Related papers
The aim of the following paper is dealing with the phenomena of flooding and landslides in the Southern Romanian Carpathians. It builds upon the first results of a bilateral research project of the Geography Institutes of the Universities of Bayreuth and Valahia University of Târgovişte which has been realized in the Moieciu Valley in September 2009. The paper is divided into four sections: The first section gives a general introduction into Moieciu Valley, the research area. Section two deals with theoretical concepts and definition to find a common language and to make clear what natural and social geographers are talking about when it comes to the topics of risks and hazards. In section three we present the methodology and show the so far gathered empirical findings. Section four will discuss these findings and conclude with an outlook of the necessary next steps in our research.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015
This paper aims at presenting the opinion of the population (and especially of the tourists) about the natural and anthropogenic hazards affecting the geomorphological heritage of the central area of the Bucegi Mts. Our scientific approach is intended to raise the awareness of the authorities and tourists as well with regard to the degradation hazard of the geomorphological heritage through uncontrolled tourism activities, so that the management team of the Bucegi Mountains Natural Park can take the most appropriate measures for its preservation and protection. The study area belongs to the central section of the Bucegi massif, a realm characterized by many types of landforms and shaping processes, with many geomorphosites, which create a particularly valuable geomorphological heritage. The investigation relied on a sample of 158 tourists, whose perception was assessed based on a specific questionnaire. The general finding is that most tourists are familiar with the geomorphological heritage of this area, but few of them are aware of the existing hazards and especially of their long-term effects.
Sustainability, 2021
This paper presents the sustainability of the relief at geomorphosites in terms of tourist activity and how tourism can affect the relief by presenting the major sustainable tourism issues. For the study area, the Baiului Mountains from Romania were chosen. In addition, we present the method for assessing tourist and exploitation values of geomorphological sites in the tourist area of Romania. Jean-Pierre Pralong first used the method and it aims to qualify the potential in terms of scenic, scientific, cultural and economic values and the use of this potential in terms of degree and modality of exploitation. It was based on the study of 10 geomorphological sites in the area of the Baiului Mountains. We present each geomorphosite and its scale for every value. Finally, we develop an analysis of the potential and use of the studied geomorphosites and the relationship between the reliefs and tourism.
Journal of Environmental and Tourism Analyses
The natural and anthropogenic-generated geomorphological hazards in the mountainous area have immediate consequences, with different degrees of danger on the tourist phenomenon, considering that modern tourist improvements boost the flows of tourists to the areas with high tourist attractiveness. At the level of the tourist's individual relation to the geomorphological hazards, an increase of the damage is noticed, in the context of relative mountain education and experience. Our paper analyses the triple relationship existing between the natural-anthropic geomorphological hazards, the tourists, respectively the tourist infrastructure, and the legislative regulations in the field of winter tourist activities, applied to the Poiana Braşov ski area. The main objectives were to identify and analyse the land instability factors and the geomorphological hazards, to determine the risk exposure of tourists and the ski area, as well as to identify managerial solutions for the existing risks in the upper part of Mount Postăvaru. The mountainous characteristics of this mountain area are given by the relatively low altitudes, steeply slopes, high isolation degree in relation to the surrounding geographic regions, which represent, on its Northern highest part the morphologic support for ski slopes with different difficulty degrees. The interaction between the anthropic and the natural factors induces instability of the slope surfaces; therefore, the resort is subjected to several types of geomorphological processes with variable intensities. The natural-anthropic geomorphological hazards may damage the ski area, the tourist activities and the tourists, generating accidents among them, on the grounds of the tendency of increasing tourist flows.
The Geosites from Danube Defile in Romania. The Vulnerability to Touristic Activities
This paper aims to a better understand of the geosites of Danube Defile in Romania, from the point of view of vulnerability to touristic activities. The Iron Gates Natural Park is an important area for geoconservation in Romania, as its geological heritage is among the richest in the South Carpathians. The series of structural units, typical for the South Carpathians, crossed by the Danube, shows unique features from paleontological, structural and morphological points of view, making the Park one of the most interesting areas in Geosciences, for research and education. Our introductory study of vulnerability of geological and geomorphological elements from Danube Defile is made from the geosites point of view. Geosites (term which include also the geomorphologic sites) are relief forms with a scientific, aesthetical, ecological, economical, and cultural value, in respect of human perception, that complete the total heritage of a given territory, including the biodiversity and human...
The aim of the following paper is dealing with the phenomena of flooding and landslides in the Southern Romanian Carpathians. It builds upon the first results of a bilateral research project of the Geography Institutes of the Universities of Bayreuth and Valahia University of Târgovişte which has been realized in the Moieciu Valley in September 2009. The paper is divided into four sections: The first section gives a general introduction into Moieciu Valley, the research area. Section two deals with theoretical concepts and definition to find a common language and to make clear what natural and social geographers are talking about when it comes to the topics of risks and hazards. In section three we present the methodology and show the so far gathered empirical findings. Section four will discuss these findings and conclude with an outlook of the necessary next steps in our research.
Tourism in Apuseni Mountains (Romania) – A technical proposal
Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity
Background: The article presents the results of research on mountain tourism in the Apuseni Mountains in Romania, especially in the field of safety and health (physical condition) of participants of expeditions to the mountains and their knowledge about the risks that may be encountered in these destinations and the methods of informing about these threats (proposed markings and information about hazards in the mountains, and placed on hiking trails). Material and methods: 45 volunteer young people were involved in the research. The methods used were: 1) field testing method; we monitored the evolution of the heart rate and correlated it with the geographical area; 2) survey/questionnaire method; through a questionnaire, were subjectively identified the potentially hazardous areas and the reasons why they were considered as such; 3) direct observation method; we made a correlation between the subjective physiological response (accelerated breathing, suffocation, sweating) and the ar...
This paper aims at presenting the tourist activities that have impact by the snow avalanches occurring in the upper area of the Piatra Craiului Massif (The Southern Carpathians, Romania). The local features of this mountain unit are given by the presence of a calcareous ridge rising to over 2200 m, having clearly defined and steep slopes, dissected by a stream network. Climatic and vegetal elements specific for this region encourage the accumulation of a thick snow cover and consequently avalanches are common. Their occurrence has a negative impact on the winter tourist activities going on in this area. Starting from this observation, we undertook a general analysis both of the avalanches and the different components of tourist activities. The paper presents a series of data regarding the present situation, which are synthesized in a map of tourist infrastructure showing the tourist paths and mountain shelters in the avalanche prone areas. The study is intended to be a follow up and...
The ecotourism’s development in the Romanian Carpathians’ protected areas: Facts, figures and needs
HUMAN GEOGRAPHIES – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography, 2011
Landscape heritage of the Romanian Carpathians is emphasized through protection activities, but in the same time it represents an important pool of resources suitable to the numerous forms of tourism. Conservation is in line with sustainable tourism and its alternatives, ecotourism. The present study aimed on analyzes several features of the Carpathian protected heritage and how activities function through environmentally friendly tourism. Results showed a great diversity of understanding and implementation of ecotourism in the Carpathian Mountains, with numerous actions of organization, but also with a series of measures that are absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of this tourism alternative. The study provides several models to estimate some characteristics of ecotourism resources, which provide returns for consumer satisfaction as well as improve the management of protected areas.