Microbial community structures in anoxic freshwater lake sediment along a metal contamination gradient (original) (raw)
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Hyporheic Microbial Community Development Is a Sensitive Indicator of Metal Contamination
Environmental Science & Technology, 2009
Accurate natural resource damage assessment necessitates monitoring organisms or communities that respond most sensitively to contaminants. Observational studies have demonstrated a correlation between fluvial heavy metal deposition and hyporheic microbial community structure. To establish a causal relationship between sediment metal content and the structure of colonizing bacterial communities, we performed a controlled field experiment. River sediments of 1.75-2.36 mm in diameter with five different contaminant concentrations were collected from an environmental metal contamination gradient. Sediments were sterilized and then recolonized by incubation in the hyporheic zone of an uncontaminated river (i.e., a common garden experiment was performed). A significant correlation between hyporheic microbial community structure and heavy metal contamination (R 2 ) 0.81) was observed. The abundance of two phylogenetic groups was highly correlated with the level of heavy metal contamination (Group I, R 2 ) 0.96; Group III, R 2 ) 0.96, most closely affiliated with the R-and γ-proteobacteria, respectively). Microbial community structural responses were detected at metal concentrations an order of magnitude lower than those previously reported to impact benthic macroinvertebrate communities. We conclude that hyporheic microbial communities could offer the most sensitive method for assessing natural resource damage in lotic ecosystems in response to fluvial heavy metal deposition.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Microorganisms play vital roles in Earth's biogeochemical cycles. Identifying disturbances in microbial communities due to anthropogenic contamination can provide insights into the health of ecosystems. Picher, Oklahoma, was the site of large-scale mining operations for Pb, Zn, and other heavy metals until the mid-1950s, operating within the Tri-State Mining District (TSMD) of Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma. Although mining ceased decades ago, high concentrations of heavy metals (>1000 ppm) remain in area soil and water systems. Previously, we mapped metal concentrations on samples collected from mine tailings in Picher and along cardinal-direction transects within an 8.05-km radius of the town. To elucidate changes in microbial community structure due to regional metal contamination, 16S rRNA gene sequences and qPCR calculations of total Bacteria and Archaea were analyzed against these metal concentrations. Bacteria were negatively and significantly correlated with Pb, Cd, Zn, and Mg; however, Archaea was only significantly and positively correlated with pH. Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA genes showed significant differences in microbial communities of chat and west transect samples. Comparison of soil chemistrywith community structure indicated that Al, Pb, Cd, and Zn significantly impacted community composition and distribution of individual OTUs. Mapping the distribution of heavy-metal contamination and microbial communities in these soils represents the first step in understanding effects of long-term, heavy-metal contamination at a basic trophic level.
Abundance and diversity of Archaea in heavy-metal-contaminated soils
Applied and environmental microbiology, 1999
The impact of heavy-metal contamination on archaean communities was studied in soils amended with sewage sludge contaminated with heavy metals to varying extents. Fluorescent in situ hybridization showed a decrease in the percentage of Archaea from 1.3% +/- 0.3% of 4', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-stained cells in untreated soil to below the detection limit in soils amended with heavy metals. A comparison of the archaean communities of the different plots by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed differences in the structure of the archaean communities in soils with increasing heavy-metal contamination. Analysis of cloned 16S ribosomal DNA showed close similarities to a unique and globally distributed lineage of the kingdom Crenarchaeota that is phylogenetically distinct from currently characterized crenarchaeotal species.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2003
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Microbial Ecology, 2003
The abundance, distribution, and phylogenetic diversity of members of the Fe(III)-reducing family Geobacteraceae were studied along a gradient of metal contaminants in Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Partial 16S rRNA gene fragments were amplified by PCR using primers directed toward conserved regions of the gene within the family Geobacteraceae. Analysis of amplicons separated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) suggested within-site variation was as great as between-site variation. Amplicons were cloned and grouped by RFLP type and DGGE migration distance and representatives were sequenced. Grouping clones with 3% or less sequence dissimilarity, 15 distinct phylotypes were identified compared to 16 distinct DGGE bands.
Microbial Ecology, 2011
The deposition of mine tailings generated from 125 years of sulfidic ore mining resulted in the enrichment of Coeur d'Alene River (CdAR) sediments with significant amounts of toxic heavy metals. A review of literature suggests that microbial populations play a pivotal role in the biogeochemical cycling of elements in such miningimpacted sedimentary environments. To assess the indigenous microbial communities associated with metal-enriched sediments of the CdAR, high-density 16S microarray (PhyloChip) and clone libraries specific to bacteria (16S rRNA), ammonia oxidizers (amoA), and methanogens (mcrA) were analyzed. PhyloChip analysis provided a comprehensive assessment of bacterial populations and detected the largest number of phylotypes in Proteobacteria followed by Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. Furthermore, PhyloChip and clone libraries displayed considerable metabolic diversity in indigenous microbial populations by capturing several chemolithotrophic groups such as ammonia oxidizers, iron-reducers and -oxidizers, methanogens, and sulfate-reducers in the CdAR sediments. Twentytwo phylotypes detected on PhyloChip could not be classified even at phylum level thus suggesting the presence of novel microbial populations in the CdAR sediments. Clone libraries demonstrated very limited diversity of ammonia oxidizers and methanogens in the CdAR sediments as evidenced by the fact that only Nitrosospira-and Methanosarcina-related phylotypes were retrieved in amoA and mcrA clone libraries, respectively.
