Related papers
Forests, 2021
The National Park “Smolny” is a large forest area, located in the center of European Russia. The helminth fauna of myomorph rodents was studied for the first time within the National Park in 2018–2020. Rodents were examined by the method of complete helminthological dissection. A total of 30 species of parasites were recorded in 11 rodent species: 6 trematodes, 11 cestodes and 13 nematodes. The trematode Plagiorchis maculosus (Rudolphi, 1802) was found in Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber, 1780) from the Russian fauna for the first time. Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus arvalis (Pallas, 1779) are new hosts for P. maculosus and metacestode Versteria mustelae (Gmelin, 1790), respectively. The most widespread and eurybiont rodent species have the most diverse and rich helminth fauna, such as C/ glareolus (14 species), Apodemus agrarius (Pallas, 1771) (12) and Sylvaemus uralensis (Pallas, 1811) (10). The helminth fauna is less diverse in Sylvaemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1834), M. ar...
Helminthes of mouse-like rodents in the Belogorye State Nature Reserve (Russia)
Nature Conservation Research, 2020
The study was conducted in 2016-2017 on three sites in the Belogorye State Nature Reserve (Russia) located in the forest-steppe zone. These sites are 1) «Les na Vorskle», upland oak (Quercus robur) forest; 2) «Ostrasyevy Yary», ravine oak forest, grass-meadow steppe; 3) «Yamskaya Step'», Sury valley, shrublands and forb meadow steppe, Eremkin Log valley, upland oak forest, forb meadow steppe. The small mammals investigated in this present parasitological study were caught using snap traps. These traps were established in lines of 50 or 100 traps per line. In addition, single traps and cone-shape pitfall traps (average length of 30 m) were used. The caught rodents (118 specimens) concern five species: Myodes glareolus, Microtus arvalis, Sylvaemus flavicollis, Sylvaemus uralensis, and Apodemus agrarius. The total prevalence by helminthes was 72%. About 91% of the Muridae animals were infected, while the prevalence of infestation was 55.6% among the Cricetidae specimens. We registered 20 helminth taxa belonging to three classes, six orders, and 12 families. Among the trematodes only eurixenous species were found. Among the cestodes, eurixenous species predominated. Among the nematodes, eurixenous and stenoxenous species were present in almost equal proportion. Dominant species are characterised by maximal values of prevalence of infestation. There were Hymenolepis sp. (17%) among Plathelminthes, species of Syphacia (35.6%) and Heligmosomoides (27.1%) among Nematoda, including Syphacia stroma (17%) and Heligmosomoides polygyrus (14.4%). The other helminth species registered in the present study were either small in number (with prevalence of invasion from 2% to 14%) or rare (with prevalence of invasion less than 2%). Platynosomum muris (Trematoda, Dicrocoeliidae) and Pterothominx sadovskoi (Nematoda, Capillariidae) were reported for the first time in the Central Chernozem Region of Russia.
Russian Journal of Theriology, 2021
The helminth's fauna of small mammals of the Smolny National Park (Republic of Mordovia, Russia) was studied during 2018-2019. In total, 973 individuals of 14 species of small mammals were trapped, including 9 individuals of Microtus subterraneus (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Four European pine voles were found to be infected by helminths. The helminth fauna of pine voles was analyzed in Russia for the first time. Average abundance of helminths was found as 1.0. Three species of helminths were reported, namely: Anoplocephaloides dentata s. l., Hydatigera taeniaeformis s. l. (larva) and Heligmosomoides laevis. These are known as common parasites of the Microtus voles. The helminth fauna found in Microtus subterraneus is formed by the rodent's lifestyle, it defined by herbivory of pine voles. The low species richness of helminths in the pine voles may also associated with a small number of animals studied and the low infection level of the rodents is defined by low abundance of this vole species in a wild. The review on the helminth's fauna in Microtus subterraneus in the European range is presented. To date, 23 helminth species are recorded for the pine voles, namely: Trematoda-1, Cestoda-16 and Nematoda-6.
