Comment: drug-related problem classification systems (original) (raw)

La clasificación en el sistema internacional de control de drogas

La clasificación de las sustancias tiende a dar prioridad al enfoque represivo, ello a pesar de que hoy el debate sobre las drogas destaca cada vez más la necesidad de darle más peso al principio de la salud. La UNGASS de 2016 sobre drogas ofrece una oportunidad para replantear esta cuestión. Aunque suele considerarse una oscura cuestión técnica, el problema de la clasificación de las sustancias es uno de los puntos clave del funcionamiento del sistema de fiscalización internacional de drogas.

La clasificación de las drogas autónomas


La busqueda incesante de nuevas substancias dotadas de actividad biologica ha determinado, en los ultimos tiempos un sorprendente desarrollo de la Quimioterapia e Industria Farmacologica. Particularmente fertiles han sido, los resultados en lo que se refiere al estudio de gran numero de cuerpos cuyos puntos selectivos de accion parecen interesar caracteristicamente, a ciertas esferas fisiologicas dependientes del sistema nervioso autonomo, o bien, a la clase y modo de reaccion con la cual, la generalidad o solamente, territorios organicos circunscritos, responden autonoma y fisiopatologicamente a gentes y estimulos, natural o artificialmente formados, que los apartan de su normalidad.

Design of a drug administration decision support tool based on decision trees


El presente artículo muestra los resultados de un proyecto de investigación basado en la definición de modelos operativos aplicables al procedimiento de administración de medicamentos y el diseño de una herramienta informática básica para la toma de decisiones, que brinde mayor trazabilidad e impacte en la reducción de errores, al mismo tiempo que permita la estimación de probabilidades de ocurrencia de errores durante el proceso a través de árboles de decisión. La herramienta informática y el modelo propuesto fueron validados con personal de enfermería y data real de la clínica colaboradora

[Proposed model for managing drugs used for unregistered indications in Colombia]

PubMed, 2016

The use of drugs for unregistered indications, known as "off-label" use, is a practice that creates problems of rational use and access when other options are not available. Health systems should address this situation, particularly in connection with decisions concerning coverage, while trying to minimize health risks and clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved. Colombia's Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MinSalud), together with the National University of Colombia and national experts, developed a proposal for a model for managing drugs being used for unregistered indications (off-label) and their potential reimbursement with public resources, taking into account international practices and country characteristics. The management model is non-punitive and is geared toward promoting the rational use of these drugs so that barriers to access are reduced whenever their use is supported by solid scientific evidence. The model addresses patient safeguards in the bioethical domain and the roles and responsibilities of the prescriber and government entities.

[Classification and variability of drug assessment reports on the GENESIS group (SEFH) webpage]

Farmacia hospitalaria : órgano oficial de expresión científica de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria

To analyse the assessment reports published on the GENESIS webpage (Group for Innovation, Assessment, Standardisation and Research in the Selection of Drugs) and assess the variability of the group's proposals to include drugs in the Formulary. We analysed reports published by hospitals on the GENESIS webpage between 2004 and 2007. Data were collected on drugs and indications, ATC group, open or restricted access publications, hospital, and publication date. We drafted a questionnaire that would measure to what extent to what extent the 9-section model recommended by GENESIS was included in each report. For drugs with two or more reports, we analysed whether the recommendation coincided and the possible cause in the event of conflict. We analysed 416 reports corresponding to 185 different drug indications. 93% included 6 or more of the recommended sections, a number which increased over time. The most frequently included sections were: approved indications (92%), mechanism of ac...


The problems associated with both occasional and frequent excessive alcohol consumption, involve social, psychological and physical issues. In the European Union these problems have a major impact on mortality, with 115,000 annual deaths in people under 70, and on disability, being alcohol the third among twenty-six risk factors for poor health, only behind smoking and hypertension. This manuscript aims to show the important role of health professionals, particularly family and occupational physicians and pharmacists, in the early detection of excessive alcohol consumption and related problems through the use of simple and easily accessible tools. Rev.cienc.biomed. 2011; 2 (1):86-90