Metal-induced bacterial interactions promote diversity in river-sediment microbiomes
Background Anthropogenic metal contamination results in long-term environmental selective pressure with unclear impacts on bacterial communities, key players in ecosystem functioning. Since metal contamination poses serious toxicity and bioaccumulation issues, assessing their impact on environmental microbiomes is important to respond to current environmental and health issues. Despite elevated metal concentrations, river sedimentary microbiome near the MetalEurop foundry (France) show unexpected higher diversity compared to upstream control site. In this work, a follow-up of the microbial community assembly during a metal contamination event was performed in microcosms with periodic renewal of the supernatant river water.Results Sediments of the control site were gradually exposed to a mixture of metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn), in order to reach similar concentrations to MetalEurop sediments. Illumina sequencing analysis of 16S rRNA gene amplicons was performed. Metal resistance genes ...
Environmental microbiology, 2018
Using the 16S rRNA and mcrA genes, we investigated the composition, abundance and activity of sediment archaeal communities within 18 high-mountain lakes under contrasted metal levels from different origins (bedrock erosion, past-mining activities and atmospheric depositions). Bathyarchaeota, Euryarchaeota and Woesearchaeota were the major phyla found at the meta-community scale, representing 48%, 18.3% and 15.2% of the archaeal community, respectively. Metals were equally important as physicochemical variables in explaining the assemblage of archaeal communities and their abundance. Methanogenesis appeared as a process of central importance in the carbon cycle within sediments of alpine lakes as indicated by the absolute abundance of methanogen 16S rRNA and mcrA gene transcripts (10 to 10 copies g ). We showed that methanogen abundance and activity were significantly reduced with increasing concentrations of Pb and Cd, two indicators of airborne metal contaminations. Considering th...
Aquatic Sciences, 2013
Lake sediments in areas close to the outlet of wastewater treatment plants are sinks for pollutants. Bacterial communities in sediments are likely affected by the released effluents, but in turn they might modify the distribution and bioavailability of pollutants. On the shore of Lake Geneva, Switzerland, wastewater from the City of Lausanne is treated and discharged into the lake via an outlet pipe in the Vidy Bay. The objectives of this study were to assess (1) the impact of the treated wastewater release on the bacterial communities in the Vidy Bay sediments and (2) the potential link between bacterial communities and trace metal sediment content. Bacterial community composition and abundance were assessed in sediments collected in three areas with different levels of contamination. The main factors affecting bacterial communities were inferred by linking biological data with chemical analyses on these sediments. Near to the outlet pipe, large quantities of bacterial cells were detected in the three upper most cm (3.2 9 10 9 cells assessed by microscopy and 1.7 9 10 10 copies of the 16S rRNA gene assessed by quantitative PCR, per gram of wet sediment), and the dominant bacterial groups were those typically found in activated sludge (e.g. Acidovorax defluivii and Hydrogenophaga caeni). Three samples in an area further away from the outlet and one sample close to it were characterized by 50 % of endospore-forming Firmicutes (Clostridium spp.) and a clear enrichment in trace metal content. These results highlight the potential role of endospore-forming Firmicutes on transport and deposition of trace metals in sediments. Keywords Sediments Á Bacterial communities Á Firmicutes Á Trace metals Á High-throughput DNA sequencing Á Lake Geneva This article is part of the special issue ''éLEMO-investigations using MIR submersibles in Lake Geneva''.
Metagenomic insights into evolution of a heavy metal-contaminated groundwater microbial community
Understanding adaptation of biological communities to environmental change is a central issue in ecology and evolution. Metagenomic analysis of a stressed groundwater microbial community reveals that prolonged exposure to high concentrations of heavy metals, nitric acid and organic solvents (~;;50 years) have resulted in a massive decrease in species and allelic diversity as well as a significant loss of metabolic diversity. Although the surviving microbial community possesses all metabolic pathways necessary for survival and growth in such an extreme environment, its structure is very simple, primarily composed of clonal denitrifying ?-and ?-proteobacterial populations. The resulting community is over-abundant in key genes conferring resistance to specific stresses including nitrate, heavy metals and acetone. Evolutionary analysis indicates that lateral gene transfer could be a key mechanism in rapidly responding and adapting to environmental contamination. The results presented in this study have important implications in understanding, assessing and predicting the impacts of human-induced activities on microbial communities ranging from human health to agriculture to environmental management, and their responses to environmental changes.