Necessary conditions for the existence of invariant algebraic curves for planar polynomial systems (original) (raw)

Integrability of Planar Polynomial Differential Systems through Linear Differential Equations

Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2006

In this work, we consider rational ordinary differential equations dy/dx = Q(x, y)/P (x, y), with Q(x, y) and P (x, y) coprime polynomials with real coefficients. We give a method to construct equations of this type for which a first integral can be expressed from two independent solutions of a second-order homogeneous linear differential equation. This first integral is, in general, given by a non Liouvillian function.

Integrability and algebraic solutions for planar polynomial differential systems with emphasis on the quadratic systems

The paper is divided into two parts. In the first one we present a survey about the theory of Darboux for the integrability of polynomial differential equations. In the second part we apply all mentioned results on Darboux theory to study the integrability of real quadratic systems having an invariant conic. The fact that two intersecting straight lines or two parallel straight lines are particular cases of conics allows us to study simultaneously the integrability of quadratic systems having at least two invariant straight lines.

On a Liouville Integrable Planar Differential System with Non-Algebraic Limit Cycle

2021 International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Informatics (ICRAMI)

In this paper, we prove that a class of differential system of degree nine is Liouville integrable by transforming it into a Bernoulli differential equation and we determine exactly its first integral. This allows us to show that this class admits an explicit non-algebraic limit cycle enclosing the origin, here a non-elementary singular point. For singularities, at infinity, this class does not possess singular points.

Integrability and algebraic limit cycles for polynomial differential systems with homogeneous nonlinearities

Journal of Differential Equations, 2004

We consider the class of polynomial differential equations ' x ¼ lx À y þ P n ðx; yÞ; ' y ¼ x þ ly þ Q n ðx; yÞ; where P n and Q n are homogeneous polynomials of degree n: These systems have a focus at the origin if la0; and have either a center or a focus if l ¼ 0: Inside this class we identify a new subclass of Darbouxian integrable systems having either a focus or a center at the origin. Additionally, under generic conditions such Darbouxian integrable systems can have at most one limit cycle, and when it exists is algebraic. For the case n ¼ 2 and 3; we present new classes of Darbouxian integrable systems having a focus.

Quadratic systems with an algebraic limit cycle of degree 2 or 4 do not have a Liouvillian first integral


We consider the families of quadratic systems in the projective plane with algebraic limit cycles of degree 2 or 4. There are no algebraic limit cycles of degree 3 for a quadratic system. Until the moment, no other families of quadratic systems with an algebraic limit cycle, not birrationally equivalent to the ones that we study, have been found. We prove that none of these systems has a Liouvillian first integral. Our main tool is the characterization of the form of the cofactor of an irreducible invariant algebraic curve, when this curve exists, by means of the study of the singular points of the system. For obtaining this characterization of the form of the cofactor we consider the behavior of the solutions of the system in a neighborhood of a critical point.

A family of quadratic polynomial differential systems with algebraic solutions of arbitrary high degree

arXiv (Cornell University), 2014

We show that the algebraic curve a 0 (x)(y − r(x)) + p 2 (x)a ′ (x) = 0, where r(x) and p 2 (x) are polynomial of degree 1 and 2 respectively and a 0 (x) is a polynomial solution of the convenient Fucsh's equation, is an invariant curve of the quadratic planar differential system. We study the particular case when a 0 (x) is an orthogonal polynomials. We prove that that in this case the quadratic differential system is Liouvillian integrable.