Specific Material Detection with Similar Colors using Feature Selection and Band Ratio in Hyperspectral Image (original) (raw)

배경잡음에 적응하는 진동센서 기반 목표물 탐지 알고리즘

Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, 2013

We propose adaptive detection algorithm to reduce a false alarm by considering the characteristics of the random noise on the detection system based on a seismic sensor. The proposed algorithm consists of the first step detection using kernel function and the second step detection using detection classes. Kernel function of the first step detection is obtained from the threshold of the Neyman-Pearon decision criterion using the probability density functions varied along the noise from the measured signal. The second step detector consists of 4 step detection class by calculating the occupancy time of the footstep using the frist detected samples. In order to verify performance of the proposed algorithm, the detection of the footsteps using measured signal of targets (walking and running) are performed experimentally. The detection results are compared with a fixed threshold detector. The frist step detection result has the high detection performance of 95% up to 10m area. Also, the false alarm probability is decreased from 40% to 20% when it is compared with the fixed threshold detector. By applying the detection class(second step detector), it is greatly reduced to less than 4%.

베이즈 분류기를 이용한 수중 배경소음하의 과도신호 분류

Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 2012

In this paper, a Bayesian classifier based on PCA (principle component analysis) is proposed to classify underwater transient signals using 16 th order LPC (linear predictive coding) coefficients as feature vector. The proposed classifier is composed of two steps. The mechanical signals were separated from biological signals in the first step, and then each type of the mechanical signal was recognized in the second step. Three biological transient signals and two mechanical signals were used to conduct experiments. The classification ratios for the feature vectors of biological signals and mechanical signals were 94.75% and 97.23%, respectively, when all 16 order LPC vector were used. In order to determine the effect of underwater noise on the classification performance, underwater ambient noise was added to the test signals and the classification ratio according to SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) was compared by changing dimension of feature vector using PCA. The classification ratios of the biological and mechanical signals under ocean ambient noise at 10dB SNR, were 0.51% and 100% respectively. However, the ratios were changed to 53.07% and 83.14% when the dimension of feature vector was converted to three by applying PCA. For correct, classification, it is required SNR over 10 dB for three dimension feature vector and over 30dB SNR for seven dimension feature vector under ocean ambient noise environment.

사운드 마스크 필터를 이용한 수중 과도 신호 추출

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, 2012

An underwater transient signal is distinguished from an ambient noise. Database for the underwater transient signal is required since the underwater transient signal shows various characteristics depending on acoustic features. In the paper, hence, sound mask-filter was applied to extract the transient signals which exist temporally and locally in the ocean. The standard signal was chosen and cross-correlated with the raw signal. A mask-filter for a transient signal was obtained using the threshold which was decided by the maximum likelihood method in the envelope of the cross-correlated signal. Using the sound mask-filter, the transient signal of a sea catfish {Galeichthys felis (Linnaeus)} was extracted from the underwater ambient noise. Similarly, the man-made signal was added into the noise and it was extracted by the same method. We also have demonstrated the significance of the transient signal through comparing the extracted signals depending on the standard signal. In the results, the proposed method, sound mask-filtering, could be utilized as a database construction of the transient signals in underwater noise. Particularly, this study would be useful to extract the wanted signal from arbitrary signals.

Multiple Shortfall Estimation Method for Image Resolution Enhancement

Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, 2014

Image resolution enhancement is a technique to generate high-resolution image through improving resolution of low-resolution obtained image. It is important to estimate correctly missing pixel value in low-resolution obtained image for image resolution enhancement. In this paper, multiple shortfall estimation method for image resolution enhancement is proposed. The proposed method estimate separate multiple shortfall by predictive degradation-restoration processing in sub-images of obtained image, and generate result image combining the estimated shortfall and interpolated obtained-image. Lastly, final reconstruction image is generated by deblurring of the result image. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method has the best results of all compared methods in objective image quality index: PSNR, SSIM, and FSIM. The quality of reconstructed image is superior to all compared methods, and the proposed method has better lower computational complexity than compared methods. The proposed method can be useful for image resolution enhancement.

복소수 SVM을 이용한 목표물 식별 알고리즘

Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, 2013

In this paper, we propose a complex-valued support vector machine (SVM) classifier which process the complex valued signal measured by pulse doppler radar (PDR) to identify moving targets from the background. SVM is widely applied in the field of pattern recognition, but features which used to classify are almost real valued data. Proposed complex-valued SVM can classify the moving target using real valued data, imaginary valued data, and cross-information data. To design complex-valued SVM, we consider slack variables of real and complex axis, and use the KKT (Karush-Kuhn-Tucker) conditions for complex data. Also we apply radial basis function (RBF) as a kernel function which use a distance of complex values. To evaluate the performance of the complex-valued SVM, complex valued data from PDR were classified using real-valued SVM and complex-valued SVM. The proposed complex-valued SVM classification was improved compared to real-valued SVM for dog and human, respectively , , have been improved.