Acta Parasitologica, 2010
The helminths of two sympatric species of rodents, the striped field mouse Apodemus agrarius and the yellow-necked mouse, Apodemus flavicollis from Slovakia were studied to determine whether there are similarities in the composition of the helminth fauna of two closely related host species living in the same area. A total of twelve species of helminths were identified in these rodent populations, including Brachylaima sp. (Trematoda); Hymenolepis diminuta (Rudolphi, 1819), Mesocestoides sp. larvae, Rodentolepis fraterna (Stiles, 1906), Rodentolepis straminea (Goeze, 1782), Skrjabinotaenia lobata (Baer, 1925), Taenia taeniaeformis larvae (Batsch, 1786) (Cestoda); Aonchotheca annulosa (Dujardin, 1845), Heligmosomoides polygyrus (Dujardin, 1845), Heterakis spumosa Schneider, 1866, Mastophorus muris (Gmelin, 1790) and Syphacia stroma (Linstow, 1884) (Nematoda). In A. agrarius, H. polygyrus was the most prevalent, as well as the most abundant helminth, but R. fraterna was the species with the highest mean intensity. In contrast, S. stroma dominated the A. flavicollis helminth fauna with the highest prevalence, mean abundance and mean intensity. Both rodent populations harboured nine helminth species, although the mean individual species richness was significantly higher in A. agrarius than in A. flavicollis. The analysis of helminth diversity at both component and infracommunity levels revealed differences between the two rodent populations, which are most likely attributable to the specific host ecology.
One of the most important factors in the development of prevention of helminthiasis in the wild are the methods of evaluation of different types of land according to the degree of risk of infection in these animals. It is based on a detailed study of the biological characteristics of parasites and hosts, providing their contact in the external environment to find opportunities to limit or interrupt it. Wild animals of different species living on natural sites as well as domestic animals are susceptible to many infectious diseases. There were contagious, fungous and parasitic diseases registered in game animals and birds. Parasitic diseases in wild animals can manifest themselves as single cases or affect large groups of animals on large territories that is to become epizootic. Helminthological examinations by K.I. Skrybin method were conducted on 7 head (2 elk and 5 dappled deer): elks- 1 male 4-5 year of age, hit by a car in Uralskaya street of Moscow (Yauzsky forest-park); 1 elk male 1,5 year of age, called Alyoshka (Elk biostation) and dappled deer – 4 females 1,5-3 years of age, teared to pieces by dogs, one year old male. The helminths fauna of wild animals was dominated by nematodes. IE by helminths came up to 100%, of which the larger part was represented by intestinal Strongylata.
Nematodes of rodents of Armenia
This review summarizes known data on the species composition of nematodes in 24 species of rodents inhabiting the territory of Armenia (South of Lesser Caucasus). The studied rodents include members of some cosmopolitan species (Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Rattus rattus), as well as endemic and narrow-areal species (Meriones vinogradovi, Spermophilus xanthoprymnus, Microtus schidlovskii, Mesocricetus brandti, Sciurus anomalus). The taxonomical identity of the nematode species reported by previous authors is discussed with regard to present knowledge about helminth fauna of rodents. Our review concludes that 34 nematode species are present in rodents in Armenia, five of which are identified for the first time in rodents from the territory of Armenia, and three of which (Trichinella spiralis, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Trichostrongylus skrjabini) are able to parasitize humans.
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
Bjelic-caBrilO, O., D. KOstic, e. POPOvic, M. cirKOvic, N. aleKsic and j. lujic, 2011. Helminth fauna of the bank vole Myodes glareolus (rodentia, arvicolinae) on the territory of Fruska Gora Mountain (serbia) – a potential source of zoonoses. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 17: 829-836 the quantitative and qualitative composition of the helminth fauna of 588 bank voles (Myodes glareolus) from the territory of Fruska Gora Mountain (serbia) were analysed with the aim to determine if the species is a natural reservoir of any zoonotic infection. The presence of nine nematode and five cestodes species was detected. the following roundworm species were revealed: Capillaria murissylvatici (Dieseng, 1851, Nematoda: capillarii-dae), Trichocephalus muris (schrank, 1788, Nematoda: trichuriidae), Heligmosomoides glareoli (Baylis, 1928, Nematoda: Heligmosomidae), H. polygirus (Dujardin, 1845), Heligmosomum mixtum (schulz, 1954, Nematoda: Heligmosomidae), Aspiculuris tetraptera (Nitzsch, 1821, Nematoda: O...
