The geostationary tropospheric pollution explorer (GeoTROPE) mission: objectives, requirements and mission concept (original) (raw)
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Monitoring tropospheric pollution using infrared spectroscopy from geostationary orbit
Comptes Rendus …, 2005
This paper presents the Geostationary Fourier Imaging Spectrometer (GeoFIS), a new satellite instrument that has been proposed to monitor tropospheric key pollutants (O 3 , CO) in order to improve the predictive capability of tropospheric chemistry models. The horizontal resolution of GeoFIS is about 15 × 15 km 2 and the temporal resolution is about 60 minutes. It is shown that the current instrument concept (based on available or under development optical, detector and platform technologies) is sufficient to provide tropospheric concentrations of O 3 and CO as well as columns of species like PAN with the required accuracies. To cite this article: J. Orphal et al., C. R. Physique 6 (2005). 2005 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved. Résumé Surveillance de la pollution troposphérique par spectroscopie infrarouge à partir d'une orbite géostationnaire. Dans cet article nous présentons le « Geostationary Fourier Imaging Spectrometer » (GeoFIS), un nouvel instrument satellite qui a été proposé pour surveiller les polluants troposphériques les plus importants (O 3 , CO) afin d'améliorer la précision des prédictions fournies par les modèles de la chimie troposphérique. La résolution horizontale de GeoFIS est de 15 × 15 km 2 environ et la résolution temporelle est de 60 minutes. Nous montrons que le concept actuel de cet instrument (basé sur des technologies optiques, détecteur et plateforme disponibles ou en développement) est bien adapté pour fournir des concentrations troposphériques d'O 3 et de CO, ainsi que des colonnes d'espèces comme le PAN, avec les précisions requises. Pour citer cet article : J. Orphal et al., C. R. Physique 6 (2005).
Monitoring Air Quality from Space: The Case for the Geostationary Platform
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2012
A geostationary multispectral sensor provides the high spatiotemporal resolution continental-scale observations of lower-tropospheric pollutants needed to monitor, forecast, and manage air quality on a daily basis. A fundamental challenge for humankind at the start of the twenty-first century is to respond in the most efficient way to global changes, which put increasing pressure on ecosystems, the economy, and human society. This challenge has the following three key interlinked aspects: 1) global change in the Earth system, 2) ecosystem degradation and its impact on the sustainability of human society, and 3) growing human demand on resources and associated societal vulnerability. Atmospheric composition is a key parameter, both contributing to processes associated with global change and reflecting the outcome of these processes. AQ (see the appendix) is defined by the atmospheric composition of gases and particulates near the Earth's surface. This composition depends on local
Remote sensing from geostationary orbit: GEO TROPSAT, a new concept for atmospheric remote sensing
SPIE Proceedings, 1997
The Geostationary Tropospheric Pollution Satellite (GEO TROPSAT) mission is a new approach to measuring the critical constituents of tropospheric ozone chemistry: ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and aerosols. The GEO TROPSAT mission comprises a constellation of three instruments flying as secondary payloads on geostationary communications satellites around the world. This proposed approach can significantly reduce the cost of getting a science payload to geostationary orbit and also generates revenue for the satellite owners. The geostationary vantage point enables simultaneous high temporal and spatial resolution measurement of tropospheric trace gases, leading to greatly improved atmospheric ozone chemistry knowledge. The science data processing, conducted as a research (not operational) activity, will provide atmospheric trace gas data many times per day over the same region at better than 25 km ground footprint. The high temporal resolution identifies short time scale processes, diurnal variations, seasonal trends, and interannual variation.
Remote sensing from geostationary orbit: GEO TROPSAT, a new concept for atmospheric remote sensing
Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites, 1997
The Geostationary Tropospheric Pollution Satellite (GEO TROPSAT) mission is a new approach to measuring the critical constituents of tropospheric ozone chemistry: ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and aerosols. The GEO TROPSAT mission comprises a constellation of three instruments flying as secondary payloads on geostationary communications satellites around the world. This proposed approach can significantly reduce the cost of getting a science payload to geostationary orbit and also generates revenue for the satellite owners. The geostationary vantage point enables simultaneous high temporal and spatial resolution measurement of tropospheric trace gases, leading to greatly improved atmospheric ozone chemistry knowledge. The science data processing, conducted as a research (not operational) activity, will provide atmospheric trace gas data many times per day over the same region at better than 25 km ground footprint. The high temporal resolution identifies short time scale processes, diurnal variations, seasonal trends, and interannual variation.
Measurements of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT) validation through 2006
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2009
Comparisons of aircraft measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) to the retrievals of CO using observations from the Measurements of Pollution in The Troposphere (MOPITT) instrument onboard the Terra satellite are presented. Observations made as part of the NASA INTEX-B and NSF MIRAGE field campaigns during March-May 2006 are used to validate the MOPITT CO retrievals, along with routine samples from 2001 through 2006 from NOAA and the MOZAIC measurements from commercial aircraft. A significant positive bias, around 20% for total column CO, in MOPITT CO was found in the comparison to in situ measurements during 2006. Comparisons to the longterm records of measurements from NOAA and MOZAIC revealed an increasing bias in the V3 MOPITT CO retrievals over time. The impact of an instrumental drift is illustrated through retrieval simulations.