reveal how certain small differences between individuals result in some variability in their noninvasive quantitation. We show the origin of this variability and how to obtain quantitative corrections based entirely on the individual measurement and tabulated data.

Resonance Raman spectroscopy: A new technology for tissue oxygenation monitoring

Critical Care Medicine, 2006

Objective: To evaluate resonance Raman spectroscopy for the detection of changes in sublingual mucosal hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SmO 2 ) in response to hemorrhage and resuscitation, and to compare SmO 2 with other indicators of tissue oxygenation including central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO 2 ), lactate, base excess, and shed blood volume.

Clinical utility of Raman spectroscopy: current applications and ongoing developments

Advanced health care technologies, 2016

Availability of fast, noninvasive/minimally invasive, and accurate diagnostic tests can maximize the benefit of patient care. The application of Raman spectroscopy (RS) in biological and biomedical applications has surged recently as a result of technological advancements in instrumentation and spectral data handling techniques. With maturation, the potential of RS in clinical diagnosis of various diseases, in particular, early cancer, has been widely explored and reported. This paper provides an introduction to the Raman theory and technology behind RS for nonspecialists interested in its clinical uses. Latest achievements in oncological, cardiovascular, and neurological applications of RS along with its clinical implementations are discussed.

In-vivo Raman spectroscopy: from basics to applications

Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2018

For more than two decades, Raman spectroscopy has found widespread use in biological and medical applications. The instrumentation and the statistical evaluation procedures have matured, enabling the lengthy transition from ex-vivo demonstration to in-vivo examinations. This transition goes hand-in-hand with many technological developments and tightly bound requirements for a successful implementation in a clinical environment, which are often difficult to assess for novice scientists in the field. This review outlines the required instrumentation and instrumentation parameters, designs, and developments of fiber optic probes for the in-vivo applications in a clinical setting. It aims at providing an overview of contemporary technology and clinical trials and attempts to identify future developments necessary to bring the emerging technology to the clinical end users. A comprehensive overview of in-vivo applications of fiber optic Raman probes to characterize different tissue and disease types is also given.

Raman meets medicine: Raman spectroscopy: a powerful tool in biophotonics

20th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, 2009

Biophotonics is a new and highly interdisciplinary scientific discipline comprising the application of light (i.e. innovative photonic tools) in life sciences. It is non exaggerated to say Biophotonics is on the way to solve the most important problems in biomedicine. In particular Raman microspectroscopy allows one to derive detailed and specific information on a molecular level which other photonic methods methods can only provide by a limited extent. Here we will present latest results of our own research dealing with the application and development of innovative Raman spectroscopic techniques for biomedical applications.

TOPICAL REVIEW: Prospects for in vivo Raman spectroscopy

Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2000

Raman spectroscopy is a potentially important clinical tool for real-time diagnosis of disease and in situ evaluation of living tissue. The purpose of this article is to review the biological and physical basis of Raman spectroscopy of tissue, to assess the current status of the field and to explore future directions. The principles of Raman spectroscopy and the molecular level

Oxygenation Monitoring of Tissue Vasculature by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy

Analytical Chemistry, 2007

Resonance Raman spectroscopy offers a mechanism for the non-invasive measurement of in vivo and in situ hemoglobin oxygen saturation (HbO 2 Sat) in living tissue. Clinically informative signals can be provided by resonance enhancement with deep violet excitation. It is notable that fluorescence does not significantly degrade the quality of the signals. During the controlled hemorrhage and resuscitation of rats, signal intensity ratios of oxy-vs deoxyhemoglobin from sublingual mucosa correlated with co-oximetry values of blood withdrawn from a central venous catheter. The spectroscopic application described here has potential as a non-invasive method for the diagnosis of clinical shock and guidance of its therapy.

Raman Spectroscopy in Clinical Investigations

e-mail vh kart ha malic manipal edii Vhsiracl Raman speciioscopy has been successfully applied in seveial areas of biology and medicine, including diagnosis of malignancy The .ippliiaiinii'. of Surface Enhanced Raman speciioscopy and imcro-Kaman have improved to the e?cieml of studying single molecule dynamies and .dliilai iMOLhcmisiiy icspcciively Rimiaii spectroscopy studies cairied out in our laboratory on oral cancer, osteoradionecrosis, radiation induced il,nil.ILLS in mouse models arc piescnlcd and discussed We have recorded Raman speciia of normal and malignant oial tissues and the obtained spectra uiu analysed using statistical (PCA) methods An ob)cciivc diagnosis method with high sensitivity and s]ieciricity based on Muhalanohis distance and >|Kiii.iI icNidual IS developed foi oral inalignaiuy The study of radiation induced damage in mouse brain and muscle tissue suggests that ladiaiion .Kinaicil chemical cascade is similar to those in stress, but it persists foi longei periods Radiulioii treatment on bone leads to immediate structural Juni'is III the mmcial part of the bone K nuords Raman spcclioscojiy, SERS, oral cancer, PC.'A analysis, radiation induced damage. ORN bone r v r s Nos 7K ^0 Am. S7 M) H|. S7 b4 .le I. Iiifroductiori riic discovery ofRiurian elTcd in the year 1928 dcinonslraled iliai (lie analysis of inelastieally scattered light from the simplest mnlLci-ilc H ,0, can provide unique finger print of molecular siiiiciurc 11, 2|. In the last 75 years, popularity and versatility of Riiiium scatlering spectroscopy have increased in many ways iiul a diverse fai)iily ol Raman-based techniques has been ilcvciopcd. More and more sensitive experimental approaches ^'Miiiiuic to be developed to explore the molecular mechanisms ''I u>mplcx biological phenomena. Raman spectroscopy has also 'ven idenlilied as a reliable diagnostic technique [3-5). A larger luimhcr of biological molecules can be probed by using Raman ^"'V tioscopy. Several studies show the potential of near-infrared kiiMian spectroscopy for the detection ol cancer and pre-cancer 'll 1 itro/in vivo, as a new tool [3-5]. Resonance Raman scattering selectively increases the uicring signal from the ground stale vibration modes that arc ^'4i|)led U) excited vibronic levels (6J. This large enhancement Raman scattering cross section of specific molecular ^'hiation modes, offers great advantages over non-resonancê ^"'(spondmg AutKor Raman scattering. Research findings show that UVRR spectroscopy can be used to characterize normal and diseased colon tissue by selectively enhancing spectra of aromatic amino acids, and parameterizing their contribution to the colon spectrum That means, UV RR spectroscopy can provide complete biochemical characterization of the tissue under study as well as it can describe the pathological change [6|. Micro-Raman spectroscopy is a powerful tool for study of the structural variations in samples of sizes down to sub microns [7, 8]. In the Raman microanalysis, a laser beam is focused onto a very small area with a microscope objective and Raman scattered light from the area is collected by the same objective, dispersed by a monochiomalor and spectra recorded. Raman microscopy has potential utility in structural studies in situ. Recent advances in lasers, detectors, and spectrograph and filter technologies have made it possible to detect even very weak Raman signals from a single living cell [7, 8]. Ultrasensitive Raman detection based on surface enhanced Raman scattering is now well established [9, 10]. Surfaceenhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a phenomenon resulting in strongly increased Raman signals of molecules that ©20031ACS