Helminth fauna of rodents (Mammalia, Rodentia) from Zasavica (Serbia)
Forty-four individuals of small rodents from the Zasavica locality were examined for the presence of helminth parasites. These included 12 striped field mice (Apodemus agrarius), 18 wood mice (A. sylvaticus), 2 yellownecked mice (A. flavicollis), 6 house mice (Mus musculus) and 6 voles identified only as belonging to the genus Microtus. Nine different helminth species were identified, with 8 individual roundworms identified only as genus Syphacia, and 19 individual flukes identified only as genus Brachylaima. Five species of helminth were roundworms (Capillaria murissylvatici, Heterakis spumosa, Heligmosomum costellatum, Rictularia proni, Trichocephalus muris), three were tapeworms (Hymenolepis fraterna, Rodentolepis straminea, Skrjabinotaenia lobata) and one was the fluke Plagiorchis elegans. The total prevalence of helminth infection was approximately 45%, and the dominant roundworm species was H. spumosa, which was found in around 34% of the individuals. The wood mouse was identified as a new host for the roundworms C. murissylvatici, Heterakis spumosa, Heligmosomum costellatum and R. proni, and for the tapeworms R. straminea, S. lobata and Hymenolepis fraterna on the territory of Serbia. The flukes P. elegans and Brachylaima sp. and the tapeworm S. lobata are reported for the first time on the territory of Serbia.
helminth parasite species richness in rodents from South East Asia :role of host species and habitat
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Helminths of wild ungulates living in different regions of Belarus
Rossiĭskiĭ Parazitologicheskiĭ Zhurnal, 2022
The purpose of the research is to study of the features of the fauna of wild ungulates helminths on the different regions of the Belarus. Materials and methods. The research was carried out in the State Research-Production Association "The Scientifically-Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for bio-resources" and in forestry farms of Belarus. The distribution of ungulates in winter was studied using winter route counts. GPS receivers were used for a reliable assessment of biotope confinement. We used the method of counting game animals by year-round mapping of encounters and tracks with the help of thermal imagers. To assess the seasonal distribution, the structure of the biocenosis was compared with the distribution of wild ungulate species on it. To assess the species selectivity of a certain biocenosis, the share of the species in the biotope and the share of this biotope in the farm were determined. The G-test was used to analyze the obtained materials. Animal feces were examined using the McMaster, sedimentation, and flotation methods. Results and discussion. It is determined that in the model forest areas, the red deer dominates in the structure of ungulates. Biotopes with stand density above 0.6 ungulates sem. Reindeer are used to an insignificant extent (K =-0.2, G = 42.7, P = 0.03). The biotopic distribution of roe deer in spring and autumn does not differ significantly (G = 116.7, P = 0.01). At this time, animals prefer areas with a predominance of broad-leaved species (D or.) (K = 0.86, G = 53.1, P < 0.01). During the rutting season, pinemoss forests are preferred (G = 37.4, P < 0.01). In the warm season, the red deer prefers forests with a predominance of pine trees in the stand (K = 0.6, G = 37.4, P < 0.01). Bilberry pine forests are preferred by females in spring and summer (adults and semi-adults) (K = 0.42, G = 32.4, P <0.01), males-mossy pine forests during the growing season (K = 0.22, G = 28.91, P = 0.03). In the parasitological situation in the red deer population, representatives of the Cestoda class are replaced by representatives of the Trematoda class. Representatives of the class Nematoda, genus Dictyocaulus sp. remain dominant. Representatives of the genus Strongylata, Trichostrongylus and Protostrongylus are constantly present. The genera Chabertia, Neoascaris, Cooperia are replaced, of the Nematoda class into the following genera: Oesophagostomum, Capillaria, Muellerius capillaris of the same class. The coefficient of common species composition of red deer and European roe worms is 46%, European roe and elk-18, red deer and elk-22%. On the territory of the Republic of Belarus, a rich species composition of helminths was revealed in European bison and a high degree of occurrence of helminths in this host. More than half of the animals in bison populations are carriers of infection with helminths: Belovezhskaya-51.3, Polesskaya-89.05%. Moreover, most of them have one type of helminths (from 50.0 to 66.7%) or two types of helminths (from 25.0 to 38.0%). Three or more types of helminths recorded simultaneously are rare. Representatives of the Nematoda class are 6 times superior to other classes of parasitic helminths (G = 39.8; Р < 0.01).